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each adj pron every single one of two or more things considered separately
词组 each other 互相 (one another互相意思般三)
例句 They respect each other 互相尊重
     We each have a book
They came in each holding a book Each of us has a book
eager adj strongly interested impatiently desiring渴
词组 eager beaver 热心工作 be eager to do something be too eager to do something
例句 He is eager for success 非常渴成功
Joan is eager for you to come to the party 乔安非常期参加晚会
The children are listening to his story with eager attention 孩子热切倾听讲事
 He is very eager in acting 非常热衷表演
展开 eagerly adv 殷切渴 eagerness n 热心渴
He is longing for the admission with great eagerness 殷切盼着录取通知
She is in her eagerness to adopt the doggie 急收养条狗
early adj adv (earlier earliest) happening before the usual time早初期
词组 early or late sooner or later 迟早早晚 early bird 早起 as early as possible 早
例句 The early bird catches the worm 早起三分利捷足先登
earn vt get money by working get because of one’s qualities赚挣
词组 earn one’s living 维持生计
例句 He earned respect by rescuing a drowning man 拯救落水赢家尊重
That show earned him great fame 节目名声噪
He earns his living by teaching in a language school  语言学校教书谋生
展开 earnings n 收入收益
earnest adj determined and serious认真迫切诚恳
词组 be earnest about 热心……
例句 Parents are earnest about their children’s education  父母孩子教育非常热心
earth n the planet on which we live soil in which plants grow球土
词组 the earth 球   down to earth 实事求实际 on earth 底究竟
He thought himself to be the happiest man on earth
What on earth did you want
Who on earth told you the news
ease n the ability to do something without difficulty the state without worries容易费力
v make or become less severe make less anxious become less difficult放轻松
词组 feel at ease 心定气闲 at (one’s) ease 轻松安心
例句 He answered the question with great ease 轻易答复问题
The news that her son passed the exam eased her mind听子通考试消息便安心
His words eased me of my anxiety 话解忧虑
Set your mind at ease 请放心
展开 easy adj 容易
The question is easy (for me) to answer
It is easy (for me) to answer the question 问题容易回答
Easier said than done 说做容易   Easy come easy go 容易快
take it easy 容迫放心     easily adv without difficulty
east n the direction from which the sun rises东方
adj facing or in the direction from which the sun rises东方
adv 东方 towards the direction from which the sun rises
词组 the East 东方 the east coast 东海岸
例句 The sun rises in the east 太阳东方升起
The park is located in the east of the city 公园坐落城市东部(东部介词in)
The park is located to the east of the museum 公园坐落博物馆东面(东面介词to)
The ship will travel east (adv) 船动航行
展开 eastern adj 东方东部   eastward adv 东方
eat v (ate eaten) take food through mouth吃
词组 eat up 吃完量消耗 eat one’s word(承认错误)收回前言说话道歉
economy n the system by which wealth is produced the careful use of money济节约
词组 economy class 济舱 cheap class of seats on a plane
辨析 economic adj 济济学   economical adj 节约节俭
辨析列句子:To buy cheap things is not always economical  买便宜货定合算
He left school for economic reason 济原辍学
the world’s economic situation 世界济形势
the economic growth 济增长
展开 economically adv 节约省钱 economics n 济学
Economics is the most difficult course that I have ever taken
educate v teach or train through formal instruction at a school or college教育
例句 She is a welleducated lady 位良教育女士
展开 education n 教育
receive obtain education 接受教育 college university education 学教育
elementary primary education 学教育 higher education 高等教育
effect n a result or condition produced by a cause效果结果影响
词组 have produce an effect on… ……影响
bring … into effect 实行……施行(法律等) come into effect 开始实施开始生效
have the effect of reducing the blood pressure 降压功效
例句 His new way of teaching produced a good effect 新教学方法造成良效果
The medicine had a good effect on me 种药良效果
The new regulations will be brought into effect next month 新法规月生效
展开 effective adj 效作  effective ways of learning
efficient adj working quickly without waste(指物)效率(指)力
例句 The way you work is far from efficient 工作方法点没效率
She is an efficient manager 干理
展开 efficiency n 效率 do something with high efficiency
It will improve our efficiency if we introduce this machine
effort n the use of physical strength or power of the mind trying hard with mind or body努力
词组 make an effort 力 spare no effort 遗余力
例句 He solved the problem without effort 毫费力解决问题
I made every effort to get it 竭全力
He spared no effort to help the old man 遗余力帮助老
Another effort and you will achieve success
The man saved with the combined efforts
elder adj older of the two年长(old辨析级than连olderthan连)
词组 one’s elder brother sister 哥哥姐姐
展开 elderly adj 年长老年 the elderly people 老年
elect vt to choose someone for an official position by voting选举
例句 He was elected (as) monitor 选班长
They elected me as a member of the committee 选委员会成员
electric adj worked by electricity电电
词组 electric power 电力 electric fan 电扇 electric light 电
electrical appliance 电气品
辨析 electric 指带电 电操 electrical 指电相关
展开 electricity n 电 cut off electricity 断电 (power failure)  
electrician n 电机师: the chief electrician
elementary adj simple and easy初步基
词组 elementary school 学 elementary education 初等教育
embarrass vt cause to feel anxious and uncomfortable窘迫难
例句 Don’t embarrass them with personal questions 问题难
Don’t embarrass them by asking personal questions
展开 embarrassed adj 觉意思发窘 
embarrassing adj 令安令难
emergency n an unexpected and dangerous happening紧急情况危急形势
词组 emergency exit 紧急出口太门  emergency ward 急诊室 
emergency measures 紧急措施 emergency cases急诊病例
例句 Sound the alarm in case of emergency 紧急情况请鸣警报
emotion n strong feeling of the human spirit 感情情绪
展开 纳 emotion指喜怒哀乐等情感包括:joy delight pleasure sorrow despair fear anger jealousy love hatred等等   emotional adj 感情
emphasis n (pl emphases) special attention given to something强调重视
词组 lay place put emphasis on 强调
例句 He spoke with emphasis on the medication 强调医疗重性
展开 emphasize vt 强调……着重
He emphasized that practice was most important 强调说实践重
employ v use the service of a person in return for pay 雇佣聘请
例句 She was employed as a secretary in the company 聘公司秘书
You should employ your money more wisely 应该更明智钱
展开 employee n 雇员 employer n 雇    unemployment n
employment n 雇佣业 be in out of employment 工作失业
enable vt make able give authority to do something 够
词组 enable sb to do ……够做……
例句 Coffee enables me to stay awake in these dull afternoons
展开 able adj 力 unable adj 没力 someone be able to do something    
encourage vt give hope courage or confidence to support鼓励激励
词组 encourage sb to do 鼓励……做     encourage sb in sth 鼓励某……
例句 The teachers encouraged the boy in his effort to win the speech contest
My parents encouraged me to study abroad 父母鼓励出国学
Encouraged by parents he began to learn something
展开 encouragement n 鼓励刺激话
courage n 勇气 encouraging 令鼓舞
end n farthest or last part末端终点结尾  
v come to an end reach an end结束终止
词组 bring sth to an end ……终止     come to an end 完毕结束
from beginning to end 头尾 in the end 终
at the end of ……结尾 on end 笔直连续
end up + n doing prep 成……告终
例句 He ended up the head of their group 结果成组长
If you keep doing so you’ll end up in hospital 果继续样做终会生病住院
On the contrary you will end up gaining weight if you skip breakfast
I wonder how to bring their fight to an end 知道停止吵架
The meeting came to an end at midnight 会议午夜结束
They came to no conclusion in the end 终没出结
We’ll give you the response at the end of this month 月底回音
It has been snowing for a week on end 已连续月雪
endure v suffer undergo pain bear put up with continue to exist忍受忍耐持续
例句 The Iraqi people endured many hardships during the war
I can’t endure to see endure seeing you so discouraged 忍沮丧
展开 endurance n 持久力
energy n force vigor capacity to do things and get things done精力活力量
词组 devote one’s energy to sth 致力……
展开 energetic adj 精力旺盛精神饱满 energize vt 供……量活力
engage v take part in be busy with事参加忙
词组 engage (oneself ) in sthdoing 事 engage sb in sth 某参加
be engaged in sth doing 事……忙……
engage oneself to sb be engaged to ……订婚
例句 The line is engaged (电话)线路正忙
He wants to engage (himself) in helping the blind 想事帮助盲工作
We engaged him in conversation 设法加入谈话
I’m engaged in answering telephone now 现忙着接电话呢
My daughter is engaged to a young doctor 女年轻医生订婚
展开 engagement n 约定订婚
fulfill an engagement 践约 break an engagement 毁约
enter into an engagement with ……订约
enjoy vt get pleasure from take delight in喜欢享受……乐趣
词组 enjoy oneself 快乐 enjoy a good reputation享声誉
例句 I enjoy swimming very much 喜欢游泳
Did you enjoy yourself last weekend 周末?
展开 enjoyable adj 愉快    enjoyment n 享乐享乐事
enlarge v make or become larger扩
词组    enlarge one’s vocabulary enlarge one’s factory     
展开 纳 前缀en 形容词名词变成动词意思变成……:
large – enlarge courage – encourage able – enable
rich – enrich power – empower title – entitle
ensure vt make sure guarantee make safe 担保保证
词组 ensure sb sth 保证某…… ensure that …保证……
例句 His recommendation will ensure me a job 推荐保证找工作
I can’t ensure that she will be elected our monitor 保证会选班长
We should ensure ourselves against all possible risks 保护防备危险
enter v come or go into become a member of进入
词组 enter for 报名参加 enter into 开始交涉缔结协定
例句 My child has already entered for the singing contest 孩子报名参加歌唱赛
The two countries entered into an agreement after longterm discussion
He entered this company 3 years ago 三年前进入家公司
entertain vt receive people as guests give food and drink to……娱乐款
例句 She entertained us with refreshments 请吃点心
His jokes entertained us throughout the party 聚会中笑话逗乐
展开 entertainer n 表演者 entertaining adj 趣快乐 entertainment n 娱乐
entitle vt give right to have something as a title ……权力冠名
词组 entitle sb to sth ……资格 entitle sb to do ……权力做……
例句 This ticket entitles you to a free dinner 张票享免费晚餐
What entitles you to criticize us 什权力批评?
Have you entitled your book yet 书命名?
entrance n opening gate door by which one enters coming or going in入口进入
词组 entrance examination 入学考试 entrance to university 学入学许
equal adj the same in amount degree value etc相等等
vt be the same be equal to等 n equality
词组 be equal to ……相等 have same quality strength ability etc
例句 They are equal in ability (in 指某方面)力相等
All men are born equal 生等
Two and five equals seven 二加五等七
John is equal to Charles in height 约翰查尔斯身高相等
equip (equipped equipped) vt supply something for purpose配备准备
词组 equip sth with sth ……配备…… be equipped with 配备……
equip sth for … be equipped for ……做准备 be equipped to do something
例句 Our school equipped the laboratories with proper facilities 学校实验室配备妥善设备
This cruise boat is equipped with newest GPS system 条游船配备新GPS系统
She is fully equipped for the mountain climbing 登山做充分准备
展开 equipment n [u] 装备设备
escape v get free get away find a way out逸出逃跑
n act of getting free means of avoiding逃走逃避
词组 escape from 逃出 escape sth doing 脱离 an escaped prisoner 逃犯
make one’s escape 逃跑 have a narrow escape 幸免难
例句 Fortunately most people escaped from the burning building
Finally the kid escaped punishmentescaped being punished 终孩子免惩罚
The robbers made their escape in a car 劫犯坐车逃跑
The Beans family had a narrow escape from the hurricane last year
I narrowly escaped death by luck 侥幸逃死全运气
especially adv to an exceptional degree in particular特尤
辨析 especially particularly 表示程度深尤   
specially 表示特……准备特
辨析列句子:This watch is specially designed for you 手表特设计
The weather in Shanghai is not very pleasant especially in summer
essential adj necessary most important fundamental 必实质
例句 it is essential that… ……绝必
It is essential that you (should) work hard on vocabulary 完全必努力学词汇
it is essential for sb to do 做……绝必
It is essential for us to set a practical goal 必设定实目标
展开 essentially adv 质
establish vt set up put on a firm foundation 建立设立
词组 establish oneself as 确立某作……位
例句 The company was established in 1993 家公司成立1993年
His new research established him as a qualified professor 新研究成合格教授
展开 establishment n 设立确立
eve n day or evening before a festival (重日子)前夜前夕
词组 on Christmas Eve 圣诞夜      on New Year’s Eve 夕
even adv (used to invite a comparison) which is more than might be expected 甚
词组 even if even though conj     even so 便
例句 It’s raining But even so we still enjoyed the party
Even if I have to sell my house I’ll keep my business going
evening n the end of the day and early part of the night 傍晚晚
词组 good evening 晚 evening dress 晚礼服
evening paper 晚报 evening school 夜校   evening show 夜场演出
ever adv at any time always (前)时候
词组 ever since ……直 for ever forever 永远
例句 I’ve known her ever since she was a baby  婴时候认识
every adj each of more than two once in each
词组 every now and then 时时   every other day year line 隔天年行
every four hours days years 四时天年次
everyday adj ordinary common and usual 天日常
辨析 everyday 形容词:everyday life everyday clothes
every day 副词性词组作状语:She goes to the grocery’s every day
evidence n something that gives proof or reasons 证迹象
例句 There is no evidence that he is guilty There is no evidence of his being guilty
展开 evident adj 显然明显
It is evident that … 显然……
It is evident that he is wrong 显然错
exact adj correct in every detail completely according to fact 精确确切
词组 to be exact 精确说
例句 To be exact the temperature now is 311°C 精确说现气温311度
展开 exactly adv 正确正 exactly speaking 严格说
except prep not including leaving out apart from ……外
例句 He reads nothing except comic magazines 漫画书外什
I know nothing about him except that he is a lawyer 律师外知
He goes to the library every day except when he is not well
辨析 besides ……外(包含)    except ……(包括)
except for ……指项目句中项目性质
The room has no furniture except a broken chair(chair属furniture种)
The room is empty except for a broken chair(句中没chair性质物体)
The room has a broom besides a broken chair (chair外broom)
展开 exception n 例外 without exception 毫例外
exchange n the act of giving and receiving in return 交换交流
 v to give and receive in return 交换交易
词组 exchange sth with sb 某交换……    exchange sth for sth ……交换……
culture exchange 文化交流  foreign exchange 外汇 stock exchange 股市
例句 Shall I exchange seats with you 换座位?
May I exchange my bike for your watch 行车换手表?
展开 exchangeable adj 交换兑换
excite vt cause to lose calmness and have strong feeling of happiness 激动引起
展开 exciting adj 刺激兴奋 an exciting moment 兴奋时刻
excited adj 兴奋激动      excitement n [u] 兴奋 [c] 兴奋事物
excuse vt forgive someone for a small fault 原谅宽恕
n the reason whether true or untrue given when asking to be forgiven 辩解口
词组 excuse sb for doing 原谅某行    excuse sb from sth 某免……
Excuse me 起(断陌生说话等引起注意)
例句 The teacher excused him for being late The teacher excused his being late
We were excused from punishment 免受罚
exercise n v use of any part of the body or mind to strengthen and improve it锻炼练
词组  do exercises 运动作体操 take exercise
a good form of exercise exercise books
exhaust vt tire out use up completely 耗筋疲力
展开 exhausting adj 令身心疲惫 exhausted adj (感)耗筋疲力
exhaustion n [u] 疲劳枯竭
He returned home exhausted
exhibit n [ c ] something or a set of things shown in public 展览品
展开 exhibition n 展览会
on exhibition 陈列中展览 an art exhibition 艺术展览
an international exhibition 国际博览会
existence n the state of living or being real 存
词组 come into existence (vi) 产生成立 in existence 现存现
例句 This new country came into existence in 1997 新国家1997年成立
This is the oldest building in existence 现存古老建筑
展开 exist vi 存……生活 existing adj
There exsits a common belief among us that English is of vital importance
the existing rules
expand vt increase in size number volume degree etc
become or make larger扩展开
辨析 expand 表示面积扩体积膨胀 extend 表示空间时间延长
辨析列句子:The newlybuilt road extends to the airport 新建公路通机场
Metals expand when they are heated 金属受热膨胀
I’d love to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to teachers
展开 expansion n 扩
expect vt think or believe that sth is likely to come or happen 期预料
例句 I’m expecting a telephone call from her 等电话
I never expected that we could win this time 没想次会赢
I expect him to come soon 期快回
You can’t expect too much of your child
We all expect there to be a dancing party
展开 as is expected 正预料样
As is expected the temperature is going up continuously 正预料样气温持续升
more … than expected 预料更……
He made a better speech than expected 演讲预期更
expectation n 期预料 contrary to one’s expectation 出意料
Contrary to my expectation he was not annoyed by my words
beyond out of expectation 出意料
The Italian team was beaten out of expectation 意利队出意料输
unexpected adj 始料未 unexpected results
If something unexpected happens please dial 110
expense n cost in money time or effort money used for a certain purpose 花费费
词组 at one’s own expense 费 spare no expense 惜花费巨资
cut down on expenses 缩减开支 living expenses 生活费
at any expense 花少钱
展开 expensive adj 昂贵花钱 less expensive
It is expensive to travel by plane 坐飞机旅行昂贵
Something is expensive Something is the least expensive
experience vt fell suffer or learn by doing something for a long time 验历
n [u] knowledge which comes from activity or doing sth for a long time验体验
n [c] sth that happens to one and has an effect on the mind and feelings
例句 He experienced great sufferings when he was young 年轻时候历苦难
She has eight years’ experience in teaching 八年教学历
He wrote to tell me the experiences in Africa 写信告诉非洲历
The experienced teachers will give us some advice on how to deal with tough problems
experiment n v trial made in order to learn sth or prove the truth of an idea 实验
词组 make carry out perform conduct do an experiment on sth ……做实验
expert n a person with special skill or knowledge which comes from experience 专家手
adj with special skill or knowledge which comes from experience 熟练行
词组 be expert in at ……方面行 have special knowledge which comes from experience
例句 He is expert in cooking 烹调方面行
explain v make sth clear to understand by speaking or writing give reason for 说明解释
词组 explain sth to sb 某解释…… explain that … 解释说……
例句 He explained the outline of the his plan to us 解释计划概
Please explain to me why you are late again 请解释迟
She explained that she couldn’t come because she was ill 解释说病
展开 explanation n 解释说明
What’s his explanation for his being so cruel to animals 动物残忍什解释?
give offer provide an explanation 予解释
express vt show a feeling or opinion in words 表达表示
n a service given by the post office to carry things faster than usual快车快递
词组 express sth to sb 某表达……
express oneself in one’s own words表达意思
express train 快车 express highway 高速公路
express delivery 快递 express company 快递公司
例句 She expressed her thanks to us 表达谢意
I cannot express to you how important your words mean to me
展开 expression n 表达表情措辞 his puzzled excited bored tired expression
extent n the length or area to which something reaches 广度宽度范围程度
词组 to some extent to a certain extent 某种程度
to a great large extent 部分程度说
to what extent 种程度 to such an extent that… ……程度
例句 To some extent what he did had great effect on our decision
I agree with you to a large extent 程度意意见
To what extent do you believe in him 相信种程度?
They live in poverty to such an extent that they cannot afford a TV set
展开 extend v 延长扩展 extensive adj 广阔量广泛
extension n 延长伸展电话分机
extraordinary adj strange special more than what is ordinary 异常常非
词组 it is extraordinary that… ……常
例句 It is extraordinary that he refused our request 拒绝请求真寻常
extreme adj greatest possible of the highest degree going beyond the limits末端极度
n the furthest possible limit极端
词组 go to extreme 走极端
展开 extremely adv 极非常
eye n the bodily organ with which one sees the power of seeing眼睛目光
词组 close shut one’s eyes 闭眼睛 open one’s eyes 睁开眼睛
an eye for an eye 眼眼牙牙 in the eyes of sb 某眼光某
keep an eye on sth 留神 catch one’s eye 引起某注意
eye exercises 眼保健操
eyesight n the power of seeing 视力
词组 have good poor eyesight 视力视力
face n the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead and hair 脸面孔
vt turn the face towards sth in a certain direction 面面
词组 lose one’s face 失面子 save one’s face 挽回面子
make a face at sb ……扮鬼脸 shave one’s face 刮脸
face to face 面面 in one’s face 着某面
in the face of … 面……顾…… pull put on a long face 拉长脸高兴
be faced with 面面
例句 He came face to face with death 面着死亡
They laughed in my face 面嘲笑
She was calm in the face of emergency 面危难然保持冷静
The building faces south 栋楼南
The little boy was brave facing the robbers 面强盗男孩十分勇敢
I am faced with a new problem a new problem faces me 面着新问题
facility n an arrangement or system that makes sth possible便利(常~ies)设施设备
词组 public facilities 公设施 kitchen facilities 厨房设备 transportation facilities 交通设施
fact n sth that has actually happened sth known to be true 事实实际
词组 in fact as a matter of fact 事实实际 The fact is … 事实……真相……
例句 The fact that he failed the test astonished me 考试格事实惊讶
I’m not pleased In fact I’m a little annoyed 愉快事实点生气
The fact is he accepted my money 事实接受钱
fail vi be unsuccessful in not pass become weak 失败格衰弱
vt make not pass be unable to continue 格未……忘记……
词组 fail (in) sth 失败格 fail sb In maths 某格
fail to do 未做……
例句 I can’t believe he failed (in) the exam again 法相信考试格
The teacher failed half the class 老师班半数学格
The plane failed to arrive on time 飞机没准时抵达
Her health has been failing She has been failing in health 身体越越差
展开 failure n 失败格没做 a power failure 停电 failure to do something
反义词:success n succeed v a failure a success
fair adj free from dishonesty good reasonable clear of weather 公晴朗尚
n a market held at a place at regular periods for selling farm produce 博览会集市
词组 fair play 公赛 a book fair 书展
例句 The teacher is fair with his students 学生公
It will be fair tomorrow 明天天气晴朗
There is a fair chance of success 相成功机会
展开 fairly adv 相
辨析 a) fairly 修饰表肯定意义词身肯定意义表示愉快满意意思
rather 修饰表否定意义词身否定意义表示满失意思
It’s fairly warm today 天相暖(感舒服)
It’s rather warm today 天相炎热(感悦)
b) rather 辨析级too前fair
I did rather better this time 次做更
That’s rather too much for me 说太
faith n firm belief trust complete confidence 信信心信念
词组 have faith in place one’s faith in 相信信 lose faith in ……失信心
例句 I have faith in what he says 信赖说话
展开 faithful adj 忠实 faithfully adv 忠实诚实
Yours faithfully 正式书信等信尾客套话
fake n a person or thing that pretends to be what it looks like 假货赝品
adj made and intended to cheat 牌假
词组 fake money 伪钞 fake diamond 假钻石 fake policeman 假警察
fall (fell fell) vi move to a lower position or level 跌倒落
n an act of moving to a lower position or level autumn 落没落秋天
词组 fall on(光线等)投射…… fall into(动)变某种状态养成坏惯
fall off ……掉落 fail to pieces
例句 The cup fell from the table to the floor 杯子桌掉
The price of gasoline has fell sharply 汽油价格急剧跌
Night fell on the mountain village 夜幕降山村
He fell into smoking when he was studying in university
She fell off the bike 掉行车
fall into the habit of doing something
false adj not true or correct not real not faithful or loyal 正确真实
词组 false tears 假哭 a false friend 忠实朋友 false teeth 假牙
fame n the condition of being well known and talked about 名名气
词组 win earn come to one’s fame 成名 good fame 名声 ill fame 坏名声
展开 famous adj 名 be famous for be famous as
familiar adj generally known common have a thorough knowledge of 熟悉
词组 sth is familiar to sb 某事某说熟悉 sb is familiar with sth 某熟悉某事
例句 His name is familiar to me 熟悉名字
He is more familiar with modern music than I 更熟悉现代音乐
family n one’s parents grandparents brothers and sisters uncles aunts etc 家庭家族
词组 feed raise support a family 抚养家庭 a big large family 家庭
a nuclear small family 家庭 family name 姓 family tree 家谱
famous adj very well known著名
词组 be famous for ……著名 be famous as 作……著名
例句 The town is famous for its ancient castles 镇古代城堡著名
He is becoming more famous as a writer 作作家越越著名
far adj adv (farther farthest further furthest) from a great distance 远远
词组 as far as a) 远……程度 b) ……言
As far as sth is concerned … ……言 As far as I remember … 记
by far 非常(修饰高级) far from 远离点……
so far 目前止(常现完成时态)
例句 He worked far into the night 工作深夜
She speaks English far better than I 英语说
We walked as far as the end of the road 直走路头
As far as I know these children have never been to school 知孩子没学
As far as I’m concerned this plan is not practical 言计划实际
This material is by far the most suitable 种材料显然合适
I’m far from happy in my present job 现工作点愉快
Your report is far from satisfactory 报告绝令满意
His behavior in the game was far from perfect 赛中表现决完美
He has been to 39 countries so far 已39国家
辨析 farther farthest 表示距离 further furthest 般表示程度
The bar is at the farther end of the room 酒吧房间较远头
Which of the hotels is the farthestfurthest from us 酒店离远?
I’ll give you further details later 谈更细节
He decided to go to Europe for further study 决定欧洲深造
farewell n adj goodbye 告见
词组 Farewell to arms 永武器 farewell party 欢送会
say bid farewell to sb 某告
farm n an area of land concerning with the growing of crops raising animals etc 农场
词组 on a farm 农场 run a farm 营农场
展开 farmer n 农场农夫 farming n 农业养殖
fascinate vt attract and hold the interest or attention of入迷迷住
词组 be fascinated by with ……吸引 be attracted by
We are fascinated by the beauty of the mountain village 山村美景吸引
展开 fascinating adj 迷极美 fascinated adj 着迷
fascination n 魅力迷恋
fashion n the way of dressing that is usual or popular at a certain time方式样子流行式样
词组 the latest fashion 新款式 be in fashion 正流行
be out of fashion 流行 follow the fashion 赶时髦
set a fashion 开风气先领导潮流 a fashion show 时装表演
展开 fashionable adj 流行时尚
fast adj adv quickly firmly tightly 快牢固
词组 fast food 快餐
辨析 fast般表示动作速度快动作程时间短 quick般表示反应快
Don’t drive so fast 开快(驾驶速度快)
Shanghai is growing very fast during the 20 years 20年里海发展非常快(变化速度快)
He was quick to notice his mistake 快注意错误(快速反应)
展开 fasten v 系牢缚紧栓住 fasten the seat belt
father n male parent of a child or animal 父亲
词组 fathers 祖先 the father 创始者
Father 神父 Father Christmas 圣诞老 Father’s Day 父亲节
fault n a mistake or imperfection something wrong or incorrect a weak point 缺点错误
词组 find fault with sb 挑剔某毛病
例句 It is my fault that we lost the game 输赛应该怪
He is always finding fault with me 总百般挑剔
展开 faulty adj 错误毛病 faulty electrical appliance 坏电器
favour n generous treatment sympathy or kindness towards one person 恩惠帮助
v support or believe in give support to 支持赞
词组 ask a favour of sb 拜托某 do sb a favour do a favour for sb 帮某
in one’s favour 某利 in favour of 支持……赞……
例句 A teacher shouldn’t show much favour to a student 老师太偏袒某学生
Mother favours the elder brother 母亲偏爱哥哥
I favour basketball over soccer 较足球更喜欢篮球
The weather is our favour 天气利
He made a speech in favour of the motion 发言赞提议
展开 favourite adj 喜爱 favourable adj 赞利利讨喜欢
fear n strong feeling caused by the presence of danger 害怕恐惧
词组 for fear of 免……惟恐…… for fear (that) 免……防……
例句 She has a great fear of snakes 非常害怕蛇
There is no fear of an earthquake震没什怕
Turn off the electric fan for fear of catching a cold 关掉电扇免感
She hid the present for fear that it would be found by the kids 礼物藏起防孩子找
展开 fearful adj 怕害怕
be fearful of 担心害怕 The baby is fearful of loud noises 孩子害怕响声
be fearful that 担心否会… She was fearful that she would lose the job担心会失工作
feed (fed fed) vt give food to eat ……喂食喂养
词组 feed sth to … ……喂(食物) feed … on ……喂养
feed on (动物)吃……生 feed back 反馈回馈
be fed up with 感厌烦
例句 How often do you feed your dog a day 天喂次狗啊?
He has a large family to feed 养活家子
I feed meat to my dog 狗喂肉
I feed my dog on meat 肉喂养狗
Cows feed on grass 牛吃草生
I am fed up with your excuse 已听腻口
feel (felt felt) v get knowledge by touching with fingers think or believe 感觉觉
词组 feel as if feel as though 觉 feel like sthdoing 感觉想……
feel oneself 常般健康 feel free to do sth 请便……欢迎……
例句 She felt as if she were flying in the sky 感觉象飞翔空中
Do you feel like a walktaking a walk 想想散步?
He is feeling himself again 恢复健康
Please feel free to make suggestions 欢迎您提出建议
展开 feeling n 感觉感情
I have a feeling that something is about to happen 感觉会发生什事
He doesn’t show much feeling for classic music 古典音乐没什感觉
辨析 feeling表示笼统感觉 sense 表示五官感受直觉等
sense of humour幽默感 sense of direction方感
festival n special occasion marked by public enjoyment 节日(音乐戏剧等)节
词组 the Spring Festival 春节 the music festival 音乐节
fever n an illness which develops a very high temperature 发烧
词组 run a high fever 高烧 have catch a fever 发烧
few adj not many not enough 少数
词组 a few (修饰数名词) not a few 少相
only a few 仅少数 quite a few 相
no fewer than 达……(修饰数名词强调数量)
例句 No fewer than 20 people were waiting in line 达20排队
Not a few people have made similar mistake 少犯类似错
Only a few parents have tried this method 少数家长尝试种方法
We have to wait quite a few weeks 必须等星期
fiction n stories about imaginary people and events 说虚构事
词组 science fiction 科幻说
展开 fictional adj 说虚构
field n area of land an open area 旷野田战场球场视野领域
词组 a football field 足球场 a training field 训练场
the field of artpolitics 艺术政治领域 the field of battle 战场
field event 田赛项目 (径赛项目track event) field hospital 野战医院
fight (fought fought) v use violence in a battle quarrel ……仗战斗奋斗
n an act of fighting between two people countries etc battle 斗争架
词组 fight for ……战 fight against with ……战斗 fight back 击
例句 They were fighting for liberation 解放奋斗
They fought against the enemy fiercely 敌猛烈作战
He fought against cancer and lived to be 80 癌症搏斗活80岁
figure n a whole human body number signs from 0 to 9 diagram 数字图形姿势物
v take an important or noticeable part appear 认描绘
词组 keep one’s figure 保持体形 a public figure 公众物
figure out (思考)理解计算出
例句 I can’t figure out why she did so 法理解做
fill v make or become full be put into 充满装满
词组 fill sth with (容器)填满 be filled with ……填满充满着
fill in 填写 fill out 填写(表格等)
例句 Now fill the tube with water 现请试装满水
The room is filled with her laughter 屋里充满着笑声
Please fill in the application form 请填写申请书
film n movie a roll of material used in a camera to take photos or make movies 电影胶卷
词组 a roll of film 卷胶卷 make a film 拍电影 see a film 电影
final adj last coming at the end that can’t be changed 终决定性
n the last in a set of matches the last examination (常finals)决赛期末考试
词组 final decision 决定 final examination 期末考试 take the finals 进行期末考试
展开 finally adv 结果
find (found found) vt discover get sb or sth that is hidden 找发现
词组 find sth (to be) + adj n 发现某事…… find out (努力)查找出获知
find one’s way 找出路
例句 I found the book really helpful I found that the book was really helpful
We finally found out the cause of the fire 终找出火灾起
fine adj beautiful of high quality bright and sunny 美晴朗健康精巧
词组 fine weather 晴天 I’m fine (回答 How are you)
the fine arts 美术艺术 fine gold 纯金
展开 n vt 罚款 be fined for ……处罚金
He was fined 50 yuan for spitting 吐痰罚50元
pay a fine 付罚金 a heavy fine 高额罚金
finger n the five parts at the end of each hand 手指
词组 cross one’s fingers keep one’s fingers crossed(交叉中指食指)祝运
index finger 食指 middle finger 中指 ring finger 名指 little finger 指
finish v come to an end reach the end of 结束完毕
词组 finish doing sth 做完…… finish off 吃完喝完
例句 The children finished off all the cake 孩子吃完整蛋糕
I haven’t finished writing the report yet 没写完报告
展开 finished adj 完工结束
fire n the condition of burning flames light and great heat 火
v shoot off bullets dismiss from a job 开火发射解雇
词组 be on fire(强调状态)着火 catch fire(强调动作)着火
play with fire 玩火做危险事 make a fire 生火
put out the fire 灭火 fire alarm 火警
set fire to sth set sth on fire 火……放火
fire brigade 消防队 fire engine 消防车 fire extinguisher 灭火器
fire fighter 消防队员 fire insurance 火灾保险
例句 The garage is on fire 车库着火
The garage caught fire last night 昨晚车库着火
Who set the house on fire 谁放火?
He fired a gun at a snake 蛇开枪
The company fired him for not coming to work on time 公司准时班开
fit v be the right size or shape put correctly into place 合适符合安装……
adj right and suitable for a particular purpose physically health 适合相称健康
例句 The new dress fit you well 件新衣服挺合身
It is not fit for you to talk like that 样说话合适
Exercise keeps you fit 运动保持健康
辨析 a) sth fit sb sb is fit for sth 注意语宾语位置
辨析列句子: The job fits you 工作适合
The house isn’t fit for you to live in 房子适合住
b) fit (v adj) 常指尺寸合适 suit suitable指方面款式风格合适
The book is suitable for kids 书适合孩子
These shoes fit perfectly 鞋子正合适
fix vt fasten firmly in position repair 修理安装固定
词组 fix sth on … (目光注意力)集中……
例句 He fixed his eyes on the fountain in the square 目转睛着广场喷泉
Our attention was fixed on his speech Nobody noticed the police came in
展开 fixed adj 固定变
fly (flew flown) v move through the air travel by air 飞飞机等飞行驾驶飞机
n action of flying a kind of small flying insect 飞行苍蝇
词组 fly a kite 放风筝 Time flies 时光飞逝 How time flies
have a fly in a plane 坐飞机飞行
focus v direct one’s attention to something 集中……
n the point at which light meets a center of attention 焦点焦距
词组 focus sth on 聚焦……注意力集中… bring sth into focus 调准……距离
be in out of focus 焦点准没准
例句 I focused the camera on the flower 相机聚焦花朵
We must focus our attention on these problems 必须注意力集中问题
folk n adj people in general common people of a country 民间
词组 folk dance 土风舞 folk music 民族音乐 one’s folks 家亲
folk singer 民谣歌手 folk song 民歌民谣
follow v come or go after go along engage in as a business 遵循
词组 follow the directions 遵循指示 follow the rules 遵循规
follow the fashion 追时尚 follow the stage career 事舞台生涯
it follows that … 结果…… as follows 述
例句 The duck kept following him everywhere 走鸭子
Follow this road until you get to the post office 着条路直走邮局
I don’t quite follow you 太听懂话
A group of clowns came followed by the Spiderman 群丑蜘蛛侠
She is absent today But it doesn’t follow that she is ill 天没定说明生病
He explained it as follows 说明
展开 following adj 列接着 the following year 莅年
the following questions 列问题
fond adj loving kind 喜爱
词组 be fond of 喜欢
例句 She is fond of playing the piano 喜欢弹钢琴
food n sth that can be eaten by people or animals to keep them living and for growth 食物
词组 food and drink 饮食 Chinese food 中国菜
food clothing and shelter 衣食住(注意次序)
canned food 罐头食品 frozen food 冷冻食品 seafood 海鲜 sweet food 甜食
dog food 狗食 fast food 快餐 heavy (rich) food 油腻食物 light food 清淡食物
mental food 精神食粮 food for thought 应思考问题 food chain 食物链
例句 This food disagrees with me 食物合胃口
fool n person without much sense stupid person蠢
vt behave like a fool be idle and silly cheat deceive 欺骗愚弄
词组 feel like a fool 倒霉 make a fool of 愚弄嘲笑
展开 foolish adj 愚蠢
It is foolish of sb to do sb is foolish to do 做……明智
It was foolish of you to cheat in exam 考试作弊真愚蠢
You were foolish to cheat in exam
foot n measure of length 12 inches the lower end of the leg 英尺脚
词组 on foot 步行 be on one’s feet 站着 set foot in on 进入踏
stand on one’s own feet 独立
例句 She is dizzy and can’t stay on her feet any longer 头晕法站着
Never set foot in this house again 永远准踏进房子
football n a leather ball used in games a game of such ball (美国)橄榄球(英国)足球
词组 play football 踢球 a football game 足球赛
forbid (forbade forbidden) order sb not to do sth not allow vt 禁止许
词组 forbid doing n 禁止做 forbid sb to do 禁止某做
例句 Smoking is forbidden in this building 房子禁烟
My father forbade me to watch TV before I finished my homework
展开 forbidden adj 禁止 The Forbidden City
force n strength power of bodyphysical power organized armed men力量力气军队势力
vt compel oblige use force to get or do sth make sb do sth 强制强迫
词组 by force 武力 come into force (法律)开始实施
force sb to do into doing 强迫某做某事
例句 He was forced to sign the paper 迫文件签字
Never settle problems by force 永远武力解决问题
辨析 force 指武力军队警察物理力 power 指权力政权电力等
strength 指体力 energy 指量
展开 forceful adj 强力坚强(话语)说服力
forcefully adv 强力说服力
forecast (forecast forecast) v n say in advance what is likely to happen 预测预报
词组 weather forecast 天气预报
foreign adj in from another country not one’s own coming from outside 外国外
词组 foreign affairs 外交问题外交事务 foreign language 外语
foreign trade 外贸易 foreign exchange 外汇
展开 foreigner n 外国
forget v (forgot forgotten) lose remembrance of fail to keep in the memory 忘记
词组 forget doing 忘记做…… forget to do 忘记做……
例句 My secretary forgot to mail the letter 秘书忘寄信
I’ll never forget sailing in the Pacific Ocean 永远会忘记太洋扬帆航行
展开 forgetful adj 健忘 forgetfully adv 健忘 forgetfulness n 健忘怠慢
forgive (forgave forgiven) vt no longer have the wish to punish sb show mercy to 原谅
词组 forgive sb for doing 原谅某……
例句 He forgave me for leaving his notes in the office 原谅笔记忘办公室
Please forgive my rudeness 请原谅卤莽
展开 forgiveness n 宽恕
form n shape general arrangement paper with space to be filled in 形式方式外型表格
vt give shape to produce develop organize 形成组成
vi come into existence become solid take shape 成形
词组 be in out of form (运动员等)状态良 in the form of ……形式
fill in the form 填写表格 the application form 申请表格
form a good habit 养成惯 Dark clouds formed in the sky
例句 Different countries have different forms of government国家形式政府
We can’t form an opinion about it 件事想出什意见
An idea formed in his mind 心中产生某种想法
He answered me in the form of a letter 信件形式回答
former adj of an earlier period 前前者
词组 the former (两者中)前者 辨析:the latter (两者中)者
my former teacher 前老师 former wife former classmates
forth adv onwards forwards 前
词组 and so forth 等等 back and forth 前前回
fortune n success great sum of money good or bad luck coming to a person 财富运气
词组 be in good bad fortune 运幸 seek one’s fortune 碰运气离家闯天
make win a fortune 发财 tell one’s fortune 某算命
展开 fortunate adj 幸运吉利
be fortunate in ……方面幸运
She is fortunate in inheriting a large house 幸运继承房子
be fortunate to do 幸运……
I’m fortunate to have good health 幸运健康身体
It is fortunate that … ……幸运
It was fortunate that the drowning boy was saved by a passing boat
fortunately adv 幸运侥幸
Fortunately … It is fortunately that… 幸运……
Fortunately they found their way out 幸运找出路
forward adv to the front towards the future 前
v help forward help to advance send a letter 转递(信件等)推动……
词组 put forward 提出(建议等)(钟表等)拨快 look forward to sthdoing 期……盼……
forward sth to 转递(信件等)
例句 Please forward this letter to the following address 请封信转寄列址
She put forward a plan for our farewell party 告晚会提出计划
We are looking forward to seeing you soon 盼着快见
foundation n the start or establishing of an organization 基金会基础创建
词组 lay the foundation of … ……基础
展开 found (founded founded) vt 创立创建 founder n 创立创办者
frank adj showing clearly the thoughts and feeling open 坦诚直率
词组 To be frank with you… 坦白说……
例句 To be frank with you you have little chance to pass the exam
展开 frankly adv 坦白 Frankly speaking … 坦白说…… To be frank with you …
Frankly speaking I don’t agree with you 坦白说意意见
free adj (freer freest) not in prison having personal rights costing nothing 免费
词组 set sb free 释放 free from 免……没……妨碍 free of duty free of charge
for free 免费偿 be free of … 摆脱…………
例句 This booklet is free of charge 册子免费
Before leaving home the girl set the bird free from the cage
Let’s find a place free from noise 找没噪音方
I got the ticket for free 免费票
展开 freedom n freely adv 意
freeze (froze frozen) vi be so cold that water turns into ice 结冰凝固
展开 freezing adj 极冷冰冷 It’s freezing cold 太冷
frozen adj 冻住 frozen food 冷冻食品
friend n person whom one knows and likes well but not a relation 朋友
词组 make friends (with sb) (……交朋友) a close friend 知密友
展开 friendly adj 朋友般友 be friendly to sb ……友
Chinese people are friendly to foreign guests 中国外国友友
friendship n 友谊友
build up establish the friendship between … 建立……间友谊
break friendship with sb ……断交
frighten vt fill with terror or fear alarm suddenly ……惊恐
例句 The sudden noise frightened us 突然噪音受惊吓
展开 frightened adj 惊讶受惊
be frightened to do 做……害怕胆怯
She was very frightened to look down from the top of the building
be frightened that … ……感害怕
The boy was frightened that he would get lost 孩子十分害怕会迷路
frightening adj 令惊吓恐怖 fright n 恐怖惊吓
from prep (used to introduce the startingpoints of place time etc) ……
词组 be from come from …………方 from then on 时起(般时态)
from now on 现起 be absent from 缺席
die from ……(疾病)死亡 judging from … ……判断
be different from …… from one’s point of view ……观点
front n place where the war takes place foremost side opposite to the back 前线前面
词组 in front of ……前……面前
in the front of ……前部……前排(注意in front of区)
front door 前门 the front page 封面报纸头版
例句 There is a park in front of their house 房子前公园
She sat in the front of the theatre 坐剧院前排
fruit n part of plants that contains the seeds and is used as food 水果
词组 fruit bowl 果盆 fruit salad 水果色拉 bear fruit (植物)结果实
full adj holding as much as possible completely filled 满充满
词组 be full of 充满着 The bus was full of students 公交车里坐满学生
I’m full 吃饱 To the full advantage
full name 全名 full stop 句号
full time 全部班时间全职专职 (反义词:part time)
展开 fully adv 完全充分
I fully understand the importance of learning English 完全明白学英语重性
fun n [u] amusement enjoyment playfulness 乐趣娱乐
词组 for fun 闹着玩认真 make fun of… 取笑…………开玩笑
be full of fun 玩趣 have fun 开心
It is fun to do something What fun it is to do something
例句 It’s great fun play tennis 网球趣
I learned cooking for fun 学做饭玩
It’s not right to make fun of people who stammer应该取笑口吃
展开 funny adj 笑滑稽
function n special purpose of a person or thing 功作 vi operate act 活动运转起作
词组 fulfill perform a function 职责
例句 This machine is not functioning properly 部机器运作正常
furnish vt supply furniture in 装备(房间)配备家具
词组 furnish sth with … (房间)配备……
例句 The apartment is well furnished 间公寓家具齐全
furniture n [u] all those movable things in a house or room 家具
词组 a piece of an article of furniture 件家具
future n adj coming after the present in the coming time 未
词组 in future (指现开始时间段)
in the future 未(指某时间点)





需要 2 积分 [ 获取积分 ]




qualify vt. have or give (sb.) the qualities, training, etc that are necessary or suitable (使)具有资格, (使)胜任 vi. have qualities 有资格, 胜任词组 qualify…to do…(使)…具有资格做… qualify …as…作

l***c 11年前 上传603   0


safe adj. protected from danger and harm; secure; cautious安全的;平安的;谨慎的词组 return safe and sound 平安无事展开 safety n. 平安;安全 safety rules; take someone to safety; sake n. because

苦***人 11年前 上传529   0


keen adj. eager, active, sensitive 渴望的,敏锐的,精明的词组 be keen on ,be keen to do 对…有强烈兴趣 keen edges 锋利的刀刃 keen eyes 敏锐的眼光keep  v (keep-kept-kept) cause somebody/something

好***1 10年前 上传548   0


mad adj. mentally ill 发疯的,狂 热的词组 go mad 发疯; be mad at somebody 生…的气; be mad at / about 为…生气/迷上; drive someone mad; maintain vt. keep up, retain, continue 维持,建立词组 mainta

i***a 12年前 上传647   0


object vi. say that one is not in favor of ; protest不赞成,反对 vt. give … as a reason for opposing… 提出…作为反对的理由词组 object to + n. / doing… 反对…,反对做…展开 objection n. disapproval, op

b***n 9年前 上传585   0


take vt. carry sth/sb or accompany sb from one place to another 拿,取;带领;sit down or be seated就(坐、职等);eat or drink sth吃,喝;服(药等);use a means of transport搭乘(车、船等);test or measure something量(体温)

如***哥 10年前 上传455   0


高中英语词汇表格整理版3500 A a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……) abandon  [əˈbændən] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 ability  [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 能力;才能 able [ˈeɪb(ə)l] a. 能够;有能力

n***s 5年前 上传20161   0


The writing brush, ink stick, ink stone, and paper were requisite treasures in the study of the scholars of ancient China, and they are often referred to as the“ Four Treasures of the Study.”The writing brush and ink stick have (use)by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty(22 I BC---206 BC),

温***季 3年前 上传530   0


Chinese characters were initially (mean)to be simple pictures used to help people remember things. After a long period of (develop), it finally became a unique character system embodies phonetic sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time. The writing system, which was (extreme) advanced in ancient times,

夏***子 3年前 上传693   0


Smoking (do)great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air,damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. (arouse)the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking- induced diseases and deaths,

夏***子 3年前 上传503   0


Acupuncture is an important part traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the .“main and collateral channels”theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It (feature)in traditional Chinese medicine that“ internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”.

夏***子 3年前 上传629   0


Population aging has become a world-wide phenomenon. It has not only Come to stay but, (especial)in the developing countries, it will become more acute with the passage of time. (It)influences are so wide-ranging and manifold they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society. In order to ensure a sustainable (develop)for the elderly population,

夏***子 3年前 上传511   0


I share the same view many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing ,stubborn Western ill. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact individual freedom has gone overboard in the West, resulting in extreme individualism, sexual promiscuity and excessive use of violence. By contrast,self-discipline, corporate (responsible)and the pacific tradition of East Asia can offset many Western (vice),

夏***子 3年前 上传472   0


A slowdown economic activity in China has a (globe)impact as companies that sell to China may see revenues suffer. Countries (include)Australia, Brazil and others in South East Asia (see)huge profits in recent years because Chinese demand for natural resources. The fall in demand from China has already had an impact on the prices of many (commodity). Last week, China’s Finance Minister LouJiwei indicated economic growth could be 7% for the year, and that this may not be the“ bottom line'

温***季 3年前 上传550   0


The Duanwu Festival, also (call)the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet QuYuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed/respected minister, brought peace and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river a result of being vilified.

夏***子 3年前 上传488   0


首先,我们总说“4S店”,但你知道“4S”指的是什么吗?4S店全称:Automobile Sales Servicshop4S:整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)sale 卖,出售,销售The sale of cigarettes/alcohol is forbidden.禁止出售香烟/酒。

6***雅 7个月前 上传231   0


…(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together

f***l 12年前 上传630   0


The China International Publishing Group is the (large)and the most authoritative foreign language publishing and distribution establishment, its predecessor being the International Press Bureau of the Central People's Government Press and Publication Administration. Adhering to the publishing philosophy of“assisting China's march to the world and fascinating world's (understand)of China", the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing (culture)exchanges between China and foreign countries. In order to build up a strong team of publishing staff, as well as to meet the growing need of more technically demanding business, the Group makes

夏***子 3年前 上传463   0


The Qingming Festival falls April 4,5,or 6 each year. after the festival, the temperature rises up and rainfall increases.the Qingming Festival is not only a ( tradition)festival in china,but also the most important festival of commemorative. the Han nationality and minority nationality offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the deceased at this time.the Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines (bright), the trees and grass become green.since ancient times people (follow)the custom of spring outings.people love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival.the Qingming Festival is also a good time to plant trees,for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later.

夏***子 3年前 上传457   0


The phenomenon of holiday economy shows Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great (change). According to statistics, the demands for Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and (person) development. (Chinese consumers’ demand for basic necessities of life has given way to leisure, comfort and personal development.) Therefore, the structure of products should (adjust)accordingly to adapt to social development. On other hand,services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

夏***子 3年前 上传590   0


yield provide produce v. 产生;产生效果1. 重点词汇表序号单词词义含义1Abandon[ə'bændən]vt. 放弃,抛弃 n. 放任,放纵否定。特别注意放任,放纵的含义The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side.They drank and smoke

小***树 11年前 上传629   0


物理:absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute motion 绝对运动 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute velocity 绝对速度 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorption 吸收 absorptivity 吸收率 accelerated motion

文***品 1年前 上传374   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十六)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ bone2.____________________ shell3.____________________ symbol4.____________________ carve5.____________________ dynasty 6._________________

文***7 5个月前 上传134   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十八)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.tutor ____________________2.messenger____________________3.edition ____________________4.overwhelming ____________________5.homesickness ____________________6.a

的***有 5个月前 上传125   0


高考英语词汇词组默写检测训练(十九)(一)阅读单词——我会认1.____________________ bold2.____________________ peppercorn3.____________________ vinegar4.____________________ lamb5.____________________ lamb kebab6.__________

文***7 5个月前 上传146   0