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qualify vt have or give (sb) the qualities training etc that are necessary or suitable
()具资格 ()胜 vi have qualities 资格 胜
词组 qualify…to do…()…具资格做…
qualify …as…作…胜…
qualify …for…胜…
展开 qualified adj 合格胜 qualification n 资格 资格(证明) 条件
quarrel vi n angry argument or disagreement 争吵
词组 quarrel with sb about sth 某争吵某事
展开 quarrelsome adj 爱吵架
quite adj completely entirely 十分
辨析 quite 没程度差具强烈感情色彩形容词副词动词 alone certain correct dead empty enough full horrible impossible mistaken perfect agree realize satisfy understand know等连时表示完全十分
His French is quite perfect 法语极
This job is quite impossible 工作完全没法干
程度差形容词副词动词cold good well nice old pretty polite rich warm young like等连时表示相算少含完全意味
He speaks English quite well 英语讲满错
This lady is quite pretty 女士颇分姿色
动词连 eg I don’t quite follow you 懂话
修饰名词时放定冠词前That was quite an accident 次太寻常事
They had a quite good time 说 quite a good time
rather 修饰贬义形容词副词rather poor bad stupid uglyrather too 辨析级连
My mother is rather better today 母亲天
The book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors
动词连 I rather like her 相喜欢
修饰名词时放定冠词前 It’s rather a pity 真相遗憾
It is a rather cold day 说 rather a cold day
Fairly 修饰褒义形容词副词fairly clevergood well bravely
修饰名词时放定冠词 a fairly good student
much 修饰动词 I told her that didn’t matter much 告诉事重too 辨析级连Much too修饰形容词副词
I’m afraid my husband is much too busy to see visitors 恐怕丈夫太忙接客
It was much worse than I thought 想糟糕
too much修饰数名词too much work too many修饰数名词
too many books much more接数名词much more rice many more接数名词many more students
very 表示非常指达高程度绝含义修饰形容词副词直接修饰动词 He struck the table very angrily 非常气愤猛敲桌子
raise vt lift cause to rise grow bring up or breed collect 举起 升高 种植 喂养 筹集
词组 raise your hands 举手 raise oil price 提高油价
raise a question 提出问题
raise money 筹集钱
raise a family chickens 养家 鸡 raise corn 种植玉米
raise monuments to soldiers 修建士兵纪念碑
辨析 rise vi come or go upwards 升升高涨
His voice rose in excitement 兴奋提高声音
He rose from the seat
range vi vary or extend between specified limits (某范围)变动变化
n connected line or row of mountains hill extent 山脉范围
词组 a wide range of goods 种样货物
a large range of products 许选产品
range from …to (between) ……等
the age range
be out of range
rank vt grade sbsth according to quality achievement …分等
n position grade in the armed forces 位军衔
词组 rank third 排第三 of (the) first rank 头等流
rank among (with) 属…列列…中 rank as 算作…作
rare adj not often seen unusual 稀难常见 指事物指贵重东西时侧重价值
例句 Gold is a rare metal 金子种稀金属
辨析 scare 表示稀少缺乏含充足现缺乏意思定贵重东西般事物强调种缺乏产生利影响
The bird has become scarce in this country 国家种鸟变稀少
reach vt get o r arrive at 抵达达
vi go as far as stretch out and take sth 达延伸伸手
词组 reach one’s hand for the book伸手书 reach for 伸手
beyond the reach of 法达 理解等
out of reach 法 抓
within reach of 达
reach a decision作出决定
reach a conclusion 出结
My conclusion is that……
real adj actual or true 真真正 指客观存想象幻觉东西
例句 The jacket is made of real leather件甲克衫真皮缝制
辨析 true adj 正确真实 指事实实际情况相符合道理杜撰错误
What he said was true 说真
展开 realistic adj 现实逼真 really adj 确实 真实
reality n 现实真实
in reality in fact as a matter of fact actually 事实
reason n cause of 理原 指说明种法行理通逻辑推理出
词组 for this that reason
beyond reason 没道理
in reason 道理() out of reason 合理
listen to reason 讲道理 听劝告
例句 Give me your reason for doing so 告诉样做理
辨析 cause 原 指造成种事实现象原尤指然原客观原
The continuous heavy rain is the cause of the flood 连续断雨造成洪水爆发
展开 reasonable adj 合理公道 sound reasonable
reduce vt make sth smaller 减少缩
词组 reduce … to… 陷入良境遇 落某种境
reduce to order 恢复秩序整顿整理
reduce to silence 安静沉没 reduce to tears 哭起
reduce the price by 10 价格减少10
例句 Poverty reduced him to begging for a living 贫穷落乞讨谋生步
refer vi (referred referred referring) mention speak of 提参考
词组 refer to 查阅指提谈起
refer to …as …称作
reference n 参考查阅 for reference仅供参考 reference books
refuse vt say no 拒绝拒 语气坚决指坚决果断拒绝某种行尤指拒绝方希东西常接动词定式动名词作宾语接动名词句
例句 She never refused to help those in need 拒绝帮助困难
The cinema refused admission to children under three 电影院准3 岁童入
辨析 reject 拒绝抵制 摒弃 指认价值合适排斥抛弃组词中拒绝意味 强接名词类词作宾语接定式
The chairman rejected the proposal 席拒绝项提议
If you are lefthanded you don’t have to feel lonely or rejected
decline 婉言拒绝谢绝 指礼貌拒绝邀请帮助金钱等作物动词物动词接名词动名词定式作宾语作宾语
I declined to stay for dinner 谢绝留吃晚饭
regard vt treat think of … as consider …作
n  (regards) kind wishes greeting 问侯致意
词组 regard …as… 认……      
in (with) regard to 关………
give (send) one’s (kind best) regards to …问
with kind regards to (写信末)请…问
展开 regarding prep 关
He spoke to me regarding his future 讲关
regardless adj 留心注意关心
adv 顾切样
regardless of …顾…: regardless of the consequences 顾果
regret vt n feel sorrow feeling of sadness 遗憾 feel regret 感遗憾
词组 regret to do…遗憾做…
regret doing…悔做…
much greatly to my regret 深感遗憾非常抱歉
regular adj happening repeatedly at times 常规固定定时规律
例 They have a regular meeting every two weeks 两周开次例会
辨析 normal adj 正常规范 强调符合某标准般常规
The normal temperature of human body is 37°C 体正常体温37°C
usual adj 通常惯常 强调遵循常规贯
He arrived later than usual 常晚
展开 regularly adv 常定时正常
regulation n 规 traffic regulations
relate vt give an account of be connected with 叙述讲互关联
词组 be related to …联系…关 亲属关系
be associated with ……联系起…发生联系
展开 related adj 关相关 relation n 关系亲戚
relative n 亲属亲戚 relatively adv 相言
relativity n 相
relax v become less tight放松松弛(指紧张余放松轻松指松懈努力纪律等)
例句 In no case are you to relax your efforts 放松努力
辨析 relieve 减轻 指缓解痛苦忧愁释负担缓危机等
作宾语意放心 feel relieved
I was relieved to hear they had arrived safe 听安抵达放心
rely vi count or depend on
词组 rely on … …指… rely on sb to do …某做某事
rely on sb for sth 指某做某事
remain vi be left continue to be 留然继续
例句 She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out
Despite the danger she remained clam 危险然镇定
His story remains to be proved 讲事情证实
remain a headache remain at the rest
Only a small part of the building remained standing
辨析 stay 暂住逗留 直保持(持续状态)
How long will you be staying in Hong Kong 香港呆久?
I stayed awake the whole night 整夜没睡着
展开 remaining adj 剩
his remaining years with the remaining 6 to buy something
remainder n 剩 remains of bodies
remarkable adj worth noticing exceptional 显著非
词组 be remarkable for …引注意(某点)突出
展开 remarkably adv 相非
remember v have or keep in the memory 记 记住
词组 remember to do …记住做…
remember doing …记住做…
remember …as… 记……
remember sb to … …问
remind vt inform cause to remember 提醒想起
词组 remind sb of sth 某想起某物
remind sb to do sth 提醒某做某事
展开 reminder n 起提醒作事物
repair vt restore to good condition 修理
n restoring or being to good condition 修补
词组 under repair 正修理
beyond repair 法修理
out of repair 坏(处修理状态)
replace vt take the place of 取代
例句 I’ll replace my sister to take care of our sick mother today
辨析 substitute v …代
substitute …for…
We’ll substitute bread for rice 面包代米饭
reply v n make an answer respond 回答答复
词组 reply to… …作出回答反映
in reply to 回复答复
require vt demand 求需求 指权利规章规定求
例句 常见句型:
require sth 求某事
require sth of sb 求某某事
require sb to do …求某做…
require that sb (should) do sth  求某做…
(sth) require doing … to be done (某物)需做
辨析 request vt 请求 表示礼貌客气请求
常见句型:request sth from of sb 求某某事
request sb to do…求某做某事
request that sb (should) do …求某做 …
demand vt 求 表示强烈求容否定
常见句型:demand sth 求某事
demand to do sth 求某做某事
demand that sb (should) do… 求某做…
rescue vt n save or bring away sb sth from danger 营救
词组 rescue sb 营救某
come go to someone’s rescue 营救某
the rescue teams
resist vt prevent or oppose succeed in not yielding to 抵抗忍住捺
vi regard sth unfavorably 抵抗
词组 resist temptation 抵制诱惑
展开 resistant adj 抵抗力
be resistant to water 防水 resistance n 抵抗反抗
resolution n determination decision 决心
例句 He made a New Year’s resolution to give up smoking
resolve v decide firmly solve 决心 决意解决解
词组 resolve on upon against sth doing sth 决心 决定…
resource n supply of raw materials 资源 通常复数形式
例句 The natural resources in the world are getting fewer and fewer
辨析 source 源出处水源
Dose the information come from a reliable source 消息源?
respect n politeness consideration aspect 尊重重视方面
vt show consideration admire 尊重尊敬
词组 respect oneself 尊心重
辨析 respectful adj 尊敬恭敬
be respectful to sb 某表示敬意
展开 respectable adj 受尊敬受尊重正派
respected adj 受尊重 respective adj
responsible adj accountable 负责
词组 be responsible for … …负责
展开 responsibility n 责 bear the responsibility
restrict vt put a limit 限制约束
词组 restrict to 仅限限制… be restricted to…限…
例句 Restrict your story to the fact 实事求说
展开 restriction n 限制
result v n effect or outcome 结果成果果
词组 as a result 作结果
as a result of …结果
result from …造成…产生
result in 引起…结果结果…
return vi come or go back 回返回
vt bring give put or send sth back 放回报答答谢
n coming or going back reward 返回回报
词组 return to normal 恢复正常
in return 作报答回 in return for 答谢
reward n vt recompense give a reward to 报答奖赏
词组 reward sb with sth 奖赏某某物 reward sth 报答…
辨析 award vt 授予颁发
award sb sth 授予某… award sth to sb 授予某…
reward 指做某件事工作出色报答报酬
He won an award for his design 设计获奖
The owner gave a reward to the boy who found her dog
risk n possibility of meeting danger or suffering harm loss etc 危险风险
vt expose ( one’s life property etc) to danger(生命财产等)遭受危险…危险
词组 risk doing sth 险做某事 at the risk of … …危险
run the risk of … …危险 take the risk of … …危险
risk one’s life to do something
rob v take property illegally 抢劫
词组 rob sb of sth 抢劫某某物
辨析 steal sth from sb 偷某某物
展开 robber n 抢劫 robbery n 强盗
rule n statement of what can should must be done in certain circumstances 规章
词组 make it a rule to do something 定位规律常总
as a rule 般说通常
run vi move at a speed faster than a walk 跑奔
vt cause to go faster than walking operate manage
词组 run after 追赶追捕踪 run into 意间碰…相撞
run across 意间碰 run away from… …跑掉
run away with… 偷…跑掉私奔 run for 竞选
run errands 跑腿 run out (某物)完
run out of …  完… run over 碾压
run short (某物)快完 run short of … 缺…





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safe adj. protected from danger and harm; secure; cautious安全的;平安的;谨慎的词组 return safe and sound 平安无事展开 safety n. 平安;安全 safety rules; take someone to safety; sake n. because

苦***人 11年前 上传516   0


keen adj. eager, active, sensitive 渴望的,敏锐的,精明的词组 be keen on ,be keen to do 对…有强烈兴趣 keen edges 锋利的刀刃 keen eyes 敏锐的眼光keep  v (keep-kept-kept) cause somebody/something

好***1 10年前 上传542   0


mad adj. mentally ill 发疯的,狂 热的词组 go mad 发疯; be mad at somebody 生…的气; be mad at / about 为…生气/迷上; drive someone mad; maintain vt. keep up, retain, continue 维持,建立词组 mainta

i***a 12年前 上传632   0


each adj. pron. every single one of two or more things considered separately每个,各个词组 each other 互相 (one another也是互相的意思,但一般用于三个人以上)例句 They respect each other. 他们互相尊重。     We each hav

t***0 10年前 上传421   0


object vi. say that one is not in favor of ; protest不赞成,反对 vt. give … as a reason for opposing… 提出…作为反对的理由词组 object to + n. / doing… 反对…,反对做…展开 objection n. disapproval, op

b***n 9年前 上传580   0


take vt. carry sth/sb or accompany sb from one place to another 拿,取;带领;sit down or be seated就(坐、职等);eat or drink sth吃,喝;服(药等);use a means of transport搭乘(车、船等);test or measure something量(体温)

如***哥 10年前 上传431   0


高中英语词汇表格整理版3500 A a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……) abandon  [əˈbændən] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 ability  [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 能力;才能 able [ˈeɪb(ə)l] a. 能够;有能力

n***s 5年前 上传20137   0


The writing brush, ink stick, ink stone, and paper were requisite treasures in the study of the scholars of ancient China, and they are often referred to as the“ Four Treasures of the Study.”The writing brush and ink stick have (use)by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty(22 I BC---206 BC),

温***季 3年前 上传525   0


Population aging has become a world-wide phenomenon. It has not only Come to stay but, (especial)in the developing countries, it will become more acute with the passage of time. (It)influences are so wide-ranging and manifold they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society. In order to ensure a sustainable (develop)for the elderly population,

夏***子 3年前 上传493   0


I share the same view many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing ,stubborn Western ill. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact individual freedom has gone overboard in the West, resulting in extreme individualism, sexual promiscuity and excessive use of violence. By contrast,self-discipline, corporate (responsible)and the pacific tradition of East Asia can offset many Western (vice),

夏***子 3年前 上传457   0


Chinese characters were initially (mean)to be simple pictures used to help people remember things. After a long period of (develop), it finally became a unique character system embodies phonetic sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time. The writing system, which was (extreme) advanced in ancient times,

夏***子 3年前 上传683   0


Smoking (do)great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air,damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. (arouse)the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking- induced diseases and deaths,

夏***子 3年前 上传485   0


Acupuncture is an important part traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the .“main and collateral channels”theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It (feature)in traditional Chinese medicine that“ internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”.

夏***子 3年前 上传622   0


A slowdown economic activity in China has a (globe)impact as companies that sell to China may see revenues suffer. Countries (include)Australia, Brazil and others in South East Asia (see)huge profits in recent years because Chinese demand for natural resources. The fall in demand from China has already had an impact on the prices of many (commodity). Last week, China’s Finance Minister LouJiwei indicated economic growth could be 7% for the year, and that this may not be the“ bottom line'

温***季 3年前 上传544   0


…(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together

f***l 12年前 上传623   0


The Duanwu Festival, also (call)the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet QuYuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed/respected minister, brought peace and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river a result of being vilified.

夏***子 3年前 上传478   0


首先,我们总说“4S店”,但你知道“4S”指的是什么吗?4S店全称:Automobile Sales Servicshop4S:整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)sale 卖,出售,销售The sale of cigarettes/alcohol is forbidden.禁止出售香烟/酒。

6***雅 7个月前 上传224   0


The Qingming Festival falls April 4,5,or 6 each year. after the festival, the temperature rises up and rainfall increases.the Qingming Festival is not only a ( tradition)festival in china,but also the most important festival of commemorative. the Han nationality and minority nationality offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the deceased at this time.the Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines (bright), the trees and grass become green.since ancient times people (follow)the custom of spring outings.people love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival.the Qingming Festival is also a good time to plant trees,for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later.

夏***子 3年前 上传447   0


The phenomenon of holiday economy shows Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great (change). According to statistics, the demands for Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and (person) development. (Chinese consumers’ demand for basic necessities of life has given way to leisure, comfort and personal development.) Therefore, the structure of products should (adjust)accordingly to adapt to social development. On other hand,services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

夏***子 3年前 上传582   0


The China International Publishing Group is the (large)and the most authoritative foreign language publishing and distribution establishment, its predecessor being the International Press Bureau of the Central People's Government Press and Publication Administration. Adhering to the publishing philosophy of“assisting China's march to the world and fascinating world's (understand)of China", the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing (culture)exchanges between China and foreign countries. In order to build up a strong team of publishing staff, as well as to meet the growing need of more technically demanding business, the Group makes

夏***子 3年前 上传450   0


yield provide produce v. 产生;产生效果1. 重点词汇表序号单词词义含义1Abandon[ə'bændən]vt. 放弃,抛弃 n. 放任,放纵否定。特别注意放任,放纵的含义The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side.They drank and smoke

小***树 11年前 上传616   0


物理:absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute motion 绝对运动 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute velocity 绝对速度 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorption 吸收 absorptivity 吸收率 accelerated motion

文***品 1年前 上传363   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十六)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ bone2.____________________ shell3.____________________ symbol4.____________________ carve5.____________________ dynasty 6._________________

文***7 4个月前 上传128   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十八)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.tutor ____________________2.messenger____________________3.edition ____________________4.overwhelming ____________________5.homesickness ____________________6.a

的***有 5个月前 上传117   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十九)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ bold2.____________________ peppercorn3.____________________ vinegar4.____________________ lamb5.____________________ lamb kebab6.__________

文***7 4个月前 上传142   0