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  yesterday i read a book the name of the book isdr bethune
  dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada in 1938 he came to china at that time china was at war with japan he worked as a doctor in the chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives he worked very hard and became sick dr bethune died in 1939 he was only 49 years old he was a good man and we remember him today
  i think the book is very very good
  written by wu qingxiang
  mar 31XX
  how to do research     
  reading after a science paper   
  these days i am busy preparing my dissertation which is about web usage mining i read some english papers and learnt much from them   and now i want to say something about a paper titled web usage mining :discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data
  this is the first english paper i read about dissertation and gave me great help
  this paper is a review about web usage mining it introduced web usage mining in detail although it is a little old for it was published in XX its contents are very useful today it is organized according to the sequence of web usage mining and the six main parts are introduction which tells me what is web usage mining the sources and abstraction of web data the three steps of web usage mining taxonomy and project survey websift overview privacy issues the third and fourth parts are most important   it had a list of existing project about web usage mining which i saw many times in other papers but this paper is the one creating this list besides it has been referred for more then twenty times as we all know that the higher the referred number is the more important the paper is so i consider this paper to be an important and successful one in this region
  in my opinion the success of this paper dues to three reasons the first reason is the profound computer knowledge owned by the authors web usage mining relates to  many subjects such as artificial intelligence ontology semantic analysis but the most basic knowledge is computer science the four authors are all professors of department of computer science and engineering in university of minnesota for myself i am not major in computer science and i am not very good at computers so i feel a little difficult to understand technologies used in this region
  second they had read a large number of papers before they wrote this paper there are fifty nine references listed after main contents stand on the shoulders of  giants this sentence tell us a truth one can never successful all by oneself and what’s more learn from others can save a lot of time and energy especially for us new learner how to learn from others is a skill all of us should master but learning doesn’t mean copy or plagiary other people’s knowledge and production is just our foundation upon this foundation we must have our own thoughts and creation there are many remarks in this paper where referred other’s production
  third the authors had the experience of developing a web usage mining project they don’t just engage in idle theorizing so their comprehension on this issue is greatly profound they know what we may meet in a real project development and they know how to resolve them after reading this paper i also read some other papers written in chinese some of them are not based on real project and can not give useful resolution websift is the name of system they developed which can be used to data mining and analysis
  i wrote this article not only because it gave me much help in preparing my dissertation but also because it tells me how to study and how to do research honesty and preciseness are two essential making a researcher must have hardworking is the necessary condition leading to success this is just the beginning of my dissertation i should learn from these four authors both their knowledge and their attitude to study




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英语读书笔记  yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.  dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada. in 1938 he came to china. at that time china was at war with japan. he worked as

x***9 12年前 上传607   0


英语读书笔记4篇本文目录1. 英语读书笔记2. 《中国学生写英语论文的常见错误总结》读书笔记3. 高中英语教师读书笔记4. 大学英语读书笔记 The Count of Monte Cristo  thoughts given by sherlock holmes and the duke’s son.  written in the first chapter of

孙***富 5年前 上传422   0


英语读书笔记范文     yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.  dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada. in 1938 he came to china. at that time china was at war with japan. he wor

h***9 9年前 上传489   0


关于英语的读书笔记  yesterday, i read a book, the name of the book is《dr bethune》.  dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada. in 1938, he came to china. at that time , china was at war with japan. he wo

p***y 6年前 上传396   0


初中英语读书笔记  课外活动是教学的一种辅助组织形式,是课堂教学的集成和深入。因此,有效的布置这类作业,有助于教学质量的提高。根据课外活动及英语学科的特点,布置此类作业有以下几种形式。  (1) 英语歌曲  唱歌能陶冶人的情操,优美的旋律能带给人欢乐,绝大数学生喜欢唱歌。经典的英文老歌“edelweiss”,家喻户晓的影视名曲“my heart will go on”无不令人陶醉,而

我***远 11年前 上传361   0


英语教师读书笔记  句型是根据句子的结构、特点和意义从大量的句子中抽象、概括出来的语言的一般表现形式。在教学中,根据学生的认知特点、心理特点和教学实际,运用建构主义教学思想设计教学活动,有利于句型教学目标的高度达成,应当把握以下四个基本途径。  一、创设真实情景,加强意义理解  建构主义学习理论把创设情境看做是“意义建构”的必要前提。在小学英语教学中,教师可利用多媒体和其他直观教学手

s***n 12年前 上传653   0


大学英语读书笔记4篇本文目录1. 大学英语读书笔记2. 大学英语的读书笔记范文3. 大学英语读书笔记 A Tale of Two Cities4. 大学英语读书笔记 Notre Dame cathedral  i have never been to troy, but david maule made me feel as if i were standing on t

春***叶 6年前 上传433   0

2017年英语读书笔记 Book Review of Jane Eyre

英语读书笔记 Book Review of Jane Eyre  background of jane eyre  jane eyre is the masterpiece of charlotte bronte, an english woman author in 19th century. the works possess romanticism and realism. it

4***8 6年前 上传475   0

2017年大学英语读书笔记 Sherlock Holmes and Watson

大学英语读书笔记 Sherlock Holmes and Watson  thoughts given by sherlock holmes and the duke’s son.  written in the first chapter of the book pride and prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even

z***3 6年前 上传554   0


中学英语教师读书笔记  如何做一个充满激情的英语老师   在新课程改革实验不断推进的今天, 我认为做一个中学英语教师决不能没有激情, 不富有激情的人就不能称其为一个上乘的英语教师。那么, 如何使自己成为充满激情的老师呢? 如何创设一个积极互动开放的教学情境, 使英语教学事半功倍呢?   一、做一个充满激情的英语教师, 首先要热爱生活、热爱英语、热爱学生, 在自己的心中时常蓄积着犹如岩

l***g 11年前 上传545   0


《英语教学法》读书笔记  小学英语教学中的语音问题的几个对策  重视语音教学使学生形成良好的英语表达能力需要一个过程尤其针对小学英语初学者在没有音标的帮助下该如何掌握良好的语音呢?  1、  小学英语教师要不断提高自身的业务修养不仅是教育教学方面的也是语音方面的至少要做到与教材录音带在发音方面保持一致。教师的发音是学生模仿的主要对象之一对学生的英语语音学习起指导和示范作用。在英、美英

笔***华 8年前 上传662   0


小学英语教师读书笔记  一、导入要新颖.   俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。上课也一样。教师的循循诱导,能让学生产生强烈的求知欲和好奇心,从而更积极主动地参加课堂教学,为整节课的成功作准备。可以采用以下几种导入:⒈歌曲导入。⒉设置悬念。当然导入很多,教学中不能单一的用一种导入,也许这种导入刚开始学生觉得很有劲,但天天用学生就会厌倦了。所以教师设计时要多多新颖,多多改变,尽量多样性。

m***i 10年前 上传587   0


英语教学读书笔记  任何一门课程的教学目标都不是唯一的,但是,任何课程都有一个基本目标。那么小学英语教育的基本目标是什么?《英语课程标准(实验稿)》对此作了一个明确的回答,这就是“学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿”。这里,“学生的发展”的内涵是丰富的,但是决不能被泛化而失去其最基本的学科特征。它应当主要地是指学生英语语言能力的发展。  在一个以英语作为外语教育的国度里,学生英语语言能力

l***s 10年前 上传500   0


高中英语教师读书笔记  高中英语备课之我见  教学方法的设计是最为重要的,同样是一本好的参考书或教案,也并不是所有的老师都能运用它并在课堂上讲得生动有趣、栩栩如生的,而关键是老师本人对教材的钻研程度。好的教法能激发学生的学习兴趣。   为实现以上目的,我首先坚持每课必备原则,做到不打无准备之仗。在备课时,认真钻研教材,明确新授知识与前后知识的联系,建立知识的逻辑系统,掌握教学目的,理

j***b 10年前 上传485   0


英语教师读书笔记:英语教师的专业化  教师职业从经验化、随意化到专业化,经历了一个发展的过程。20世纪60年代中期,许多国家对教师的“量”的急需逐渐被提高教师“质”的需求所代替,对教师素质的关注达到了前所未有的程度。80年代以来,教师专业化则形成了世界性的潮流。要求高质量的教师不仅是有知识、有学问的人,而且是有首先、有理想、有专业追求的人;不仅是高起点的人,而且是终身学习、不断自我更新的人;

我***友 10年前 上传402   0


英语教师读书笔记《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》  读书笔记是读者将自己在阅读时获得的资料或者心得体会记录下来的一种文体。写读书笔记是训练阅读的好方法。读书笔记栏目的小编精心为您准备的英语教师读书笔记《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》,希望对您有所帮助!  尽管这世界有许多诱人的芳香,但如果缺少了“书香”,精神家园将是怎样的黯淡。最近,阅读了《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》一书,给我以心灵上的触

m***j 5年前 上传624   0


小学英语教师读书笔记:如何培养和激发学生学习英语的兴趣  一、抓好入门教学是开展兴趣教学的关键。  “好的开头是成功的一半,”一开始我都注意培养学生良好的学英语习惯,鼓励学生大胆开口讲,不耻下问;认真模仿,并养成整洁规范的书写习惯。无论板书还是作业、试卷的批改,我都严格要求自已规范地书写,争当学生的楷模。  二、 课堂上积极创设英语情景,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。  激发学习动机,

我***2 9年前 上传487   0


英语教师读书笔记3篇本文目录1. 英语教师读书笔记2. 高中英语教师读书笔记3. 小学英语教师读书笔记:如何培养和激发学生学习英语的兴趣  小学英语教师读书笔记(一)  俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。上课也一样。教师的循循诱导,能让学生产生强烈的求知欲和好奇心,从而更积极主动地参加课堂教学,为整节课的成功作准备。  一、导入:⒈歌曲导入。⒉设置悬念。当然导入很多

y***0 6年前 上传390   0

2018年英语名著读书笔记 The Old Man and the Sea

英语名著读书笔记 The Old Man and the Sea  this semester i studied in novel “ old man and sea “ of hemingway , famous writer of u.s.a.. i admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me u

等***k 6年前 上传490   0

2017年英语名著读书笔记 Les Miserables

英语名著读书笔记 Les Miserables  “ les miserables “ (1862) is representative works of victor hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the french literature.  the novel basic plot is ran a rang pitiful li

陪***舞 7年前 上传476   0


《英语教学活动设计与应用》读书笔记  读了《英语教学活动设计与应用》一书,很有感触,受益匪浅。  该书包含36个chapter,涉及语法,天文,节日,科技,故事传奇等等。用大量的语言实践活动,向读者展示了有效的开展课堂教学活动的方法,尤其是如何活跃课堂气氛以及激发学生学习的强烈愿望。使我大开眼界。每个chapter由目标(aims)、活动(activities)、习得(acquisiti

w***y 7年前 上传407   0


《小学英语教学法》读书笔记  解决英语词汇教学难点的对策  根据英语词汇教学的特点和学生的身心发展特点及学习英语的实际要解决词汇教学难点应从提高学生学习兴趣入手尽可能增强课堂趣味性努力吸引学生的注意力;同时应加强学法指导尤其对反应迟钝、记忆力差的学生首先要教会他们单词的读音及拼写的规律读准、掌握好音标。因为只有学生先掌握了发音能听、能说方可更快地学好书面语言如果学生听不懂单词的发音或说出

s***a 11年前 上传605   0


《中国学生写英语论文的常见错误总结》读书笔记     标题:  the most common habits from more than 200 english papers written by graduate chinese engineering students  原文链接如下:(不能保证是原始出处)  时间:  xx以后  阅读时间:  xx.9.2

x***g 11年前 上传519   0



僵***6 6年前 上传1544   0



e***z 6年前 上传5328   0