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高考英语备考专题训练:克服紧张类续写练 (9篇范文)
  Breakfast time I quickly put on my clothes and rushed down the stairs
    Come on we don’t want to be lateMy mom said The aroma (香味)of pancakes filled the kitchen making the room warm I looked out of the window The sun was out making a warm and bright morning
     Today’s the day zip lining (高空滑索) My dad said sounding very enthusiastic early this morning
  Today we would go zip lining The excitement built up inside of me as breakfast went on After breakfast we set out in my dad’s car Half way through the ride the sun grew hot and the leather on the seats burned my legs I thought about the trip how my parents went but not me It was my first time experiencing something like this I also thought about my fear of heights one thing I tried to get rid of multiple times It got in the way of so many fun activities like roller coasters at Kings Island
  We were basically there by now the sun still blazing hot We pulled up to big sign where our instructor waited for us
Hi y’allsaid our instructor cheerfully
So have y’all done this before
My parents nodded but I shook my head Our instructor went over safety instructions while we each put on a safety harness (安全带) I started to get nervous A never ending roller coaster of excitement and anxiousness built inside of me I looked down the cliff My heart skipped a beat when the wind howled blowing leaves and twigs in the trees My legs started to shake
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  Alright y’all time to hit the trails said the instructor with too much enthusiasm        
Paragraph 2
My turn finally came                                

Writing sample  1
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasm My mom stepped up first she got hooked up to the metal wire ready to get pushed off the cliff She jumped off the stool and zipped across the metal line the wind blowing on her face My dad gave me an encouraging smile before he followed suit I got woozy What if the zip failed me The sun kept beating down on me and I had to brace myself up Since my parents had made it why couldn’t I 
 Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally came My hands grew clammy and I started to sweat The smell of metal came upon my hands from holding my harness I jumped and closed my eyes my legs folding up in unison All the nervousness went away as soon as I jumped I flew across that wire I looked down to see the river below my feet while still hearing my family’s faint cheers The wind blew against my face and I felt alive and refreshed from it When I reached the end my family greeted me with a huge embrace I realized how far I had come conquring my fear of heights
Writing sample  2
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasm Everyone lined up with excitement in front of the cliff They were chattering briskly(happily) and everyone except me seemed to wear a confident look on their faces The hot sun was baking the ground sweat streamed down my burning face fear and unwillingness filled every inch of my heart I was on the point to escape when a cute pet laid on my shoulders It was the instructor Hi little girl Don’t be afraid this is a very fun game of course it’s very safe Be brave and enjoy it He ruffled my hair and encouraged me I squeezed a flicker of smile and said thank you to him in a deep voice Still I’m afraid but ready to give a try
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameI firmed my lip into a line and paced slowly to the cliff My parents were behind me You can do it they said in a determined voice Gathering up all my courage I bounced off the cliff and dived into the sky Wind ran through my body I felt like I was a bird The feeling of the zip lining was so amazing fear and nervousness vanished my heart was filled with joy and gratitude Thanks to all those people who encourage me to challenge the difficulties and always be brave to try new things Therefore roller coaster I’m coming
Writing sample  3
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasm I’ll be the first Dad cocked his head took a deep breath and directly sprang off the edge Like a swooping hawk(猛扑鹰) he stretched his arms and swooshed (嗖嗖迅速移动)along the trail toward the other side The exhilarated (愉快振奋) yelling echoed in the valley and the next moment I glanced beyond the cliff Dad had already reached the end waving at us Full of excitement as it seemed I couldn’t help wriggling (扭动) my toes nervously When Mom gestured to the instructor to let her go next Before jumping she cast me an encouraging grin (咧嘴笑露齿笑)and comforted Just do as I do Then she gripped grasped the belt and stamped the ground Like Dad she rapidly became a small dot and hit the terminalanother cliff that was nearly a hundred meters across from me
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameMy eyes were fixed on the safety harness Is this truly firm enoughOn the other side were my parents waving at me and down the cliff was endless darkness Just when my stomach began to churn(搅动) Mom’s words flashed across my mind Do as I do I gritted my teeth clenched my fist and leapt out(跳跃) No sooner had I squeezed my eyes shut a gust of wind lashed at my face My feet were dangling (悬挂摇摆)casually in the air as if stepping on invisible stairs Eventually I plucked up my courage to open my eyes a bit and a view of breathtaking scenery instantly leapt into my sight Wow— Hardly could I resist the desire to yell at the top of my voice Several seconds later I was again on the ground But unlike a few moments ago I was beaming (喜气洋洋)wholeheartedly this time
Writing sample  4
Paragraph 1
 Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasmI stood rooted to the spot motionlessly with my hands trembling violently A flood of fear crept in my mind I couldn’t even utter a word or make a movement Oh my poor boy The instructor patted me smoothly on the shoulder Then your parents go first and they’ll wait for you at the destination I nodded paced back and hid myself behind the instructor My mom and dad waved at me and soon set off without a second thought I caught my safety harness tightly hoping the moment would never come I felt the line above me was shaking and I closed my eyes waiting for the time
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameBreathing a sigh of relief I seized the safety harness and felt my heart beating violently I screamed and exclaimed But I didn’t regret It’s fantastic The ray of sunlight darted (投射)towards me as if saying You are a brave boy Ultimately catching sight of my parents’ faint smile cracking on them tightly A dust of breeze cool and soft crafted (吹拂)our face with a sense of fulfillment welling up from the bottom of my heart I realized I not only succeeded in zip lining but also cured my fear of heights
Writing sample  5
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasm My father volunteered to be the first With a scream of excitement he went off So fast was he that he almost immediately turned into a black spot the scream echoing in the cliff Looking at the land under my feet and glancing at the bottom of the cliff fear overwhelmed my mind and I was nearly unable to move Don’t be so afraid Mom patted me on the shoulder Just enjoy the feast of the scenery Then she set off I had to muster upgather my courage I thought Just enjoy this chance of flying
Paragraph 2  
  My turn finally came Relax relax The instructor said when attaching my safety harness to the rope You are going to love it Sweat drowned my face and I had no idea whether it was because of the hot weather or my fear My parents were cheering up in excitement I took a deep breath and then went into the air Wind howled by my ears I managed to open my eyes Looking at the blue sky soft cloud and green mountainsI felt like a bird Surprise took the place of fear Woohoo I cheered when landing on the ground safely What an amazing experience
Writing sample  6
Paragraph 1
 Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasmMy father patted me on the shoulder and whispered the inspiring words to me You can do it I will be the first just follow me Then he was ready to start zip lining Exactly at that moment he began to zip Shortly afterwards he was standing on the other side of the cliff waving to us happily My father looked so relaxed but I was still frightened with my palms sweating and my legs shivering My mom stroked my head and said Don’t be scared I’ll wait for you on the other side Then she also started her zip lining On the other side my parents yelled at me Come on
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameStill hesitant I stood far away from the cliff The instructor walked towards me then gave me a pat on the shoulder saying Just keep your head up and you won’t be afraid I took a deep breath and stepped forward With a push on my back I set out keeping my head up I could feel the wind howling beside me blowing away all my fear When I reached the other side I knew I not only completed one zip lining ride but also rid myself of fear of height
Writing sample  7
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasmBefore my parents’ turn they encouraged me patting me on the shoulder Come on Don’t be afraid Father said with excitement Having tightened the safety harness again my parents were ready to go Right at that moment I heard my heart beating heavily and the sun hovering (盘旋)my head nearly swallowed me Full of fear I was quivering (颤抖)from head to toe with my palms sweating
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameI checked my safety harness over and over again Then I was ready ClenchingHolding the string tightly I jumped The wind dashed onto my face With the sun blazing I attempted to open my eyes Just green all around I felt like I was just a bird kissing the sky The hotness was gone with the fear Suddenly the destination came into my sight Looking back at the zip lining left behind and the green waves below I beamedsmiled at the terrifying cliff Don’t give in to the fear The fantastic world is waiting for us to try
Writing sample  8
Paragraph 1
 Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasmMom was the first and I would follow her after she finished Ready to go she yelled to the instructor gladly After a quick waving back she took off Screaming with excitement she quickly disappeared in the morning sunlight and soon became a black dot faraway like a bird flying through the valley Seeing this I covered my mouth with a hand to conceal my panic and couldn’t feel excited at all How could I do that
Paragraph 2  
  My turn finally cameThe wind and the scenery quickly passed me I plucked up my courage to open my eyes and looked down I couldn’t help letting out a cry startled(surprised) But gradually after yelling constantly I began to enjoy the zip lining Seeing the breathtaking view a surge of current of joy welled up inside me After landing on the ground my parents wrapped me into their arms and we were exultant(狂喜欢跃) with smiles spreading on our faces When I was bathed in the sunshine it felt like the amberlike sunshine was kissing every inch of skins It eventually dawned on me that what truly frightens me is the fear itself
Writing sample  9
Paragraph 1 
Alright y’all time to hit the trails Said the instructor with too much enthusiasmMy parents hit the trails with full of confidence but my palm was sweating and I couldn’t do that Don’t worry boy just look at how your Dad do Dad clenched (紧握)the trail slipping down without a second thought As he attached to the ground he waved to me at the opposite side A chill of fear went down my spine the instant I stepped on the edge of the cliff I closed my eyes not caring about my quiveringtrembling body and the peak At the moment the instructor pushed me down my mind was blank and every part of me was plunged into(陷入) fear
Paragraph 2   
 My turn finally cameA mixture feeling of fear and excitement seized me Closing my eyes I determined to start Just at that moment all of my fear vanished and I feel like that I was flying like a bird After some seconds I was on the ground I was enveloped with overwhelming delight and I threw a bonecrushing (紧紧)hug to my parents I yelled at the top of my lung I made it I made it My parents face broad into a smile The chirping birds (叽叽喳喳鸟)and blooming flowers did witness my success of line zipping out of fear of heights





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高考英语二轮复习:如何写求助信 学案

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高考英语二轮复习:求助信 必备句型默写 学案

告知信-必备句型默写一、结构:Para. 1: ____________________________________________(约 排)Para. 2: ____________________________________________(约 排)Para. 3: ____________________________________________(约 排)二、段落具

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高考英语二轮复习:如何写求职信 学案

如何写求职信【写作任务】假定你是李华,某国际野生动物保护协会正在招聘志愿者,你有意加入。请你写信应聘,内容包括:1. 写信目的;2. 个人优势。注意:1. 词数 120 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam,

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