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高考英语阅读备考:与时间之沙抗争 学案(含答案)





1 Wang Youde remembers a time when his hometown in Lingwu city Northwest Chinas Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was covered in sand The expansion of the desert occupied the farmlands houses and hometown and tens of thousands of people had to move away This drove him to fight against desertification and regain the land robbed by the desert
2 In 1985 when he worked as deputy director of Baijitan National Nature Reserve in Lingwu he began his mission leading his colleagues into battle against the sand Later he became director of the reserve Planting trees in Baijitan was an arduous task What’s worse the battle required the effort of a large number of people but few were willing to engage in the tough cause
3 As a result Wang reformed the income distribution system of the reserve enabling people to earn more according to the results of their work He also proposed an annual target: everyone was set the task of making 10000 straw checkerboard barriers digging holes for and planting 10000 trees over an area of 667 hectares
4 He and his colleagues developed an effective method to not only control the sand in Baijitan but also enable people to gain more income from the cause At first they planted sandfixation forests along the outer reaches of the desert to form the first line of ecological defense and then planted primary forest belts along trunk canals and roads to form a second With the dual protection they were able to divert (转移) sand and water to create fields upon which they planted fruit forests and nursery (苗圃) gardens—providing another source of income for people They also planted grass for grazing livestock and developed animal husbandry (农牧业) using the manure (肥料粪肥) to help fertilize the fields
5 Over the years Baijitan which had bad ecological conditions and fixed assets of only 400000 yuan before 1985 has grown to be a national⁃level reserve with good infrastructure rich biodiversity and fixed assets of nearly 100 million yuan
6 Wang retired in 2014 but he continued to lead people in planting trees on a barren mountain not far from Yinchuan Hedong International Airport—doing so at a rate of 667 hectares a year His work has contributed valuable experience to the prevention and control of desertification in China In 2019 he was awarded the national honorary title of Peoples Role Model at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
Ⅰ Choose the best answers according to the text
Detail    1 What can we know about Wang Youde?
A Wang was the director of Baijitan National Nature Reserve in 1985
B Wang led people to fight against desertification for better income
C Wang tried lots of ways to prevent desertification in Lingwu city
D Wang retired in 2014 but continued to work as the director of the reserve
Vocabulary    2 What does the underlined word arduous in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A Important B Struggling C Active D Passive
Gist    3 What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A The process of desertification formation
B Causes leading to desertification formation
C The negative impacts of desertification
D Ways to prevent and control desertification
Inference    4 What is the authors purpose in writing the last paragraph?
A To analyze the changes of the desert in Baijitan
B To conclude the ways of desertification prevention
C To share the experience of desertification prevention
D To show the achievements of Wang Youde
Ⅱ Discussion
What made Wang successful in the prevention and control of desertification? Can you draw some valuable experience from Wang’s work?

Ⅰ Read the text again and then complete the chart
Wang Youde 's methods to control the sand in Baijitan
[Use the manure to help 7                    the fields][Plant grass for 6                    and develop animal husbandry][Plant 4                    and 5                   —providing another source of income for people][Plant 3                    along trunk canals and roads to form a second][Plant 1                    forests along the 2                    of the desert to form the first line of ecological defense]

Ⅱ Memorize some Textcentered chunks
1 抗反 fight
2 作担                    as
3 更糟 what’s
4 量 a large                    of
5 某做某事                    sb to do sth
6 继续做某事                    to do sth

时间沙抗争 答案
Reading Check
Ⅰ 1~4 CBDD
Ⅱ Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense
Language Study
Ⅰ 1 sand⁃fixation 2 outer reaches
3 primary forest belts 4 fruit forests
5 nursery gardens 6 grazing livestock
7 fertilize
Ⅱ 1 against 2 work 3 worse 4 number
5 enable 6 continue




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