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单元测4 试题答案
―Bettywe’ll have a buffet party next SaturdayWill you join us
―_________SusanThank you
[答案]AI’d love to

―I had a really good weekend at the seaside
[答案]BOhI’m glad to hear that

―How was your trip to LondonJane
[答案]AOhwonderful indeed

―I am going to ask for a pay rise
[答案]CI think you may talk to your boss

―Thanks for inviting meJohnbut I’ve already made other plans
―_________Maybe another time
[答案]COh I’m sorry to hear that

Among the critiques were allegations______some franchise uses its political influence to increase its profits

It should______that franchising is one of the means available for getting investment money without giving up control of the chain operation and building a distribution system for servicing it
[答案]Cbe recognized

Some in the market now want government_________in order to reduce costs

Some of the_________solutions will support these requirements better at the moment

The executive team have to hold an urgent meeting_________they see the bad market feedback

The franchisor_________the franchisee should observe the regulations to make the business go well
[答案]Bas well as

The instruction describes completely the_________and its safety basis

Trademarksproprietary service marks and regulations need_________carefully
[答案]Ato be observed

We didn’t understand how difficult it was to_________such a breakfast

While the other people_________and discussed the problem togetherTed ignored them

1The franchisee can get more money than a direct employee because he or she has a vital interest in the business


2It is said about 4 of all businesses in the United States are franchiseeworked

3But franchisor rules are usually very strict in the US as well as in most other countries

4Don’t rule out a business without learning or seeing what the daytoday will look like

5To be honestafter many years of hard worktears and disagreementsI have made it through

Ait doesn’t sound too complicated
BThen what about the qualifications of a franchisee
CSurewhat do you want to know
DThank you very much for all the information
Ecould you tell me how long a franchise contract will last

Ada wants to do franchise business and turns to Bill for some information about franchise business

ADAHiBillI am really interested in franchising opportunitiesWould you be able to give me some advice

ADAOKfirstwhat are the qualifications that a franchisor should have

BILLGenerally speakinga franchisor should be a welldeveloped company with business resources such as a trademarktrade name and business model


BILLA franchisee should have the necessary fundswork goals and employeesetc

ADAYes{3}Would you please tell me something about the franchise fees

BILLOKThe fees for the franchise are an initial fee and a usage fee


BILLIn generalit is no less than three yearsThen both the franchisor and the franchisee may talk about the conditionsand see whether the contact needs to be rewritten


BILLMy pleasure

If you want to become a franchiseethe tips below can help you to find the perfect opportunity
On the stage of decisionmakingthe bottom line isDon’t rule out a business without learning or seeing what the daytoday will look likeFor instancethink about a mom returning to the work force who knows she wants to interact with children on a daily basisAmong the hundreds of options thereshe needs to decide if she would like to be hands on as a teacher or if she would rather manage a facility that tutors children in mathDeciding between the two is easy if she considers which daytoday position she would prefer and how that will impact her other goals
After you’ve determined what role you want in a franchiseit’s important to start researching different optionsPhysically visit many different franchise locations and browse the web and then determine what will be a fit in your community
Make sure the franchisor has experienceBefore signing on to a franchiseit is essential to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experienceFind out if the company leaders have had significant experience at another franchise and are now applying that knowledge successfully
The first thing to look at is how much a franchise would cost to purchaseMake sure you have a financial advisor who can look at that item with you and see the type of profit a franchisee can make on averageIt’s also important to take a look at the posttermination clause in the agreement to make sure that when you want to leave the businessyou know the terms well and your interests are properly protected
1Decide on a business with learning or seeing what the daytoday will look like[答案]T
2Before you’ve determined what role you want in a franchiseit’s time to start the business[答案]F
3Before signing on to a franchisethe essential job is to ask the franchisor about the executive team and its past industry experience[答案]T
4The first thing to look at is how long a franchise would take to purchase[答案]F

5To make sure that when you want to leave the businessyou have made enough money and you are satisfied with that[答案]F

China has the most franchises in the world but the scale of their operations is relatively smallEach system in China has an average of 43 outletscompared to more than 540 in the United StatesTogetherthere are 2600 brands in some 200000 retail marketsKFC was the most significant foreign entry in 1987 and is widespreadMany franchises are in fact jointventuresas at their forming the franchise law was not explicitFor exampleMcDonald’s is a joint venturePizza HutTGIFWallmartStarbucks followed a little laterBut total franchising is only 3 of retail tradewhich seeks foreign franchise growthThe year 2005 saw the birth of an updated franchise lawMeasures for the Administration of Commercial FranchisePrevious legislation (1997) made no specific inclusion of foreign investorsToday the franchise law is much clearer by virtue of the 2007 lawa revision of the 2005 lawThe laws are applicable if there are transactions involving a trademark combined with payments with many obligations on the franchisorThe law comprises 42 articles and eight chapters
1According to the passagethe passage mainly talks about________
[答案]Can outline of franchising in China

2KFC was the________foreign franchise to China in 1987 and is widespread
[答案]Amost profound

3Many franchises are in fact jointventuresbecause________
[答案]Aat the beginning stagefranchise law was not so clear

4Foreign franchise grows in China because of ________
[答案]Bthe small amount of retail trade

5The writer has the________attitude to franchising in China




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备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Can you tell me where I can park the car?―___________________[答案]C.Well,just over there―Could I talk to Prof.Lee?―___________________[答案]B.Yes,speaking―I’ve got a bad cold today.―___________________

h***s 10个月前 上传1150   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―I’m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.―___________________.[答案]B.Have a pleasant trip!―I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.

h***s 10个月前 上传358   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―What do you think of your new computer?―___________________.[答案]A.It is really fantastic.―How long is this cell phone guaranteed?―___________________.[答案]A.You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year.

h***s 10个月前 上传435   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Can you help me clear up the mess?―___________________[答案]C.No problem―Have a nice holiday,Ted.―___________________[答案]A.Thank you,and you too

h***s 10个月前 上传512   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Brand was Jane’s brother!―______he reminded me so much of Jane![答案]C.No wonder ―How about going to the cinema?―___________________[答案]C.Sounds like a good idea!

h***s 10个月前 上传319   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―___________________.―Can you tell me something about your new product?[答案]C.Can I help you,sir?―Let me introduce myself,I’m Tom.―___________________.[答案]B.pleased to meet you.―Could you give me the brochure for that machine?

h***s 10个月前 上传609   0


单元自测1 试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you mind my using my mobile phone here?―___________________.[答案]C.No,of course not―How is your business going?

h***s 10个月前 上传6418   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Good morning,sir.May I help you?―___________________[答案]C.Yes,I need some salt.―I didn’t know my identity card was needed,sir.―___________________[答案]A.Sorry,but that’s no excuse.

h***s 10个月前 上传957   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you eat porridge every day?―___________________.[答案]B.No,sometimes I’d have a cup of soybean milk,a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my breakfast―I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of food production.―_________.Some illegal traders care about nothing but making money.[答案]C.Yes,you bet

h***s 10个月前 上传1045   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―How many languages does Peter speak?―___________________[答案]A.Five languages.―Something went wrong with my television last night.―___________________[答案]C.I’m sorry to hear that.

h***s 10个月前 上传568   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?―___________________[答案]A.I’m sorry,but I really need it this afternoon.―Excuse me,could you tell the time?―___________________[答案]A.It’s three thirty by my watch.―Good afternoon.Can I help you?

h***s 10个月前 上传651   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?―___________________.[答案]A.Yes,absolutely.Because women pay more attention to beauty.―I have a scar on my face,so I’ve make up my mind to have a plastic surgery.―___________________.[答案]A.Good idea.―Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?

h***s 10个月前 上传831   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Are you on holiday here?―___________________[答案]A.No,we aren’t.We live here―Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?―___________________[答案]B.Go ahead,please―Is it going to be warm next week?―___________________

h***s 10个月前 上传901   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Good morning,Jeff.Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks?―___________________.[答案]B.No problem! You want the usual?

h***s 10个月前 上传393   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like,a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be the most mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers.―_________,especially for thrill-seeking travelers like me.[答案]A.Spectacular―How do you like Anne Hathaway―___________________.[答案]B.She is amazing

h***s 10个月前 上传394   0


第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Betty,we’ll have a buffet party next Saturday.Will you join us?―_________,Susan.Thank you![答案]A.I’d love to―I had a really good weekend at the seaside.―___________________.[答案]B.Oh,I’m glad to hear that―How was your trip to London,Jane?―___________________.

h***s 10个月前 上传264   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Are the Project Managers linking up OK?―They seem to be,yes._________.[答案]B.There’s been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings―Are the Project Managers sharing information and contacts and so on?―___________________.[答案]A.Yes,there’s really nothing to worry about

h***s 10个月前 上传325   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―They want to make sure you’re paying taxes on the money you make.―___________________.[答案]A.We’re paying alright―How much of a problem meeting the budget?

h***s 10个月前 上传263   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Have you ever tried shopping online?―No,never._________,especially for clothes and shoes.[答案]A.I prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it―_________,but I still have the feeling that it’s not safe enough.―I couldn’t agree more.That’s why I only do street shopping.[答案]A.Paying online is much unsafe than before

h***s 10个月前 上传499   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽5个小题!!!__________your price be competitive and date of shipment acceptable,we intend to place a large order with you.[答案]B.ShouldAn example of soft sell is to distribute free samples_________customers often respond favorably.[答案]A.to which

h***s 10个月前 上传262   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―How would you like to go?―___________________.[答案]B.I’d like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days―___________________?―I expect to depart for Frankfurt on Sunday,September 1st,any time after 13:00 pm.[答案]C.When do you plan to leave

h***s 10个月前 上传1713   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock n roll?I’m preparing for tomorrow’s meeting report.―___________________.[答案]C.Sure.Sorry to disturb you

h***s 10个月前 上传205   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―Hello,is that Sail Moving Company?―___________________?[答案]A.Yes,this is Jack speaking.Thanks for calling.What can we do for you―How do you calculate the fee if we ask you to move the office furniture?

h***s 10个月前 上传479   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―But then we’ll have to accept a Board of Directors chosen by our stockholders.Wouldn’t that limit us in many ways?―Certainly.But if you consider the massive capital investment that we’ll receive,you’ll understand that this could take our company_________.[答案]B.from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the big players―Can you tell us why you think this makes good business sense to you?―We’ve been doing quite well on our own and we could probably s

h***s 10个月前 上传302   0


备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题!!!―How would you like to go?―___________________.[答案]B.I’d like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days―___________________?

h***s 10个月前 上传219   0