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题语境(二) 科技发展信息技术创新科学精神信息安全

A (2020·全国卷Ⅱ·B)
Some parents will buy any high­tech toy if they think it will help their childbut researchers said puzzles help children with math­related skills
Psychologist Susan Levinean expert on mathematics development in young children at the University of Chicagofound children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skillsPuzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition(认知) after controlling for differences in parents' incomeeducation and the amount of parent talkLevine said
The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child­parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age
The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did noton tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转) and translate shapesLevine said in a statement
The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally wouldand about half of the children in the study played with puzzles at one timeHigher­income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequentlyand both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skillsHoweverboys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girlsand the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than the parents of girls
The findings were published in the journal Developmental Science
语篇解读 文介绍接触智力游戏助孩子发展数学相关技特孩子空间技
1.In which aspect do children benefit from puzzle play
A.Building confidence
B.Developing spatial skills
C.Learning self­control
D.Gaining high­tech knowledge
B [细节理解题根第二段中Psychologist Susan Levinefound children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills 第三段容知孩子通玩智力游戏培养空间技选B]
2.What did Levine take into consideration when designing her experiment
A.Parents' age
B.Children's imagination
C.Parents' education
D.Child­parent relationship
C [细节理解题根第二段句Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition (认知) after controlling for differences in parents' incomeeducation and the amount of parent talkLevine said知Levine 设计实验时考虑父母收入教育程度孩子说话少选C]
3.How do boys differ from girls in puzzle play
A.They play with puzzles more often
B.They tend to talk less during the game
C.They prefer to use more spatial language
D.They are likely to play with tougher puzzles
D [细节理解题根倒数第二段句Howeverboys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls知男孩较女孩言倾玩更复杂智力游戏选D]
4.What is the text mainly about
A.A mathematical method
B.A scientific study
C.A woman psychologist
D.A teaching program
B [旨意题阅读全文容尤段The findings were published in the journal Developmental Science知该篇文章介绍项科学研究选B]
B (2020·天津7月卷·C)
For people who are interested in soundthe field of sound technology is definitely making noise In the pastsound engineers worked in the back rooms of recording studiosbut many of today's sound professionals are sharing their knowledge and experience with professionals in other fields to create new products based on the phenomenon we call sound
Sound can be used as a weaponImagine that a police officer is chasing a thiefThe thief tries to escapeAnd the officer can't let him get awayHe pulls out a special devicepoints it at the suspectand switches it onThe thief drops to the groundThis new weapon is called a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD远程定声波发射器).It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a personThe noise from the LRAD is directed like a ray of light and travels only into the ears of that personbut it is not deadly
For those who hunger for some peace and quietsound can now create silenceLet's say you are at the airportand the little boy on the seat next to you is humming (哼唱) a short commercial songHe hums it over and over againand you are about to go crazyThanks to the Silence Machinea British inventionyou can get rid of the sound without upsetting the boy or his parentsOne may wonder how the Silence Machine worksWellit functions by analyzing the waves of the incoming sound and creating a second set of outgoing wavesThe two sets of waves cancel each other outSimply turn the machine onpoint it at the targetand your peace and quiet comes back
Directed sound is a new technology that allows companies to use sound in much the same way spotlights (聚光灯) are used in the theaterA spotlight lights up only one section of a stage similarlya spotsound creates a circle of sound in one targeted areaThis can be useful for businesses such as restaurants and stores because it offers a new way to attract customersRestaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menuallowing customers more control over the atmosphere in which they are diningDirected sound is also beginning to appear in shopping centers and even at homes
语篇解读 文介绍声音技术领域三项发明
5.What could be inferred from Paragraph 2 about the effect of the LRAD
A.It causes temporary hearing loss
B.It slows down a running man
C.It makes it easy to identify a suspect
D.It keeps the suspect from hurting others
A [细节理解题根第二段中It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person知远程定声波发射器会发出种震耳欲聋声音种声音非常痛苦会暂时残疾知种暂时残疾暂时性失聪选择A项]
6.The Silence Machine is a device specially designed to ________.
A.silence the people around you
B.remove the sound of commercials
C.block the incoming sound waves
D.stop unwanted sound from affecting you
D [细节理解题根第三段中Wellit functions by analyzing the waves of the incoming sound and creating a second set of outgoing wavesand your peace and quiet comes back知Silence Machine避免必声音影响选择D项]
7.What feature do spotsounds and spotlights share
A.They travel in circles
B.They clear the atmosphere
C.They can be transformed into energy
D.They can be directed onto a specific area
D [细节理解题根第四段中A spotlight lights up only one section of a stagesimilarlya spotsound’ creates a circle of sound in one targeted area知spotsoundspotlight点引导特定区域选择D项]
8.Directed sound can be used for ________.
A.creative designs of restaurant menus
B.ideal sound effects on the theater stage
C.different choices of music for businesses
D.strict control over any suspicious customer
C [细节理解题根第四段中This can be useful for businessesRestaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menuallowing customers more control over the atmosphere in which they are dining知Directed sound公司顾客提供音乐选择C项]
9.What does the passage focus on
A.How professionals invented sound products
B.Inventions in the field of sound technology
C.The growing interest in the study of sound
D.How sound engineers work in their studios
B [旨意题作者第段中抛出话题声音技术第二三四段中介绍声音技术领域三产品知文章关注声音技术领域发明选择B项]
C (2019·全国卷Ⅰ·C)
As data and identity theft becomes more and more commonthe market is growing for biometric(生物测量) technologies—like fingerprint scans—to keep others out of private e­spacesAt presentthese technologies are still expensivethough
Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low­cost device(装置) that gets around this problem:a smart keyboardThis smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏) with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each keyThe keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user's typing and the time between key pressesThese patterns are unique to each person Thusthe keyboard can determine people's identitiesand by extensionwhether they should be given access to the computer it's connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right
It also doesn't require a new type of technology that people aren't already familiar withEverybody uses a keyboard and everybody types differently
In a study describing the technologythe researchers had 100 volunteers type the wordtouchfour times using the smart keyboardData collected from the device could be used to recognize different participants based on how they typedwith very low error ratesThe researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensiveplastic­like partsThe team hopes to make it to market in the near future
语篇解读 文篇科研报道佐治亚理工学院研究员发明种智键盘通分析户字模式判断该户安全访客
10.Why do the researchers develop the smart keyboard
A.To reduce pressure on keys
B.To improve accuracy in typing
C.To replace the password system
D.To cut the cost of e­space protection
D [推理判断题根第二段第句Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low­cost device that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard第段句At presentthese technologies are still expensivethough推知研究者研发种智键盘降低网络安全保护技术成]
11.What makes the invention of the smart keyboard possible
A.Computers are much easier to operate
B.Fingerprint scanning techniques develop fast
C.Typing patterns vary from person to person
D.Data security measures are guaranteed
C [推理判断题题干问什智键盘发明成问发明核心什根第二段中These patterns are unique to each personThusthe keyboard can determine people's identities知正字模式种智键盘通分析户字力度节奏等判断该户安全访客C项符合题意]
12.What do the researchers expect of the smart keyboard
A.It'll be environment­friendly
B.It'll reach consumers soon
C.It'll be made of plastics
D.It'll help speed up typing
B [细节理解题根题干研究者智键盘什期直接定位段句话The team hopes to make it to market in the near future该团队希久智键盘推市场选B项]
13.Where is this text most likely from
A.A diary   B.A guidebook
C.A novel D.A magazine
D [文章出处题根文话题智键盘第二段中Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low­cost device尤中关键词researcherslow­cost device等推断篇文章篇科研报道出现杂志]
D (2019·全国卷Ⅱ·D)
Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts The microorganisms(微生物)from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Stationso astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each weekHow is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem?It's turning to a bunch of high school kidsBut not just any kidsIt is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classroomslike the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in FairportNew York
HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineersFor the past two yearsGordon's students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravityand they think they're close to a solution(解决方案).We don't give the students any breaksThey have to do it just like NASA engineerssays Florence Golda project manager
There are no testsGordon saysThere is no graded homeworkThere almost are no gradesother than Are you working towards your goal?’ Basicallyit's I've got to produce this product and thenat the end of the yearpresent it to NASA’ Engineers come and really do an in­person reviewand it's not a very nice thing at timesIt's a hard business review of your product
Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact(影响)on college admissions and practical life skillsThese kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit backI don't teachAnd that annoying bacteria?Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problemreadying a workable solution to test in space
语篇解读 题:社会(科学技术)话题:处理太空细菌文篇说明文介绍美国中学NASA合作联合科研项目解决国际空间站中细菌问题类语篇启发培养学生良思维品质积极引导作
14.What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station
A.They are hard to get rid of
B.They lead to air pollution
C.They appear in different forms
D.They damage the instruments
A [推理判断题根第段中The microorganisms from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Stationso astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week知身体微生物太空站表面增长快宇航员周花长时间清理断定太空站里细菌难清答案A]
15.What is the purpose of the HUNCH program
A.To strengthen teacher­student relationships
B.To sharpen students' communication skills
C.To allow students to experience zero gravity
D.To link space technology with school education
D [细节理解题根第二段第句HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers知HUNCH项目目学校教育航天技术联系起答案D]
16.What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the program
A.Check their product
B.Guide project designs
C.Adjust work schedules
D.Grade their homework
A [细节理解题根第三段两句Engineers come and really do an in­person reviewIt's a hard business review of your product知NASA工程师亲检查高中学生产品答案A]
17.What is the best title for the text
A.NASA:The Home of Astronauts
B.Space:The Final Homework Frontier
C.Nature:An Outdoor Classroom
D.HUNCH:A College Admission Reform
B [标题纳题文介绍项目:高中教室教学太空研究联系起学生NASA工程师指导选标题时太空学生选项B完美结合起答案B]

1.psychologist n.心理学家
2.frequently adv频繁
3.professional n.专家专业员
4.phenomenon n.现象
5.temporarily adv时
6.atmosphere n.气氛围
7.identity n.身份
8.precisely adv精确
9.straightforward adj坦率
10.overcome v.战胜克服
11.gravity n.重力
12.project n.工程项目
13.basically adv基
14.impact n.影响
15.instrument n.工具

1.puzzle v.迷惑 n.谜
2.control v.控制
3.point v.指 n.点
4.deadly adj致命
5.upset adj沮丧 v.安
6.stage n.舞台阶段
7.review n.评
8.absorb v.吸收

1.assess v.评估→assessment n.评估
2.state v.陈述→n statement 陈述
3.disable v.失力→disability n.残疾失
4.direct v.指示指导→direction n.方
5.private adj私→privacy n.隐私
6.secure adj安全→ security n.安全
7.press v.压→pressure n.压力
8.strength n.力量力气→strengthen v.加强

1.thanks to 幸亏
2.at present目前
3.come up with提出
4.apply to适
5.other than

1.David has a strong bodyHe has the strength to do this hard workWe had better strengthen(strength) the relationship between us
2.The mirrors are controlled (control) by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weather
3.I was upset to find(find) my wallet missing on arriving at the airport
4.At presentEnglish is playing a more and more important part in our life
5.Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation
6.She makes no reference to any feminist (女权义者)work other than her own

1.The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转) and translate shapes 变换转换
2.The thief drops to the ground 倒
3.For those who hunger for some peace and quiet sound can now create silence渴
1.Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low­cost device that gets around this problem:a smart keyboard
[译文] 佐治亚理工学院研究员说已研发出低成设备解决问题:智键盘
2.Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem readying a workable solution to test in space
[译文] 戈登说学生天会美国宇航局工程师发邮件讨问题准备着行太空测试方案
1.Psychologist Susan Levine an expert on mathematics development in young children at the University of Chicago found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills
[分析] 句复合句句语Psychologist Susan Levine较长位语结构who引导定语句修饰前面children
[译文] 心理学家苏珊·莱文芝加哥学幼算术力开发专家发现2—4岁间玩拼图游戏孩子期发展出更空间技
2.The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child­parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age
[分析] 句语the researchers谓语部分两analyzed video recordingsfound childrenhave better spatial skillswho引导定语句修饰childrenwhen面分词短语相状语句
[译文] 研究员分析53孩子父母家中日常活动录发现54月评估时26月46月玩拼图游戏孩子更空间技
3.In the past sound engineers worked in the back rooms of recording studios but many of today's sound professionals are sharing their knowledge and experience with professionals in other fields to create new products based on the phenomenon we call sound
[分析] 句but连接两分句构成but前分句简单句but分句语many of today's sound professionals谓语部分are sharing to create new products目状语based on the phenomenon分词短语作定语修饰productswe call sound定语句修饰phenomenon省略引导词thatwhich
[译文] 音响工程师录音棚台工作现音响专业员领域专业员分享知识验便创造出基称声音种现象新产品
4.Thus the keyboard can determine people's identities and by extension whether they should be given access to the computer it's connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right
[分析] 语the keyboard谓语determine句宾语较复杂包括people's identities宾语句whether they should be given access to二者通and连接破折号容进步解释中whether someone gets the password rightregardless of宾语句
[译文] 键盘确认身份进决定否应该允许访问键盘连接电脑某否正确输入密码

1.amount n.数量 v.总计相
(1)a hugelarge amount of+数名词作语时谓语动词单数
(2)huge amounts of+数名词作语时谓语动词复数
(3)amount to 总计达

a huge amount of coal 量煤炭
huge amounts of waste 量垃圾
amount to a refusal 相拒绝

①A good amount of sleep every night is(be) important for your health
②The total sales of the company didn't amount to more than a million dollars
①In order to ease the traffic pressure a hugelarge amount of money has been spent on the new highways so far(amount)
②In order to ease the traffic pressure hugelarge amounts of money have been spent on the new highways so far(amounts)
2.point n.观点点点阶段分数 v.指面暗示
(1)on the point of 正……时候
(2)from one's point of view某
(3)there is no point of doing sth做某事没意义
make a point of doing sth特意做某事
(4)to the point切题
off the point离题
(5)point out指出

make a note of the key points in class 课堂记点
on the point of saying something when interrupted正说点什突然断
point out the spelling mistakes in his writing指出写作中拼写错误

①You must keep these points(point) in mind while setting your goals
②These teachings lit up my mind pointed (point) out the direction and gave me endless strength
③It was a turning point a sign that things are starting to go in our favor
④Let's come straight to the point because we don't have enough time
[力提升] ——句译
①She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang (point)
②She was about to go out when the telephone rang (about)
3.range n.山脉范围系列 v.排列变化变动
(1)range fromto= range betweenand
(2)a range of 系列……
a wide range of 范围种样
(3)inwithin the range (of sth) ……范围
out ofbeyond the range (of sth) ……范围外

a range of products系列产品
a wide range of socialcultural and economic backgrounds社会文化济背景
in the 16-19 age range1619岁间
a mountain range山脉

①The national park has a large collection of wildliferanging(range) from butterflies to elephants
②The price of the car ranges from 20000 dollars to 30000 dollars which is within his range so he decides to buy it at once
普通表达:In addition to these traditional activitieswe have many different choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends
高级表达:In addition to these traditional activitieswe have a wide range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends
4.direct vt& vi导演指示指挥 adj直直接直率
(1)direction n.方指导指示说明书(常复数)
in the direction of ……方
in all directions=in every direction四面八方
under the direction of……指导
(2)directly adv直接 conj…………

direct one's attention to某注意力转……
a new film directed by a new director新导演导演部新电影
run away in the direction of the cinema着电影院方跑

①(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The mirrors are controlled by a computer that directs them to turn along with the sun throughout the day and to close during windy weatherv.指挥
②I love New Yorkers—they're sharp funny and directadj直率
③The Beijing's 8­minute show directed by Zhang Yimou attracted the worldv导演
④(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid­Marchadj直接
DirectlyAs soon asThe moment the teacher came ineveryone was quiet
Under the direction of the teacherhe finished the work easily
Be sure to read the directions before using the equipment
5.measure vi& vt测量衡量判定 n.计量制计量单位措施
be measured byin……计算衡量
(2)take measures (to do sth)采取措施(做某事)
maketo one's measure某尺寸订做……

take effective measures 采取效措施
measuring instruments 测量仪器
measure more than 9 meters in height 高达9米

①The new bridge under construction measuring (measure) twice as long as the old one is due to be completed in 2022
②We must take preventive measures(measure) to reduce crime in the area
普通表达: It's high time that we should taketook measures to prevent air from being polluted
高级表达:It's high time that measures should be takenwere taken to prevent air from being polluted.(动语态)

1.At present these technologies are still expensivethough.
[句型公式] 句though句型表示然
Child thoughas he was he did quite well
It's hard workI enjoy it though
①He'll probably say no though it's worth asking
②He'll probably say no It's worth askingthoughhowever.
③AlthoughThough he'll probably say no it's worth asking
2.There almost are no gradesother than Are you working towards your goal?
(1)other than表示……
(2)other than常常译……外
(3)noother than作……外……讲
①Does anybody other than you yourself know this
②The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself
六月份外出 外整夏天会里
We are going away in June but other than that I'll be here all summer

1.It's generally acknowledged that education shouldn't be measured(measure) only by examination results
2.He was at great pains to point(point) out my mistake
3.Large amounts of water are(be) needed for the crops as a result of the dry climate
4.I have no ambitions other than to have(have) a happy life
5.There is no such thing as failure in the worldFailure is just life trying moving us in another direction(direct).
1.Though friends play an important part in our lives we now lack time to communicate with them face to face
2.Thanks to my English teacher's helpmy English scores are always on the top of my class
3.After schoolshe directly went off in the direction of the cinema to see the new film directed by the famous director
4.As you can see our government has taken a range of measures to protect and improve our living surroundings
5.So far no one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out
(2020·山东师附中4月模拟)If you are thinking about redecorating the homeyou are probably searching about interior(部)decoration ideasRedecorating presents a great chance to reflect your personality by displaying your style and interestIt will be easy to redecorate the home if money is not a restriction 1 Here are some tips on how to do so:
Search some magazinesYou can get dozens of interior decoration ideas from countless magazines and TV programsSome programs tend to show less costly interior decoration ideas 2 It's a good way of comparing different stylesHere you can make a distinction between the country style and the contemporary style
Fond of primitive styleIf you are fond of primitive or traditional stylewarmer colors are the best for the roomThese colors go with all kinds of cloth of old style and wooden furniture 3
Modern styleIf you like modern styleuse brighter colors instead of white and off­whiteHome decoration of these styles includes minimum disorder and a lot of free space and lightLeather furniture matches the room:white or black with contrasting cushions(垫)per seating place 4
5 This often occurs anywayespecially if the people give you furniture or you inherit(继承)the sameIf you wish to combine different pieces of furniture from different stylesyou need to bridge the gap between themThis can be done easily with materials like throw pillowswall hangings and carpets
A.A white one on a black sofa suits here
B.There is nothing wrong in mixing two styles
C.Another effective and affordable option is by surfing the Internet
D.The combinations and possibilities in the first decoration are endless
E.Autumn colors go well to produce a warmfriendly and pleasant atmosphere
F.Neverthelessthe question for most is how to redecorate the home within limited budget
G.The walls tend to have one or two pieces of wall art rather than 6 to 10 of the older time
语篇解读 文说明文文章介绍种重新装修方法利方法装修展示风格兴趣反映性
1.F [细节句文It will be easy to redecorate the home if money is not a restriction(果钱受限制话重新装修房子会容易)F项Neverthelessthe question for most is how to redecorate the home within limited budget(然数说问题限预算重新装修房子)衔接然谈装修关资金问题中moneybudget属义词复现选F项]
2.C [渡句文提种建议:Search some magazinesC项Another effective and affordable option is by surfing the Internet中关键词Another承接文前部分介绍两种寻找装修风格途径选C项]
3.E [细节句文These colors go with all kinds of cloth of old style and wooden furniture(颜色种旧式布料木制家具相配)E项Autumn colors go well to produce a warmfriendly and pleasant atmosphere(秋天颜色适合产生种温暖友愉快气氛)相呼应前话题致关颜色部分搭配中colors关键词属原词复现选E项]
4.A [细节句文white or black with contrasting cushions per seating placeA项A white one on a black sofa suits here相呼应讲述颜色鲜明话题中whiteblack关键词属原词复现选A项]
5.B [题句根文If you wish to combine different pieces of furniture from different stylesyou need to bridge the gap between themThis can be done easily with materials like throw pillowswall hangings and carpets知段讲述两种风格家具混合起增加美感B项There is nothing wrong in mixing two styles(两种风格混起没问题)作段题句]
(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moonThe unmanned Chang'e­4 probe(探测器)—the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess— 1________(touch) down last week in the South Pole­Aitken basinLanding on the moon's far side is 2________(extreme) challengingBecause the moon's body blocks direct radio communication with a probeChina first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot 3________ it could send signals to the spacecraft and to EarthThe far side of the moon is of particular 4________ (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters(环形山)more so 5________ the familiar near sideChinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang'e­4 6________(find) and study areas of the South Pole­Aitken basinThis really excites scientistsCarle Pietersa scientist at Brown Universitysaysbecause it 7________(mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon 8________(construct).Data about the moon's compositionsuch as how 9________ ice and other treasures it containscould help China decide whether 10________(it) plans for a future lunar(月球) base are practical
语篇解读 文篇说明文讲述嫦娥四号探测器登月成功意:中国第登月球背面国家
1.touched [考查动词时态句中时间状语last week般时]
2.extremely [考查词性转换(形容词变副词)副词extremely修饰面形容词challenging]
3.where [考查定语句引导词先行词spot定语句关系词句中作点状语关系副词where]
4.interest [考查词性转换(形容词变名词)句中含be+of+名词结构be of particular interest=be particularly interesting填名词interest]
5.than [考查morethan法句中含more空格较象空应填than]
6.to find [考查非谓语动词(定式)句中动词定式短语to find and study areas of the South Pole­Aitken basin作状语表目]
7.means [考查时态谓致根文时态知句应般现时语it谓语动词means]
8.is constructed [考查时态语态处表示月球构成应动语态处描述客观情况填is constructedconstruct vt建造构建]
9.much [考查how much法how much少修饰数名词]
10.its [考查代词处表示计划形容词性物代词its]
You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal But here came a problem:should we clone humans When being asked about this question a large number of people which are interested in the topic hold the view that it's beneficial to clone humans Therefore some other people me including are against this idea Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong informations In the first place they may not be treated equal as normal people which I believe will make him suffer a lot In second place human cloning may lead in some social disorder and it is quite dangerous
You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal But here a problem:should we clone humans When being asked about this question a large number of people are interested in the topic hold the view that it's beneficial to clone humans some other people me are against this idea Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong In the first place they may not be treated as normal people which I believe will make suffer a lot In second place human cloning may lead some social disorder and it is quite dangerous

Step 1写作点(根汉语提示补全英文句子)
Though it is difficult to predict what future household robots might be likeI still want to describe how amazing they are
You will be alarmed to find that they will be more like humans than machines
With their help you will be free of all household chores such as cooking washing and cleaning
Equipped with an intelligent computer brain they will help you set aside some time for outdoor exercise
When they are accompanied by such household robots at home the elderly may not feel lonely
You are bound to have a desire for such wonderful household robots
Step 2表达升级(改变句子结构表达升级)
When accompanied by such household robots at home the elderly may not feel lonely
Step 3衔接成文(利恰渡衔接词语连句成篇)
Though it is difficult to predict what future household robots might be likeI still want to describe how amazing they are
You will be alarmed to find that they will be more like humans than machinesWith their help you will be free of all household chores such as cooking washing and cleaningMore importantly equipped with an intelligent computer brain they will help you set aside some time for outdoor exerciseWhen accompanied by such household robots at home the elderly may not feel lonely
Believe it or notyou are bound to have a desire for such wonderful household robots





需要 3 香币 [ 分享文档获得香币 ]




In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in Britain. People had been writing novels for a century - most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719 - but nobody wanted to do it professionally. The steam­powered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy (识字) rate in England was under 50%. Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like “By a lady.” Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral or just plain bad.

6***雅 3年前 上传537   0


The possibility of self­driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist's dream, years away from materializing in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self­driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self­driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, it should be noted,

6***雅 3年前 上传687   0


One of the most stressful days of Susan McFrederick's life was watching her son get wheeled away for surgery hours after he was born in 2011.But after the operation,Susan burst into tears for a different reason:across the cut on their newborn son's back was a sweet winter scene,hand­drawn on his bandages(绷带).

6***雅 3年前 上传874   0


With the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation(孤独),more families are choosing to live together.The doorway to peace and quiet,for Nick Bright at least,leads straight to his mother­in­law:she lives on the ground floor,while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.

6***雅 3年前 上传722   0


According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research,both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions,it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.

6***雅 3年前 上传522   0


Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time? You can do all the three with Global Development Association(GDA). Whatever stage of life you're at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community(社区).

6***雅 3年前 上传573   0


How to Get to HolkerBy Car:Follow brown signs on A590 from J36,M6.Approximate travel times:Windermere-20 minutes, Kendal-25 minutes,Lancaster-45 minutes,Manchester-1 hour 30 minutes.

6***雅 3年前 上传488   0


Dalemain Mansion & Historic GardensHistory,Culture & Landscape(景观).Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history,5 acres of celebrated and award­winning gardens with parkland walk.Owned by the Hasell family since 1679,home to the International Marmalade Festival.Gifts and antiques,plant sales,museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.Open:29 Mar­29 Oct,Sun to Thurs.

6***雅 3年前 上传543   0


Would you BET on the future of this man?He is 53 years old. Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against debt and misfortune. A war injury has made his left hand stop functioning,and he has often been in prison. Driven by heaven­knows­what motives,he determines to write a book.

6***雅 3年前 上传673   0


Returning to a book you've read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend.There's a welcome familiarity-but also sometimes a slight suspicion that time has changed you both,and thus the relationship.But books don't change,people do.And that's what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.

6***雅 3年前 上传731   0


I have a special place in my heart for libraries. I have for as long as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader,sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties,I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library.

6***雅 3年前 上传841   0


In the 1960s,while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that,oddly,had not troubled anyone before:he couldn't find the park's volcano.It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature — that's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. But Christiansen couldn't find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.

6***雅 3年前 上传520   0


Today's world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. A key skill set for success is persistence(毅力),a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers.Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.

6***雅 3年前 上传471   0


“They tell me that you'd like to make a statue (塑像) of me-is that correct,Miss Vinnie Ream?”The deep, gentle voice helped calm the nervous girl.Asking a favor of the President of the United States was no casual matter,especially for a seventeen­year­old girl.

6***雅 3年前 上传639   0


郯城县司法局扎实开展行政权力事项实施清单梳理和公开工作为进一步明确部门职责,提升依法行政能力和履职服务水平,郯城县司法局严格按照县编办要求,扎实开展行政权力事项实施清单梳理和公开工作。 一是责任明确到位。局领导高度重视,要求全局上下从思想上重视此项工作,召开会议明确工作内容及要求,成立主要领导亲自抓,分管领导直接抓,主管业务科室具体抓的行政权力事项实施清单梳理工作领导小组,形成责

🌸***🌸 4年前 上传701   0


 增强自信心 迈向成功路 高三(4)班【教学目的】:让学生认识自信心的重要性,了解自信者的表现,掌握建立自信的方法。【教学重点】:让学生掌握建立自信的方法【教学方法】:讲授、活动与表演相结合【教学教具】:漫画“自卑、自

W***A 9年前 上传430   0

高三语文一轮复习主题读写 1343 乘信息之风,掌时代之舵


还***法 11个月前 上传264   0


Unit 2 Cloning重点单词分类识记单词 ——核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.exact adj.  精确的;准确的2.undertake vt. 着手;从事;承担3.breakthrough n. 突破4.obtain vt. 获得;赢得5.forbid vt. 禁止;不准6.owe vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……7.

的***有 1年前 上传313   0


Unit 3 Computers重点单词分类识记单词 ——核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.anyhow adv.  无论如何;即使如此2.reality n. 真实;事实;现实3.signal vi.& vt. 发信号n. 信号4.arise vi. 出现;发生5.character n. 性格;特点6.goal n. 目标;

还***法 1年前 上传339   0


Unit 2 Robots重点单词分类识记单词 ——核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.desire n.  渴望;欲望;渴求vt. 希望得到;想要2.envy vt. 忌妒;羡慕3.divorce n. 离婚;断绝关系4.bound adj. 一定的;密切相关的5.part­time adj. 兼职的6.junior adj. 较年幼的;

的***有 1年前 上传301   0


Unit 2 The United Kingdom重点单词分类识记单词 ——核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.consist vi.  组成;在于;一致2.accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现3.conflict n. 矛盾;冲突4.countryside n. 乡下;农村5.enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的6.quarrel

的***有 1年前 上传376   0



高***本 2年前 上传359   0


第二章   资产           教材结构                      教材变化1 .扩充了交易性金融资产的内容、调整了部分相关账务处理的表述2 .周转材料部分新增出租或出借包装物的相关内容3 .固定资产购入时一次抵扣4 .调整了无形资产出售和报废的相关内容5 .调整了增值税税率:增值税税率13%、9%          学习特点  本章为考试的核心章节,每

x***8 4年前 上传1461   0

2020中考化学一轮复习基础考点主题2 碳和碳的氧化物 新题练

主题2 碳和碳的氧化物(建议时间:30分钟)一、选择题1. (2019益阳)我国古代某些画家、书法家用墨(用炭黑等制成)绘制或书写的字画能够保存至今而不变色的原因是(  )A. 碳在常温下化学性质不活泼B. 炭黑具有很强的吸附能力 C. 部分炭黑转变成了更稳定的物质D. 碳单质不溶于水 2. “低碳生活”倡导我们要尽量减少生活中所耗用的能源和资源,从而降低二氧化碳

文***7 5年前 上传1092   0


2022年重庆中考英语第2轮专题复习任务型阅读训练21.     “Thank goodness you have double eyelids (双眼皮). Your parents will save a lot of money.“ said a family friend when I was five years old.    I never quite understoo

福***园 8个月前 上传309   0