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Ⅰ阅读理解(15题 题25分 满分375分)
Rajasthan is one of the most visited states in India These top tourist places to visit in Rajasthan shouldn’t be missed
The Pink City Jaipur is one of the Rajasthan’s most popular places It has many famous forts(堡垒)and palaces with most beautiful views and buildings Staying in Jaipur is particularly enjoyable Hotels are reasonably priced which gives guests a very unforgettable experience
Ranthambore National Park
Ranthambore National Park is one of the best places in India to spot a tiger in the wild Compared with many national parks in India it’s also easy to get to This makes it very popular Unfortunately it has been facing lots of tourist problems The park is also home to the 10th century Ranthambore Fort It’s a huge fort that contains ruined pavilions monuments and three Hindu temples The park is full of history having seen many wars played out on its land and the rise and fall of many rulers
A beautiful sandstone city rises magically from the sand dunes(沙丘) of the Thar desert It looks like it’s straight out of an Arabian Nights fable Its ancient fort built in 1156 lets visitors view the city It houses five palaces several temples as well as shops and other houses Riding a camel into the desert is also a popular thing in Jaisalmer
Known as the Blue City for its blue painted buildings Jodhpur is the second largest city in Rajasthan Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur provides a good look at Jodhpur’s blue buildings It’s one of the largest and most wellprotected forts in India Inside there are numbers of palaces and a museum It’s great to do nothing but relax here
1If you want to travel by riding a camel you can go to     
DRanthambore National Park
2What can we learn from the text
AJaipur is known as the Blue City
BFive Hindu temples lie in Ranthambore Fort
CJaisalmer’s ancient fort was built in the 11th century
DRanthambore National Park is very popular with tourists
3What does the text mainly introduce to us
ATourist attractions at risk
BTravels in the desert
CThe culture and history of India
DSeveral places of interest in Rajasthan

As I lay here in my hard uncomfortable hospital bed all I could think about was how badly I wanted to leave this place It had been four days of doctors giving bad news medicine injections procedures MRIs and restless nights I had been able to eat one meal a day due to the surgeries I was scheduled for later I asked my mum to bring me my car keys and on my key chain there was a soft piece of leather made from my first baseball glove She looked worried and sad handing the key chain to me In the fibres of the leather were so many memories that had transformed me as a person
I grabbed my keys and touched a smooth piece of leather It was a nice coffee brown and about 3 inches in length Every time I touched it I would think of one thing—baseball The key chain was made from my first baseball glove that I cherished so much It carried great moments like championships as well as moments when I struck out and lost
All of a sudden my nurse walked in and I jumped when I heard her voice She didn’t mean to interrupt but I needed more medicine Once she left I focused back and grasped the cowhide I rubbed my fingers up and down just feeling this reminder of the game It took me on a wild road trip through my brain and I would stop at each baseball memory This time I began to picture the people that were involved in my baseball life
I opened my eyes realising the road trip that I used to be on had gone with the wind My gaze shifted to the clock on the opposite wall Almost an hour had passed Even in tough times the things and people you love could help you escape and you would get over all the difficulties
4What made the author’s mother worried
AThe author’s skill in baseball
BThe author’s attitude to his life
CThe author’s present situation
DThe poor condition of the hospital
5Why did the author treasure the key chain
AIt brought back plenty of memories
BIt was soft and comfortable to touch
CIt had witnessed his great moments
DIt was made from one of his baseball gloves
6What does the underlined word cowhide in paragraph 3 mean
AMedicine       BBaseball
CGlove DLeather
7What can be inferred from the last paragraph
AThe author feels depressed
BThe author is confident of his future
CThe author cherishes his past experience
DThe author feels tired of the life in the hospital

What should we get for our kids this holiday As children get older giving them something they can experience instead of material things makes them happier according to a new research led by Chaplin
The research compares the level of happiness children get from material things with that from experiences The results shows that children aged 3 through 12 get more happiness from material things than from experiences However older children get more happiness from experiences than from their possessions
It means experiences are highly preferred by adolescents not just expensive material things Chaplin says She continues explainingDon’t get me wrong Young children do love experiences And given this concept theme parks such as Disneyland are being built everywhere In fact young children are excited throughout the experience However for experiences to provide lasting happiness children must be able to recall details of the events
Long after they have unwrapped their toys there will still be a physical reminder to give them happiness However young children can’t see or touch experiences after they are over making it harder for them to appreciate experiences after a long time There’s an easy fix though according to Chaplin
Take pictures or videos of family walks playing in the snow and birthday parties she saysChildren are likely to appreciate those experiences more if there is something to remind them of the event Additionally they’ll be able to learn the social value of shared experiences
Children will remember and appreciate not only the birthday gifts they received but also the time spent with family and friends as they recall the experience through concrete reminders such as photos and videos
Since memory is developed over time it’s likely that children especially young ones may not get as much happiness from past experiences as from possessions But with age creating new memories and exploring new interests may be far more valuable than getting possessions
8Why are theme parks springing up according to Chaplin
AThey can offer children lasting happiness
BEvents in them are centred on specific themes
CDirect involvement in events there caters to children
DKids have an affection for the atmosphere they offer
9The underlined word fix in paragraph 4 can be replaced by     
Asolution Barrangement
Cpreparation Dfocus
10Which of the following would Chaplin probably agree with
AVideos appeal to children more than gifts
BToys are not kids’ cup of tea
COlder children value family time more than younger ones
DPhysical reminders help remember past experiences better
11What can be inferred from the passage
AExperiences are better gifts for older children
BSocial values should be put in the first place
CNew interests are most precious for children
DMaterial possessions bring more happiness to children

Men hunted Women gathered That has long been the common view of our prehistoric ancestors But the discovery of a woman buried about 9000 years ago in the Andes Mountains with weapons and hunting tools and an analysis of other burial sites in the Americas challenges this widely accepted division of labour in huntergatherer society
Labour practices among recent huntergatherer societies are highly gendered which might lead some to believe that sexist inequalities in things like pay or rank are somehow natural’ said Randy Haas assistant professor of anthropology(类学) at University of California DavisBut it’s now clear that sexual division of labour was fundamentally different—likely more equal and reasonable—in our species deep huntergatherer past
The burial site was discovered in 2018 during excavations(发掘) at a highaltitude site called Wilamaya Patjxa in what is now Peru The woman thought to be between 17 and 19 years old when she died was buried with items that suggested she hunted biggame animals
Although some scholars have suggested a role for women in ancient hunting others have dismissed this idea even when hunting tools were uncovered in female burials To examine whether this woman found at this site was an outlier the researchers examined 429 skeletons(骷髅) at 107 burial sites in North and South America around 8000 to 14000 years ago Of those 27 individuals were buried with hunting tools—11 were female and 15 were male The sample was sufficient to support the conclusion that female participation in early biggame hunting was likely not unusual
The findings add to doubts about man — the hunter assumption that informed much thinking about early humans since the mid20th centuryThey suggest hunting was very much a communitybased activity needing the participation of all ablebodied individuals to drive large animals the researchers said The weapon of choice at that time had low accuracy encouraging broad participation and using it was a skill learned from childhood
12What does the burial site at Andes Mountains show
AThe origin of sexist inequality
BThe hunting skills of ancient times
CThe social system of prehistoric hunters
DThe job division of huntergatherer society
13Which of the following might Randy Haas agree with
AGender plays no part in recent huntergatherer society
BSexist inequality is a natural result of prehistoric society
CAncient division of labour might be fairer than we’d thought
DPublic ideas of women’s role will be changed abruptly
14What does the underlined word outlier in paragraph 4 mean
AException BFailure
CRole model DEasy target
15What might make prehistoric hunting a communitybased activity
ALack of ablebodied individuals
BImperfection in hunting weapons
CBetter accuracy of females in hunting
DNeed for large animals as food source
Ⅱ七选五(5题 题25分 满分125分)
Mixing murals sculpture and calligraphy grotto(石窟) temples are historical treasures of ancient Chinese art values and spirits Thousands of people flock to grotto temples each year  16  
In October the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice urging the protection of China’s grotto temples Grotto temple workers are required to do research and determine how many daily visitors they can safely handle  17  Visitors are encouraged to visit at different periods or have virtual experiences related to the cultural heritage sites These measures are aimed at preserving these relics as both human and environmental factors have caused harm 
Tourists often touch the sculptures leading to changes in the surface and colour of the figures gradually  18  And even the most wellbehaved tourists can unknowingly cause harm to the relics Over many centuries the ancient rocks that make up these grottoes slowly corrode(腐蚀) due to the acid content of air water and microorganisms  19  According to a study by the China University of Geosciences the carbon dioxide that visitors breathe out has made the air more acid At the Mogao Grottoes in Gansu researchers also found that microorganisms brought in unintentionally by visitors themselves have also led to changes in colour in murals 
 20 Seeing the grottoes in depth it will help people better understand Chinese philosophy and humanities from a historical perspective a regional director of the Yungang Grottoes Research Academy told China News 
APreserving these relics is important
BYet these relics are threatened by visitors
CThe new rule received support from visitors
DThe light from cameras can also damage the relics
EThe visitors’ number should be controlled based on this research
FBut when the grottoes are open to the public the process speeds up
GEfforts should also go into advertising the beauty of grotto temples

语篇导读文篇应文文章介绍Rajasthan 名胜古迹
1C 解析细节理解题根Jaisalmer中 Riding a camel into the desert is also a popular thing to do in Jaisalmer 知 果想骑骆驼旅行 Jaisalmer
2D 解析推理判断题根Ranthambore National Park中 This makes it very popular Unfortunately it has been facing lots of tourist problems 知 Ranthambore National Park游客中受欢迎
3D 解析旨意题根第段容知 文介绍Rajasthan名胜古迹
语篇导读文篇记叙文作者讲述生病住院期间 难熬日子里回忆起时光未充满希
4C 解析推理判断题根第段 It had been four days of doctors giving bad news medicine injections procedures MRIs and restless nights 知 作者状况 妈妈非常担心选C项
5A 解析细节理解题根第段 In the fibres of the leather were so many memories that had transformed me as a person 知 钥匙链承载着回忆 作者珍惜选A项
6D 解析词义猜测题根第三段 I rubbed my fingers up and down just feeling this reminder of the game It took me on a wild road trip through my brain and I would stop at each baseball memory 知 cowhide指第二段首句 I grabbed my keys and touched a smooth piece of leather 中提leather选D项
7B 解析推理判断题根段 Even in tough times the things and people you love could help you escape and you would get over all the difficulties 知 作者未信心选B项
语篇导读文篇说明文研究表明 着孩子年龄增长 体验东西物质东西孩子更快乐
8C 解析细节理解题根第三段 It means experiences are highly preferred by adolescents not just expensive material things And given this concept theme parks such as Disneyland are being built everywhere In fact young children are excited throughout the experience 知 参活动更迎合孩子喜 正题公园兴起原选C项
9A 解析词义猜测题根画线词前句 However young children can’t see or touch experiences after they are over making it harder for them to appreciate experiences after a long time 知 画线词 fix应 解决方法 意 选A项
10D 解析细节理解题根第六段容知 孩子通形事情 片视频 更回忆美选D项
11A 解析推理判断题根第段 As children get older giving them something they can experience instead of material things makes them happier 知 孩子体验东西 会更快乐 根第二段 However older children get more happiness from experiences than from their possessions 知 年龄稍孩子历中获快乐拥东西中获推断 历年长孩子说更礼物选A项
语篇导读文篇说明文考古学家南美安第斯山脉中发现座着约9000年历史女性狩猎者墓葬 发现挑战传统男士猎女采集劳动分工观念
12D 解析推理判断题根第段 But the discovery of a woman buried about 9000 years ago in the Andes Mountains with weapons and hunting tools and an analysis of other burial sites in the Americas challenges this widely accepted division of labour in huntergatherer society 知 安第斯山脉发现埋葬点挑战普遍接受狩猎采集社会中劳动分工观念选D项
13C 解析细节理解题根第二段 But it’s now clear that sexual division of labour was fundamentally different—likely more equal and reasonable—in our species deep huntergatherer past 知 Randy Haas认古代劳动分工想更公合理选C项
14A 解析词义猜测题根文数 The sample was sufficient to support the conclusion that female participation in early biggame hunting was likely not unusual 知 验证该处发现女性否例外 科学家做研究选A项
15B 解析推理判断题根段 The weapon of choice at that time had low accuracy encouraging broad participation and using it was a skill learned from childhood 知 时狩猎武器精确 家广泛参选B项
语篇导读 文篇说明文游客增会加速文物损坏 相关部门发布通知控制游客数量 鼓励游客时间段参观 进行文物古迹相关虚拟体验
16B 解析根文 Thousands of people flock to grotto temples each year 知 参观石窟寺文 In October the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice urging the protection of China’s grotto temples 提保护石窟寺推知设空处容应起承启作 B项 然遗迹受游客威胁 符合语境选B项
17E 解析根文 Grotto temple workers are required to do research and determine how many daily visitors they can safely handle 知 处指通调查确定石窟寺接游客安全数量 控制游客数量 E项 基项研究 游客数量应该控制 符合语境 选项中this research呼应文research选E项
18D 解析文 Tourists often touch the sculptures leading to changes in the surface and colour of the figures gradually 文 And even the most wellbehaved tourists can unknowingly cause harm to the relics 知 设空处前介绍游客行遗址损害 D项 相机光线会损坏文物 符合语境选D项
19F 解析根文 the ancient rocks that make up these grottoes slowly corrode due to the acid content of air water and microorganisms 文 the carbon dioxide that visitors breathe out has made the air more acid 推知 设空处陈述游客会加速石窟损坏F项 石窟公众开放时程加快 符合语境选F项
20A 解析文 Seeing the grottoes in depth it will help people better understand Chinese philosophy and humanities from a historical perspective 说明研究石窟理解中国哲学文处 保护石窟文物 A项 保存遗迹重 符合语境选A项




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40分写作限时满分练40分写作限时满分练(一)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·河北唐山二模)你校英语戏剧社要举办一场演出。戏剧社请你在学校宣传栏 “英语角” 发布一则通知。内容包括:1.剧目的名称; 2.演出的时间、地点; 3.观看时的要求。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。____________________

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30分语言运用限时满分练(三)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·山东济南高三高考适应性考试)Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) 1  guest using his pool. A large moose(驼鹿) was swimming in the deep en

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40分写作限时满分练(三)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·山西太原高三模拟)你受邀参加一场中外高中生的在线交流会, 讨论话题为各国高中生的毕业庆祝活动。请你写一篇英文发言稿, 介绍你们学校的活动情况。内容包括: 1.活动内容; 2.活动意义; 3.邀请对方访问你校网站。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。________

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40分写作限时满分练(五)(限时40分钟)Ⅰ.应用文写作(满分15分)(2021·湖北黄冈高三4月调研)假如你是李华, 周末有一场中国民间音乐会, 你打算邀请在华留学的朋友Susan一起去欣赏, 请写一封邮件。内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.音乐会简介; 3.见面时间及地点。注意: 1.词数80左右。2.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Susan,______

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30分语言运用限时满分练(六)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·河北唐山二模)I was ready for bed. My eyes fell on the musical  1  on my bedside table. In it was a photo of Dad smiling, and once opened, it woul

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人教版新高考英语二轮复习习题训练-阅读理解 主旨大意题——段落大意类(含答案)

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组合练(三)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东烟台一模)假定你是李华, 最近你校举办了创意灯笼展。你的英国朋友Jack对此很感兴趣, 发来邮件询问具体情况。请给他回复邮件, 内容包括: 1.灯笼展的时间、地点; 2.作品的来源、特色; 3.你的感受。注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。__________________________________

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题组练(三)Test 1(2021·山东济宁高三一模)China speed is amazing the world. While other countries are struggling to make high-speed railway a reality, China 1.            (busy) itself in laying down over 25,000

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题型针对练(二)——段首句类Test 1(2021·山东日照一模)The carbon footprint shows how much carbon dioxide a person emits(排放) in everyday life. It measures the amount of fossil(化石) fuels and electricity someone uses as

还***法 1年前 上传284   0


组合练(二)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东临沂5月模拟)假如你的名字是李华。联合国青少年成长组织想了解各国中学生参加劳动的情况。请你给该组织的秘书长写一封邮件, 介绍你最近参加的一次劳动的情况。内容包括: 1.过程; 2.感受。注意: 1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。____________________________________________

文***7 6个月前 上传152   0


“应用文+读后续写” 能力升级练组合练(一)Ⅰ.应用文写作(2021·山东菏泽二模)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以“最难忘的一次传统节日”为题, 写一篇短文参赛, 内容包括: 1.你的经历; 2.你的感悟。注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。An Unforgettable Traditional Festival________________

文***7 6个月前 上传160   0


 新高考高中阅读强化限时训练29 阅读理解+七选五 (含参考答案) 限时:35分钟 满分:50分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

的***有 5个月前 上传186   0