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高中英语人教版 必修第三册Unit2 Morals and Virtues-Reading and Thinking教案




Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 
Section A Reading and Thinking
科目:英语 课题:Reading and Thinking 课时:1课时
知识目标:Read quickly to get the detailed information about Lin Qiaozhiread carefully to do the deductive information
力目标:Study the structure features and language features
情感目标:Communicate about Lin's life choices and reflect their own life choices
1 Greeting
2 Leadingin
Read the title of the text Mother of ten thousand babies
From the title and the picturewe can know that the article might be about          
参考答案:a female doctor who delivered a lot of babies

Fast reading
Ask students to read the text quickly and answer the questions
1What kind of text is it
2How are the events arranged
1A brief biography of Lin Qiaozhi
2In chronologicaltime order
学生活动:Read the text and answer the following questions:
Q1 What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life
Q2 What were the results of her choices
Q3 What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lin's life choices
学生活动:Read the following sentences and draw a conclusion
1 I'd rather stay single to study all my life
2Dr Lin however rejected the offer
3 She charged very low fees to treat patients often reduced costs for poor
4The OBGYN department cares for two lives we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters
From above sentences have the Ss answer the following questions
Q1 What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life
Q2 What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was
Q3 How do you feel after you read the passage about Dr Lin
活动目 求学生结合阅读篇章提供事实细节通分析探讨两问题出合理结:贯穿林巧稚生生原什?林巧稚样?结单元核心阅读策略着重培养学生深层思维力活动中学生需关注容细节学会分析文语言特点理解作者态度观点出结

1What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was Please think about some adjectives to describe her qualities
2How do you feel after you read the passage about Dr Lin
2The answers may vary

作业布置:Review what you have learned today




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1.I ________(使恢复) myself with a cup of coffee after some hard work.2.This is an opportunity to _______(提升)the reputation of the company.3.The old man is over 70,but he is often _________(精力充沛的)and seldom feels tired.4.TheBigBangTheory is a highly successful TV _______(喜剧).5.Before long we invited a spokeswoman and several _________(顾问) to participate in the debate.

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