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撰写:浙工附中 郭烨辉 参考:高考真题专四素材英美原版语料
1 (20216浙江卷)Laying in front of my eyes were numerous coinshencehardly could I conceal my excitement
2 (20216浙江卷)Hearing this dad widened his eyes staring at me with tears misting his eyesburring his vision
3(20211浙江卷)Relief brought a smile to my face(拟)
4 (20206月浙江卷)Irritated by the spray the bear greeted us with a howl of rage(发怒咆哮)
5(20206月浙江卷)My mind raced like flash as my hands gropedfumbled for anything that might keep us safe
6(20201月浙江卷)His eyebrows first lifted high as the surprise hit him but then they soothed as the dogs warmly nestled against his feet wagging their tails waiting to be stroked(惊讶时面部表情)
7(2020湖州二模)Amazed the twins had their mouths open stared at … who looked as if she enjoyed it immensely
8 (201711浙江卷)We crossed big rivers and vast plains climbed high mountains and overlooked deep valleys
9 Her face beamed with a bright smilebroadened into a dazzling smile which lit up the shabby restaurant abruptly
10 Hit by the horrible scene I was trembling with fear my heart hammeringpoundingracing(恐惧)
11 Driven by tremendous curiosity Harry found it hard to resist the temptation to have a look at it(奇)
12 Collapsing onto the ground with relief they were still visibly shaking with fear after such a narrow escape
13Choked with overwhelming gratitude Mac bowed to them repeatedly without whose help he couldn’t have survived
14 Plucking up his courage and clearing his throat Tom started to recite the poem he had slaved over Surprisingly words flooded outescaped him fluently which was beyond his wildest dream
15 It was his dogged determination and ceaseless efforts that carried him through the rocky patch in his life(结尾升华)
16 When his eyes caught mine I was able to see tears shimmered in his smiling eyes
17 Gloom and depression envelopedswallowedshadowedhaunted him
18 Twinkling stars were blinking and fragrant breeze gently stroke my headas if comforting all of my tiredness
19 Everyone started to clap their hands and the thunderous applause seemed to brim out of the halldeafening
20 She fled the spotwith her cheeks burning with embarrassmentA faint blush crept over her face(抹红晕爬脸颊)
21 I reluctantly shook my head and simultaneously murmured to my father tentatively(扭捏愿试探)
22 It was sunset when we passed the villagesun’s blazing orange fueling the clouds on the horizonrendering a scene of magnificence(生动景物描写)
23 I squeezed my eyes shut elbowingshouldering through the crowd(手肘开路挤)
24 He willed himself not to panicand suddenly a brilliant idea occurred tocrossed his mind(灵光乍现)
25She clicked her tongue in disapprovalshrugging her shoulders impatiently(失耐烦)
26 She stood rootedstiffening with horrormotionless(僵住)
27 His face lit up after hearing the good news(开心)
28I nodded without hesitation as if a second wasted could steal my life secretly(坚决)
29On the edge of breaking downshe had a lump in her throat and could hardly utter a word(哽咽)
30Stunned I stood up and gave her an awkward hug hugged her in an award way(笨拙)
31Speechless she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms
32 The thief snatchedgrippedsqueezed the handbag and disappeared into the crowd
33She slackened her steps(放慢脚步)to duck into(逃走) the rain as if meandering freely (漫步)along the road
34He grinned a grinexposing a set of amazingly white teeth(外貌描写)
35Despite his wrinkled facethe man stroke into the room at a rapid pace with his back straight and an air of dignity
36We were totally soaked to the skin due to the heavy and dreadful rain(湿透)
37 When the storm of grief had spent itselfinto the arm chair she sankpressed down by a physical exhaustion that seemingly swallowed her soul(运拟倒装句式描绘疲惫消沉状态)
38 She was young with a faircalm facewhose lines indicated repression and even incredible strength(生动外貌描写)
39 A sparkle of light dawned on me and somehow all of my grumble feelings gushed away like water down the plughole(运拟喻修辞描绘怒气散心理)
40 My nerves tingled and jarred
41 The night wind howled ruthlesslynameless creatures murmured in the dark and the faint moonlight shone weakly on the ground(阴森恐怖气氛营造)
42 I shrieked at the top of my lung but received no response but the whistling of the winds(心极度助)
43 A wild gaiety took hold of my sinking heartA affectionate hug replaced all of my horrorA loving heart started emphasizing with another weak one(脱险时心触动排手法旨升华)
44 MrsSather stared into my eyes as of spotting my inner self locked away inside(透心灵描写)
45 At the crack of dawnshe raced towards the castle like a galloping horse but unfortunately bumped into a stonereeling(连环动作承接喻手法运reeling补充状态)
46 He was juggling the footballflicking it right over his headthen backheeling it over to haltonce again
47 I ran with the wind blowing in my face and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher(典) on my lips
48 All right Here I goI took off running my sneakers splashing rainwater from puddles the hand clutching the kite end of the string held high above my head(放风筝细节描写)
49 I felt a presence next to me and looked down It was Sohrab whose hands dug deep in the pockets of his raincoat
50 Snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of the stunted mulberry trees that lined our street Overnight snow had nudged its way into every crack(寓情景委婉然)
51 文档香网(httpswwwxiangdangnet)户传




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文***7 8个月前 上传275   0


2022届新高考英语读后续写高分素材1(21-23分)编撰:Ronnie1. Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.(稳稳地站着)2. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.(拥抱)3. He parked down the street f

文***7 1年前 上传516   0


读后续写评讲阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was an Art lesson. Rachel sat at the desk watching her classmates busy preparing the water jars and paints. She understood why Mrs. Weston asked her to sit do

文***7 8个月前 上传284   0


一、开心Her eyes twinkled with merriment. 她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。Mack went into raptures and burst into laughter.麦克欣喜若狂,大笑起来。A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. 人群中传来一阵笑声Lily's laughter lingered in the room for a long time. 丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。

文***7 1年前 上传412   0


读后续写人物描写高级表达素材一、人物情绪刻画(1)高兴/兴奋...................................................名词...........................................................难以形容地开心indescribably wild joy既兴奋又开心a mixture o

还***法 8个月前 上传268   0



太古时光 2年前 上传362   0


2011高考英语阅读理解分类汇编之广告应用文类1.(2011•全国新课标)DWanted, Someone for a KissWe’re looking for producers to join us in the second of London 100FM. You’ll work on the station’s music programmes. Music produc

b***c 13年前 上传768   0


读后续写写作重点及步骤写作重点1.重在描写(画面感) 描述过程应加入更多的具体动作描述和情感描写,用具体动作代替抽象表达。同学们比较擅长写“结论性”语言,如“She felt really nervous and cold.”这样的句子虽然没有错误,但是直接地形容词表达,会导致续写指呈现抽象的结论,没有“画面感”。[例]我每天去学校。I go to school every day

还***法 8个月前 上传264   0


探究型学习活动设计 ——以Continuation writing 读后续写设计为例 一、教材及教学内容分析《普通高中英语课程标准(征求意见稿)》将英语核心素养凝练为语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力。英语学科核心素养中提出:学生应以主题意义探究为目的,以与语篇为载体,在理解和表达的语言实践活动中,融合知识学习和技能发展,通过感知

高***本 1年前 上传375   0


读后续写精彩表达句子动作描写句子-高兴1.On went her old brown jacket. On went her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door and down the stairs

的***有 1年前 上传381   0


首先,我们总说“4S店”,但你知道“4S”指的是什么吗?4S店全称:Automobile Sales Servicshop4S:整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)sale 卖,出售,销售The sale of cigarettes/alcohol is forbidden.禁止出售香烟/酒。

6***雅 7个月前 上传224   0


读后续写素材库之肢体动作的描写及练习有关hand的有用词链儿及练习take one9s hand牵某人的手reach for one\ hand伸手抓住某人hold hands 手拉手in one's hand 在手里with both hands 用双手shake one's hand 握手hold out a hand 伸出手put one9s hands to one's

小***3 4年前 上传1199   0


新高考读后续写素材积累之关于恶劣环境的描写环境描写,可以起到融情与景的效果,衬托人物的内心世界。适当的环境描写可以让文章读起 来有立体感和真实感。关于风的描写可仿写例句:1. This winter; the weather is unusually cold.2.There is no wind at this moment, the world seems to have stopp

小***3 4年前 上传814   0



锦***3 1年前 上传458   0

高考英语二轮复习:读后续写(The lake princesses)学案(无答案)

高考英语写作备考:The lake princesses 湖 边 公 主湖边有两位被困的美丽公主,传说会有一位勇敢的王子来救她们,小公主每天耐心地等待,而大公主则决定自救……Once upon a time there were two beautiful princesses whom had been kidnapped(劫持) by a hostile(敌对的) king. The

文***7 8个月前 上传218   0


高中英语作文--读后续写句子翻译狂练30天DAY121. 当阿特走近时,他可以看到吉姆在哭。2. 阿特问他到底怎么了。“有人叫我,刚才我最好的朋友兰迪发生了什么事。3. 他在我家后面,”他哭着说。4. Art让他上车,他会带他去那里。5. 这所房子是一座老小农舍,有一条大车道。6. 阿特看到一只狗一动不动地躺在车道外面。7. “好了!”他在了!那是兰迪!”“吉姆喊道。8. 我生活

郭***林 3年前 上传544   0


高考英语备考:分析特色,沿袭语言风格读后续写的实质是根据所提供的原文内容,写出主旨一致、逻辑顺畅、语言风格一致的故事结尾。因此,续写时除了考虑故事的主题思想,特别关注逻辑之外,我们也要高度关注续写部分和原文的语言风格,确保我们写出的结尾在语言风格上和原文保持一致。然而在平时的续写练习中,我们发现很多同学忽略了这一点。具体表现为:1. 用词太过复杂或偏僻。有些同学为了增加所谓的“高级词汇”

的***有 5个月前 上传154   0


读后续写专练(一)A阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。I had insisted on dropping out of college after my first semester (学期) in order to try and join the Merchant Marine. Using an article from Life as

福***园 6个月前 上传207   0


2021届高考考前4月每日拔高练第3练屋顶花园就是在屋面上覆盖绿色植被,并配有给排水设施,是以自然环境为依托,资源流动为命脉,社会环境为经络的半人工生态系统。下图示意屋顶花园结构。读下图,完成下列各题。1屋顶和种植层之间的排水层采用的是蓄排水盘,其主要作用是(   )A.储存雨季全部雨水 B.吸附雨水污染物C.调控土壤中的水分 D.为植物提供养分2适合于屋顶绿化种植植物的品种是(

郭***林 3年前 上传418   0


2021届高考考前4月每日拔高练第9练海南洋浦盐田是我国至今保留最完整的原始日晒盐场,当地人将海边广布的黑色玄武岩削平凿槽,注入卤水(在晒干的海滩泥沙上浇洒海水过滤制成),晒出高品质的盐巴。完成下题。1海南洋浦盐场晒盐的有利条件(   )①地处低纬,气温高,日照强烈②沿海地区,风速大,蒸发旺盛③副高控制,晴天多,高温烈日④石质海滩,地势平,便于晒盐A.②③ B.①② C.①③ D

郭***林 3年前 上传543   0


2021届高考考前5月每日拔高练第9练海洋渗透能是利用咸水与淡水之间的渗透压力推动涡轮发电机发电而获得的能源。在盐度大的水域里,渗透发电的效果更好,但在发电厂附近必须有充足的淡水供给。挪威能源集团研发出了获取这种绿色能源的技术,目前我国对海洋渗透能的研发尚处于初期阶段。下图示意海洋渗透能的工作原理。读图,完成下面三题。1我国依靠海洋渗透能发电最理想的盐湖是( )A.青海西部察尔汗盐湖

郭***林 3年前 上传472   0


2021届高考考前4月每日拔高练第12练唐朝初期,荆江与洞庭湖常年处于“湖高江低,江不入湖”的状态。古籍记载青草湖“北连洞庭,南接满湘,东纳汨罗之水;水泛与洞庭为一,水涸则此湖先干,青草生焉”,由此得名青草湖。此外,青草湖每年也都会出现“青草难觅”的自然现象。下图为唐初期洞庭湖及青草湖流域图。据此完成下题。1唐朝初期,导致洞庭湖区“江不入湖”的原因可能是(   )A.荆江径流量减小 B

郭***林 3年前 上传715   0



郭***林 3年前 上传410   0


超全超实用的生活小窍门  巧治“电视眼“:3,按压穴位:闭上眼睛,拇指放在太阳穴上。用食指第一,二节关节间的指腹,平稳触压眼窝上缘和下缘,从鼻子往太阳穴进行  米饭美容小常识:米饭做好后,挑些比较软、温热的揉成团,放在面部轻揉,直到米饭团变得油腻污黑,然后用清水洗掉,这样可使皮肤呼吸通畅,减少皱纹。  巧煮绿豆汤:洗净的绿豆放入锅中炒五六分钟,边炒边碾压。然后放入锅中煮,这样容易煮烂

f***4 10年前 上传670   0


读名著续写微场景-2022届高考英语专题复习Read and underline the good expressions you’ve spotted. 可课前布置Ten years later.A horse-drawn carriage careened down the road at a full gallop. Outside the carriage windows, the

文***7 4个月前 上传165   0