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Ⅰ完形填空(15题 题1分 满分15分)
Last month Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) 1  guest using his pool A large moose(驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end  2  in the solar cover(太阳覆盖膜) 
I looked out in the backyard and there was the moose absolutely panicked and 3  Koch told The Dodo She stepped on the solar cover and put her  4  through it and she was  5  trying to get free  
Koch noticed some wildlife around his home in Ottawa 6  he had never seen an animal  7  impressive before He rushed outside and pulled the solar cover off the  8  moose who continued paddling  9  the pool proving to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer 
The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could  10  a hand She looked so pitifully sad out there that my wife said I want to give her a  11 ’  
Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot but they couldn’t  12 it until she was out of the water The best thing that happened was that after 35 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and  13  the fence Koch said 
The moose  14  unscratched but the same can’t be said for Koch’s pool which now has two hoofsized holes in the  15   
1Ainformal       Bordinary
Cusual Duninvited
2Aabandoned Bwrapped
Cremoved Dforbidden
3Astruggling Bshaking
Cshouting Dsearching
4Ashoulder Bfoot
Cface Dback
5Anarrowly Blikely
Cdesperately Dunwillingly
6Afor Bso
Cbut Dor
7Athis Bwell
Calmost Drather
8Arelaxed Bhappy
Ctired Dpoor
9Aaround Bbeneath
Coutside Dbeyond
10Adonate Bhurt
Clend Dcure
11Alift Bhug
Csmile Dcredit
12Aupdate Bwitness
Ccancel Dmanage
13Awatched out Bcut down
Cjumped over Ddived into
14Aescaped Bparticipated
Chesitated Dinsisted
15Atop Bbottom
Cwall Dcover
Ⅱ语篇填空(10题 题15分 满分15分)
Connect Online to meet Offline
In our information technology society we often have 16      (much) communication online than offline For example just compare the number of people to 17       you have sent online messages with that of people you 18         (meet) in the past two weeks 
However there are now mobile apps which allow you 19         (connect) with strangers online and then meet in person and I’m not talking about dating apps Rather I’m referring to apps which help to connect people with similar interests who live in the same city To begin with get online and find a group that 20(interest) you Then simply join 21 group As long as you’re in a group with likeminded people you will be able to enjoy 22(do) the same activities together You can do this 23       free although some apps will ask you to pay if you want to create an interest group 
There is a wide 24      (vary) of interest groups out there such as those for hiking football photography board games poetry or dog owners You name it and they’ve got it This is 25      (real) a great way to network and meet people if you’re new to a city or simply to make new friends  

语篇导读 文篇记叙文文章讲述加驼鹿误入Koch家泳池困中 Koch通警察野生动物保护组织求救 帮助驼鹿泳池脱险事
1D 解析根文 A large moose was swimming in the deep end 知 驼鹿误入Koch家泳池 位速客选D项
2B 解析根文 She stepped on the solar cover 知 驼鹿太阳覆盖膜缠住选B项
3A 解析根空格前there was the moose absolutely panicked 知 驼鹿时非常惊恐 奋力挣扎选A项struggle 挣扎
4B 解析根空格前She stepped on the solar cover知 驼鹿脚踩进导致困选B项
5C 解析根空格trying to get free 知 处指驼鹿拼命想挣脱选C项desperately 拼命
6C 解析Koch noticed some wildlife around his home in Ottawahe had never seen an animal    impressive before构成转折关系选C项 
7A 解析空格处表示未见令印象深刻动物 处this作副词 相so 修饰形容词impressive选A项
8D 解析处表示出 怜驼鹿身扯太阳覆盖膜选D项
9A 解析根空格proving to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer知 驼鹿继续水池里游游选A项
10C 解析根文Koch called the police and wildlife services知 处表示否帮忙lend sb a hand意 帮助某 选C项
11B 解析根句前面描述She looked so pitifully sad out there知 妻子动恻隐心 想拥抱困驼鹿选B项
12D 解析根句 Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot 空格 until she was out of the water 知 处指野生动物服务部门工作员算带安全方 没做选D项
13C 解析根空格前she climbed out of the shallow end 知 处指爬出浅水区 跳围栏跑走选C项
14A 解析根文 The best thing that happened was that after 35 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and    the fence 知 驼鹿未受伤情况成功逃脱选A项 
15B 解析Koch家泳池没驼鹿幸运 泳池底部留两蹄子破洞选B项
语篇导读文篇说明文文章介绍利手机软件加入兴趣组 结识志道合朋友
16more 解析根空格than offline知 处应较级形式 填more
17whom 解析分析句子成分知 空格处引导定语句 句中缺少介词to宾语 先行词people 关系词介词to 填whom
18have met 解析根空格in the past two weeks 知 处应现完成时 语you 填have met
19to connect 解析处 allow sb to do sth结构 表示 允许某做某事 填to connect
20interests 解析分析句子成分知 空格处句中做谓语 引导词that指代a group 填interests
21the 解析处特指已提兴趣组 应定冠词 填the
22doing 解析enjoy doing sth意 享受做某事 固定搭配 填doing
23for 解析处表示免费做件事 for free意 免费 固定搭配 填for
24variety 解析处表示种样兴趣组 a variety of意 种样 填variety
25really 解析分析句子成分知 空格处做状语 应副词形式 填really




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30分语言运用限时满分练30分语言运用限时满分练(一)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·山东烟台高三适应性考试)About 50 feet from shore, two brothers were fighting for their  1 . They had been swept out to sea in a rapid curr

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30分语言运用限时满分练(五)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·山东日照一模)A year after Benjamin Canlas died at 17, his love of helping others lives on. Through a foundation  1  by his parents, this kind you

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30分语言运用限时满分练(六)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·河北唐山二模)I was ready for bed. My eyes fell on the musical  1  on my bedside table. In it was a photo of Dad smiling, and once opened, it woul

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40分写作限时满分练(三)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·山西太原高三模拟)你受邀参加一场中外高中生的在线交流会, 讨论话题为各国高中生的毕业庆祝活动。请你写一篇英文发言稿, 介绍你们学校的活动情况。内容包括: 1.活动内容; 2.活动意义; 3.邀请对方访问你校网站。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。________

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50分阅读限时满分练(三)(限时35分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)ASan Francisco Fire Engine ToursSan Francisco Winery TourRunning: February 1st through April 30thThis delicious tour goes through the city o

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40分写作限时满分练40分写作限时满分练(一)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·河北唐山二模)你校英语戏剧社要举办一场演出。戏剧社请你在学校宣传栏 “英语角” 发布一则通知。内容包括:1.剧目的名称; 2.演出的时间、地点; 3.观看时的要求。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。____________________

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50分阅读限时满分练(六)(限时35分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)A(2021·山东淄博高三第三次模考)If you are planning to visit the historic capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh, a travel destination that people want to att

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40分写作限时满分练(五)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·湖北黄冈高三4月调研)假如你是李华, 周末有一场中国民间音乐会, 你打算邀请在华留学的朋友Susan一起去欣赏, 请写一封邮件。内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.音乐会简介; 3.见面时间及地点。注意: 1.词数80左右。2.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Susan,______

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50分阅读限时满分练(四)(限时35分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)ARajasthan is one of the most visited states in India. These top tourist places to visit in Rajasthan shouldn’t be missed. JaipurThe Pink Cit

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