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哈佛第周历成毕生珍贵记忆然哈佛周予宝贵 财富遇学遇朴实 嘉佩乐音乐会演唱动歌曲艺秀表演精彩提琴独奏听 堂课阐述深刻见解惊讶已够欣赏身边天赋学相伴 正哈佛第周体验宝贵历周已四年学生活前头——真 令迫
家会做梦 睡着时候做样梦弊利例设想梦见吃麦粒结果醒发现半张床垫没说种梦境确切说想愿景抱负未炽烈希梦想灵魂歌没灵魂生命仅躯壳形体存梦想生命会富意义目标
尼尔·皮尔特Rush摇滚乐队鼓手词作者位作家哲请等优美表述生活梦想间关系:生命支蜡烛梦想点燃安利公司创始理查德·M·德沃斯谈希火:心怀梦想志时时刻刻渴希没尝试切付诸现实 种生命更富悲剧性?梦想发出摇曳微弱光亮永远迸发出火焰
Clubs and Societies
Parties drinking eating oh and working all help pass the time but deep down there's something you're really eager to find but you can't quite put your finger on What you have been looking for my friend is the chance to throw yourself into the world of University Societies and discover the huge range of activities which thrive in a city like Oxford
Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or develop new ones your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly large array of clubs at the OUSU Freshers’ Fair With your Freshers’ Fair ticket you can get your hands on a brandnew edition of the comprehensive guide to all things at Oxford If you miss the Fair don't despair you can see what societies are offered in the Oxford Directory a handbook issued to you in Freshers’ Week Take a while to browse through it's your one major chance to find out about what goes on in the University
The degree to which people get involved in societies varies a great deal Some totally immerse themselves in a club hardly speaking to anyone who isn't a member of that group for the next three years and rising to become a leader of the organization Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seem interesting Many people perhaps foolishly completely ignore University societies and just hang out with mates in college
投身社团生活程度相完全沉醉俱乐部接三年里非俱乐部成员说话直成该组织领导者余更愿意选择灵活方式参加社团参加感兴趣活动 许许点笨完全视学社团存学里伙伴起发时间
Societies offer a great chance to meet people from outside college which especially for arts students is something it is sometimes difficult to do But don't forget that most colleges2 have their own flourishing societies which you may be able to join in your college during Freshers’ Week Music and drama are often popular and it is very easy to get some mates together and start something up If you have ambitions to open up your new Shakespearian Rap Society3 to the whole University you can register it with the University Proctors who give out startup grants and loans among other benefits
One of the downsides especially with larger societies is the hacking which takes place 'Hack' is the negative term applied to those seeking advancement (usually to President) in whatever Club or Society and some clubs such as the Oxford Union or the Guild Society tend to attract those with the spark of ambition more than others When students suddenly remember their blank CVs5 which are supposed to secure them a highly paid job once they graduate hackery is almost inevitable Do not be afraid though the vast majority of students tend to avoid such selfseeking behaviour and get on with life
      With over 300 registered societies there really is something for everyone Apart from the obvious political parties and sports clubs there are groups for all the main religions societies interested in the society and culture of countries from China to Bulgaria and UK regions from Scotland to Essex charities for those interested in voluntary work literature music drama and scifi and a fair number of strange groups such as the LMH Pudding Societythe Oxford Stunt Factory and the Pooh Sticks Society You won't get bored
I decided early in my college years that I wanted to experience living abroad before entering in the real world During my senior year while most of my friends were interviewing for real world jobs I was
investigating how I could go work in a different country At that early stage of my inquiry I was pretty open about where to go and what kind of work to undertake My desire to live abroad was so strong that I was willing to do anything anywhere
Soon I learned about BUNAC a program that seemed to be designed precisely for students with such interests BUNAC offers work visas for students or recent graduates to work overseas Of the six countries available I chose England because of the language and opportunities for employment
Two months after I graduated from college I crossed the Atlantic I traveled throughout Europe for six weeks before arriving in London I got to London on August 24 1997 with a work visa but no job or place to live I have to admit it was pretty scary The day after I arrived I experienced my first British holidayBank Holiday a national holiday where everything is closed for the day It wasn't until my third day that I visited the BUNAC office and went through orientation At the orientation I learned all about living and working in Britain I learned about getting around in the city making a CV (Curriculum VitaeBritish resume) paying taxes getting health insurance traveling around Britain finding accommodations and most importantly finding a job I was most scared about finding a job since my financial resources were running low and I needed to get a paycheck soon
It turns out that finding a job was just as easy as making a CV The BUNAC program is very well known in London and many employers participate in the program As a result there are many employers in many different fields to choose from My job search began when I chose three different business employers and faxed them my cover letter1 and CV That first week I had three interviews I accepted my first offer working for Merrill Lynch International Bank The Merrill Lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful old building located two blocks from Buckingham Palace The people were nice and the work interesting
It was easy to adjust to life in London And there is so much to see that after six months exploring I probably covered only half of what I intended
Working in London has many advantages For one I truly get to learn the culture by being immersed in its workforce Most of my coworkers were British so I feel like I really got to know and learn the British culture through such a huge aspect of a British person's daily life Secondly it is an economical way to live and travel in another country since most jobs pay enough to cover rent living expenses and some travel expenses And thirdly I have the chance to gain valuable work experience and internationalize my resume
Working in London has been the best decision I have made so far I would not hesitate for a second to recommend it to anyone
When I was quite young I discovered that somewhere inside the telephone lived an amazing person Information Please and there was nothing she did not know
时候发现电话里什方住着神奇 — 信息台知
My first personal experience with this person came one day while my mother was out Amusing myself at the tool bench I hit my finger with a hammer The pain was terrible but there was no one home to give me any sympathy I walked around the house sucking my pounding finger finally arriving at the telephone
Quickly I unhooked the receiver and held it to my ear Information Please I said into the mouthpiece After a click or two a small clear voice spoke into my ear
hurt my finger I wept loudly The tears came readily enough now that I had an audience
Isn't your mother home
  Nobody's home but me I cried
  Are you bleeding
  No I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts
  Can you open your icebox she asked I said I could
  Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger
  After that I called Information Please for everything I asked her for help with my geography or with my math
When my pet canary died I told Information Please the sad story She tried to soothe me But I was not consoled I asked her Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage She must have sensed my deep concern for she said quietly Paul always remember that there are other worlds to sing in Somehow I felt better    Another day I was on the telephone How do you spell grateful’
鸟金丝雀死时告诉信息台痛苦消息试图安慰伤心问什鸟歌唱听家庭开心头变成笼底堆羽毛呢?定体会深深痛楚静说保罗永远记住外世界唱歌知感受天起电话问拼写 感激’呢?
All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest When I was 9 we moved to Boston
As I grew into my teens the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me I appreciated now how patient understanding and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy
A few years later on my way to college my plane put down in Seattle I had about h 1 观众定错音乐演出否会予高度评价(must have done speak highly of)alf an hour or so between planes Without thinking I dialed my hometown operator and said Information please
      Miraculously I heard the small clear voice I knew so well Information I hadn't planned on this but I heard myself saying Could you please tell me how to spell grateful’
      There was a long pause Then came the softspoken answer I guess your finger must have healed by now
      I laughed So it's really still you I said I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time

      I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her againPlease do she said Just ask for Sally
Three months later I was back in Seattle A different voice answered Information I asked for Sally Are you a friend She said Yes a very old friend I answered
     I'm sorry to tell you this she said Sally died five weeks ago
     Before I could hang up she said Wait a minute Did you say your name was Paul
      Well Sally left a message for you She said Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in He'll know what I mean’    
  I thanked her and hung up I knew what Sally meant





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《我的哈佛岁月》读书笔记  李欧梵先生是我敬重的海外中国现代文学的研究者,我至今仍清楚地记得当年读大学,第一次捧读《铁屋中的呐喊》时的震动和愉悦,及至读到他的《狐狸洞呓语》,始在语言的轻松机智和见解的独到深刻背后了解到欧梵先生“狐狸型”的治学方式和为人的性情,更添了一份学术之外的亲切。近来欧梵先生又有新著《我的哈佛岁月》面世(江苏教育出版社,XX年5月第1版),我耳闻后忙找来一睹为快,同时也

z***n 9年前 上传400   0


中班语言领域第一周说说我的老师活动目标:  1、了解喜欢自己的老师。  2、能比较清楚地讲述一件事并学会向其他人提问。活动准备:  有关反应老师个人、家庭以及生活的各种资料。活动过程:  1、看看有关老师的图片资料:  (1)幼儿看有关老师的图片资料:  ——“你们想知道老师的秘密吗?你可以和你的朋友一起看看、说说老师在什么地方?在干什么?也可以来问问我。”  (2)幼儿自

教***地 2年前 上传492   0


哈佛经理的思想观念  1.哈佛经理的现代观念  我们强调要哈佛经理具有现代观念,那么,就具体而言将包含哪些观念呢?下面试着列举一些哈佛经理的现代观念。  □ 战略观念  作为一名哈佛经理不仅要象一个高明的战术家一样去完成每一件事,更应该以一个战略家的姿态未卜先知,抢占制高点,从而在新的变化面前从容不迫。所谓战略观,原意是指对战争全局的分析判断而作出的筹划和

l***3 10年前 上传484   0


 第三章哈佛经理的 心理完善一、 训练自信心理 □ 自我肯定的含义 与别人建立开放、真诚、直接和适当的沟通行为,就是自我肯定的行为。 自我肯定的行为可以增加一个人选择的自由度。当一个人拥有选择的自由时,自尊自重的感受会取代压抑、委屈或愤怒等伤害人的情感。 在讨论自我肯定时,十分强调一个人是否自尊自重

C***1 10年前 上传589   0


第四章 哈佛经理的应变与 危机处理能力 一、哈佛经理与突发事件和危机 随着科学技术的进步,社会生产力的发展,以及利益群体的多元化,领导活动的时空跨度越来越大,个体中的参变量越来越多,领导对象的诸种构成也越来越复杂。因此,在领导活动中产生一些突发、危急和棘手事件并因此使组织陷入危机,在政治、经济、军事等各个领域

普***官 12年前 上传461   0


 第四章哈佛经理的 营销管理 营销工作的实施(Marketing Implementation),是指企业为实现其战略目标而致力于将营销战略和营销计划变为具体营销方案的过程。也就是要有效地调动企业的全部资源(人力、财力、物力)投入到日常业务活动中去。分析营销环境、制定营销战略和营销计划是解决企业营销活动应该“做什么”和“为什么要这样做”的问

a***t 10年前 上传420   0


第二章哈佛经理 职责检测(二)一、解决问题分析 □ 行为准则 1.监督要有身为问题解决者、问题解决推动者、问题解决协助者的觉悟,并本着积极的态度来努力解决问题 解决问题的态度若暖昧不明的话,在处理问题上就会变成被动,因而出现互相推卸责任,或解决问题时碰到障碍就半途而废的情形。职责是解决问题的钥匙,而管理者应该知

振***芬 9年前 上传736   0


 第二单元哈佛经理知识修养 读史使人明智,诗篇使人聪慧,数学使人精密,伦理使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人长于思辨。总之,知识能改变人的性格。 ——(英)培根名声就是华而不实的光和声,名声就像做投机买卖;信誉则是长久的果实,

张***鹏 10年前 上传777   0


第十三单元哈佛经理弊病诊治 尽力而为,向前看…… ——(美)乔治·布什 诚实的经理将比不诚实的经理更有成就。 —

不***言 12年前 上传504   0


第二章 哈佛经理时间 管理通则一、 办公促效法 □ 作业促效法1.将公司报表文件原稿与资料的纸张统一起来 最近的办公自动化设备,大多具备便捷的功能,复印机自动送稿(ADF),即为功能之因此,不必再费事地一张张换稿,一次次按键。即使不在一旁看着,也无所谓,可以大大的节省人力与时间。 可是,这种精心设计出来的功能,却出人意

下***章 9年前 上传601   0


第一单元 哈佛经理职业素质第一章 哈佛经理的个人魅力 一、风流人物的影响力 □哈佛经理影响力的社会心理依据 影响力一般指一个人在人际交往中,影响和改变他人的心理与行为的能力。经理的影响力,就是经理在领导活动中,有效地影响和改变被领导者的心理与行为,使之纳入群体活动目标轨道的能力。也就是经理的状况和行为在被

潇***英 11年前 上传496   0


第二章 哈佛经理的 管理知识一、管理的概念 □ 的定义 管理活动自古即有,但什么是“管理”,从不同的角度出发,可以有不同的理解。从字面上看,管理有“管辖”、“处理”、“管人”、“理事”等意,即对一定范围的人员及事务进行安排和处理。但是这种字面的解释是不可能严格地表达出管理本身所具有的完整含义的。 关于管理的定义,至今仍未得

d***y 9年前 上传434   0


第四单元哈佛经理的谋略 完成战还是逃的决定,要比战斗本身远为困难。 ——理查德·尼克松 如果良机不来,你就自创良机。 ——史迈尔 究竟谁是哈佛经理的对手,什么是哈佛经理战无不

r***a 12年前 上传578   0


第四章哈佛经理职责 检测手册(二)生产责任检测内容 □基本准则为了有效进行生产活动,必须完备下述三方面: 第一是要完善生产条件。生产条件是指根据企业经营的意志所决定的生产结构或生产力、厂房安排、作业编组等范围。第二是要完善生产计划,以便有效地推动生产。第三是完善生产管理技术,以便对生产计划和执行结果之间的差距采取有效的措施。 □

w***n 11年前 上传542   0

哈佛时间管理通则 104页

 哈佛时间管理通则   一、办公促效法   □ 促效法   1.将公司报表文件原稿与资料的纸张统一起来   最近的办公自动化设备,大多具备便捷的功能,复印机自动送稿(ADF),即为功能之因此,不必再费事地一张张换稿,一次次按键。即使不在一旁看着,也无所谓,可以大大的节省人力与时间。   可是,这种精心设计出来的功能,却出人意料的并未受到广泛的应用。其原因之一在于原稿的纸张大小

z***m 11年前 上传10509   0


第四章哈佛经理 思维方法 “科学思维方法”与“科学的思维方法”是有区别的,也是须先交待的问题。“科学的思维方法”是正确与错误、真理与谬误意义上的思维方法。而“科学思维方法”是科学精神与人文精神、自然科学与社会科学意义上的思维方法。科学思维方法是一些在自然科学领域中广泛采用、或具有自然科学特性、或以某自然科学为依据的思维方法,它侧重于定量分析和事实分析。这些方

t***u 11年前 上传410   0


第三章 哈佛经理 权力管理一、权力管理的必要性 哈佛经理对权力进行管理,是指哈佛经理运用科学方法和手段,对权力的运行进行监督、控制的一种活动,或者说是哈佛经理对行使职权所进行的权力管理活动。它是哈佛经理运用职权对本身和下属所从事的各种权力事务及其后果所进行的监督、检查、考核、评价等,因而有着按固定程序行使职权所不能达到的效果和作用。

冬***亮 11年前 上传563   0


 第二章哈佛经理的 心理分析一 、个性心理分析 □气质特征具体分析 人为什么会有性格上的差异呢?血液是形成性格的基本要素之一,而在这方面的研究,也就形成所谓的性格学。 根据血液显示,人的性格分别有A、B、AB、O型等四种类型。市面上也有许多有关这

h***b 10年前 上传441   0


第七章 哈佛经理的 自我完善一、 自我教育内容 在这个社会上,每年都造就了相当多的管理人员,但是能尽管理职责的人,到底占了多大比率? 接受管理职位的人,未必能担负起管理人员应尽的责任,管理人员应该明确地知道该有何种心理准备?该采取何种行动? 成为管理人员后,观念及思维都不能停留在普通职员或基层管

s***1 9年前 上传685   0


第三章哈佛经理 职责检测手册一、哈佛管理者各种责任检测内容□ 基本准则行政事务工作在执行业务时发挥了枢纽的作用,但它本身不可能成为目的。行政事务工作的性质是,只有了解了业务功能,事务工作存在的价值才会得到承认□ 有关内部行政管理规定的调查事项 (1)是否有内部管理规定?如有,应调查规定是否体系化,有哪些具体规定?

n***9 12年前 上传780   0


 第五章 哈佛经理会议 处理方案 对一般人来说,参与会议的机会往往要比主持会议的机会为多,因此不能无视参与会议的要领。尽管可以从前文所介绍的各种主持会议的技巧之中,隐隐约约地看出参与会议的诀窍,但仍想借以下的篇幅,将参与会议的人所必须特别留心的要领,作简略的说明。一、 建立正确心态 我们必须特别强调的是:在任何一个机构内,绝大多

y***1 11年前 上传481   0


第五章 哈佛经理的 思想观念一、 哈佛经理的现代观念 我们强调要哈佛经理具有现代观念,那么,就具体而言将包含哪些观念呢?下面试着列举一些哈佛经理的现代观念。 □ 战略观念 作为一名哈佛经理不仅要象一个高明的战术家一样去完成每一件事,更应该以一个战略家的姿态未卜先知,抢占制高点,从而在新的变化面前从容不

n***b 9年前 上传443   0


第六单元哈佛经理管理方法与技巧 领导艺术的核心在于激励下属主动而积极地工作。 ——(美)西蒙 部下学习的是上级的行动。上级对工作全力以赴的实际行动,是对下级最好的教育。 ——(日)土光敏夫

p***2 10年前 上传422   0


第四章 哈佛经理 公关程序 如同任何事物都有其发生发展和终结的过程、都有其发展的内在规律一样,哈佛经理的公共关系也是按照其自身固有的“自省——设计——实施——评定”这一基本程序展开的。这一过程的循环往复,既能促进整个组织的不断完善,从而提高经济效益;又能向公众展示组织的最佳形象,使其在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。一、哈佛经

张***S 12年前 上传456   0


 第四章 哈佛经理会议 问题分析 最好的控制便是避免丧失控制。主席控制会议的最佳举措,便是预防各种问题的发生。一旦无法避免问题的发生,则主席应讲求正确的对付办法。 一般而言,最容易令会场丧失控制的问题有以下八种:(1) 与会者的发言离题。(2) 与会者间交头接耳。(3) 与会者分心。(4)与会者之间发生争

大***乐 10年前 上传516   0