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1―Could you give us a speech on management functions some day this week
AThat’s a good idea
BNo I already have plans
CI’d love to but I’m busy this week

2―You have to believe in yourself No one else will if you don’t
―______Confidence is really important
AI’s not my cup of tea
BI don’t think so
CI couldn’t agree more

3―Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant
AYes please
BNot at all Go ahead
CNo thank you

4―Sorry for being late I should have called you earlier
―________ I’ve just arrived
AThat’s no trouble
BYou are welcome
CThat’s all right

5―I wanted to talk to you about how to motivate our staff in the business intelligence team
AThanks for your compliment
BThat’s why we need to encourage them
CThat’s also what I am concerned about


1I think the primary_________factor is there’s been so much absence lately

2―If there is friction between team members examine the work processes they mutually own
―Which of the following words can replace the above underlined word

3Men and women in the team are interested in different things we should avoid_________them something they don’t want
CBeing able to

4Until a strategic plan is_________ it has no real value
Aput into effect
Bput into use
Cput into production

5All of the tables and chairs_________away
Ahad stored
Bhad been stored

6The demands and requirements placed on the CEO of Sony are different from_________on the manager of your local Wendy’s restaurant

7Learning new things has always been a great_________for me

8Please_________your hand if you have any question at all

9To be_________ a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals

10The scientists are still_________inventing new methods of reaching outer space
Aworking with

Bworking on
Cworking for

11What can we_________him
Aexpect in
Bexpect from
Cexpect on

12Sometimes members of teams_________obstacles by focusing on solely their own pursuits and goals

13I think a big part of it is_________we know how to have fun on the job

14It’s about a successful businessman’s management experience_________
Ais that
Bis it
Cisn’t it

15_________on the hilltop you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun

1Working for Google is a dream of many not just because of what this company has achieved in the last 15 years but because of its enviable work culture With about 37000 employees in 40 countries you might wonder how Google maintains a motivating work experience throughout its entire company
Working for Google comes with perks that most other organizations can’t providebowling alleys free haircuts gym memberships and shuttles to and from work The company’s secret to success is putting the same amount of time and effort into keeping employees happy as it does into innovating products
Back when the company was just a startup cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had the goal of making Google a place the most talented people wanted to work at Their idea was simple creating a work culture that keeps employees happy will motivate them to do their best and will keep them loyal to the company
It’s less about the aspiration to be No 1 in the world and more that we want our employees and future ones to love it here because that’s what’s going to make us successful said Karen May the Vice President of people development at Google
Google also makes its employees want to work because managers provide tasks that are inspiring and challenging Every employee at Google has the opportunity to spend 20 of his or her working time on a project they choose This freedom takes employees out of their routine and away from the mundane tasks that often make workers feel uninspired about their jobs

Lastly Google shows each employee just how important he or she is to the company Each employee regardless of her spot on the totem pole has an influence on how Google performs
If you value people and care about them as whole people one thing you do is giving them a voice and you really listen May said

Google does just that by hosting employee forums every Friday where they discuss the 20 mostasked questions Employees have access to all company information adding a sense of trust and employees and leaders work together to solve problems
[单选题]◆How would you describe Google
AMediumsized international company
BLarge global enterprises
CLarge Chinese company

[单选题]◆Which of the following belongs to the methods that Google motivates its employees
AProviding haircuts at a discounted price
BShuttling the founders between home and office
COffering entertaining equipment in the workplace

[单选题]◆Who founded Google
ALarry Page and Sergey Brin
BKaren May and Larry Page
CSergey Brin and Karen May

[单选题]◆What can we learn from this passage
AGoogle employees don’t want to work because the tasks are boring
BGoogle employees have no chance to work on the project they choose
CGoogle employees have the chance to get away from mundane errands

[单选题]◆What is Google’s secret to success
AInnovating hitech products
BPaying high salaries to the employees and practicing strict management
CValuing the happiness of its employees as well as innovating good products

1Communication Failure
The meaning of communication goes a lot deeper than people often think Communication is about conceiving sending receiving and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication
Ineffective communication can be disastrous There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the message Send reinforcements we’re going to advance back to his Command Center through a long chain of subordinates When the message finally reached the Command Center it had mutated to become Send three and fourpence we’re going to a dance The reinforcements never arrived

You can demonstrate this same principle albeit on a less dramatic scale by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people It is highly unlikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with
In a business there are three main types of communication failure Each has its own indicative signs
•The first type is known as allocative failure This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most often) the information is not reaching the right points The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure then stocks will fall and there will be under staffing If the inverse happens there will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing
•The second type is executive failure where communication to trigger specific eventsactions is either late lacking or in error The symptoms of this are a general loss of direction in the company or departments a loss of coordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all
•The final type is human failure This occurs when the general culture of a business or the relationships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication This leads to alienated staff an increase in staff turnover an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff Creativity especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips
[判断题]◆Communication chain does not involve confirmation of receiving messages

[判断题]◆If demand is decreasing allocative communication failure will result in overstocking and under staffing

[判断题]◆Increasing customer complaints is one of the symptoms of executive failure

[判断题]◆Human failure happens when two departments do not communicate effectively

[判断题]◆The communication chain is completely different in daily life as in a business

1Write a passage of at least 100 words according to the title and the following requirements
题目:How to Communicate Effectively
(1)The importance of effective communication
(2)How to communicate with people effectively

1―Could you give us a speech on management functions some day this week(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AThat’s a good idea
BNo I already have plans
CI’d love to but I’m busy this week

2―You have to believe in yourself No one else will if you don’t(红色字体题正确答案选项)
―______Confidence is really important
AI’s not my cup of tea
BI don’t think so
CI couldn’t agree more

3―Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AYes please
BNot at all Go ahead
CNo thank you

4―Sorry for being late I should have called you earlier(红色字体题正确答案选项)
―________ I’ve just arrived
AThat’s no trouble
BYou are welcome
CThat’s all right

5―I wanted to talk to you about how to motivate our staff in the business intelligence team(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AThanks for your compliment
BThat’s why we need to encourage them
CThat’s also what I am concerned about

1I think the primary_________factor is there’s been so much absence lately(红色字体题正确答案选项)

2―If there is friction between team members examine the work processes they mutually own(红色字体题正确答案选项)

―Which of the following words can replace the above underlined word

3Men and women in the team are interested in different things we should avoid_________them something they don’t want(红色字体题正确答案选项)
CBeing able to

4Until a strategic plan is_________ it has no real value(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Aput into effect
Bput into use
Cput into production

5All of the tables and chairs_________away(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Ahad stored
Bhad been stored

6The demands and requirements placed on the CEO of Sony are different from_________on the manager of your local Wendy’s restaurant(红色字体题正确答案选项)

7Learning new things has always been a great_________for me(红色字体题正确答案选项)

8Please_________your hand if you have any question at all(红色字体题正确答案选项)

9To be_________ a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals(红色字体题正确答案选项)

10The scientists are still_________inventing new methods of reaching outer space(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Aworking with
Bworking on
Cworking for

11What can we_________him(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Aexpect in

Bexpect from
Cexpect on

12Sometimes members of teams_________obstacles by focusing on solely their own pursuits and goals(红色字体题正确答案选项)

13I think a big part of it is_________we know how to have fun on the job(红色字体题正确答案选项)

14It’s about a successful businessman’s management experience_________(红色字体题正确答案选项)
Ais that
Bis it
Cisn’t it

15_________on the hilltop you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun(红色字体题正确答案选项)

1Working for Google is a dream of many not just because of what this company has achieved in the last 15 years but because of its enviable work culture With about 37000 employees in 40 countries you might wonder how Google maintains a motivating work experience throughout its entire company
Working for Google comes with perks that most other organizations can’t providebowling alleys free haircuts gym memberships and shuttles to and from work The company’s secret to success is putting the same amount of time and effort into keeping employees happy as it does into innovating products
Back when the company was just a startup cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had the goal of making Google a place the most talented people wanted to work at Their idea was simple creating a work culture that keeps employees happy will motivate them to do their best and will keep them loyal to the company
It’s less about the aspiration to be No 1 in the world and more that we want our employees and future ones to love it here because that’s what’s going to make us successful said Karen May the Vice President of people development at Google
Google also makes its employees want to work because managers provide tasks that are inspiring and challenging Every employee at Google has the opportunity to spend 20 of his or her working time on a project they choose This freedom takes employees out of their routine and away from the mundane tasks that often make workers feel uninspired about their jobs

Lastly Google shows each employee just how important he or she is to the company Each employee regardless of her spot on the totem pole has an influence on how Google performs
If you value people and care about them as whole people one thing you do is giving them a voice and you really listen May said

Google does just that by hosting employee forums every Friday where they discuss the 20 mostasked questions Employees have access to all company information adding a sense of trust and employees and leaders work together to solve problems
[单选题]◆How would you describe Google(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AMediumsized international company
BLarge global enterprises
CLarge Chinese company

[单选题]◆Which of the following belongs to the methods that Google motivates its employees(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AProviding haircuts at a discounted price
BShuttling the founders between home and office
COffering entertaining equipment in the workplace

[单选题]◆Who founded Google(红色字体题正确答案选项)
ALarry Page and Sergey Brin
BKaren May and Larry Page
CSergey Brin and Karen May

[单选题]◆What can we learn from this passage(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AGoogle employees don’t want to work because the tasks are boring
BGoogle employees have no chance to work on the project they choose
CGoogle employees have the chance to get away from mundane errands

[单选题]◆What is Google’s secret to success(红色字体题正确答案选项)
AInnovating hitech products
BPaying high salaries to the employees and practicing strict management
CValuing the happiness of its employees as well as innovating good products

1Communication Failure
The meaning of communication goes a lot deeper than people often think Communication is about conceiving sending receiving and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication
Ineffective communication can be disastrous There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the message Send reinforcements we’re going to advance back to his Command Center through a long chain of subordinates When the message finally reached the Command Center it had mutated to become Send three and fourpence we’re going to a dance The reinforcements never arrived

You can demonstrate this same principle albeit on a less dramatic scale by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people It is highly unlikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with
In a business there are three main types of communication failure Each has its own indicative signs
•The first type is known as allocative failure This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most often) the information is not reaching the right points The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure then stocks will fall and there will be under staffing If the inverse happens there will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing
•The second type is executive failure where communication to trigger specific eventsactions is either late lacking or in error The symptoms of this are a general loss of direction in the company or departments a loss of coordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all
•The final type is human failure This occurs when the general culture of a business or the relationships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication This leads to alienated staff an increase in staff turnover an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff Creativity especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips
[判断题]◆Communication chain does not involve confirmation of receiving messages(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆If demand is decreasing allocative communication failure will result in overstocking and under staffing(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆Increasing customer complaints is one of the symptoms of executive failure(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆Human failure happens when two departments do not communicate effectively(红色字体题正确答案选项)

[判断题]◆The communication chain is completely different in daily life as in a business(红色字体题正确答案选项)

1Write a passage of at least 100 words according to the title and the following requirements
题目:How to Communicate Effectively

(1)The importance of effective communication
(2)How to communicate with people effectively

How to Communicate Effectively

Communication plays a significant role in our daily life especially in modern society Since we get along with other people in every field we must learn how to communicate with people effectively

Effective communication should be planned carefully First speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely Second express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth Third concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view Moreover we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening Fourth place ourselves in the place of others

As far as I’m concerned I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I’m in a merry mood or not And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely


How to communicate effectively

Effective communication is a must for everyone who hopes to be successful It helps express your thoughts and improves your career prospects as well as strengthens relationships Therefore it’s necessary to work hard to improve your communication skills

Prepare a copy of a speech

Before you are ready to talk to a group of people you should think about what you are going to talk about Although a printed copy of a speech may not be always necessary highlighting a few important issues in your mind is a must This will help you remain focused throughout your communication And it reduces the possibilities of getting away from the main issues

Choose your words

Choice of words is the most important part of any communication Simple clear words are appropriate for the issue you are discussing Needless to say words that could make your audience unpleasant are best kept out of the communication Most people tend to be careful about their language while at work

Body language

Many people use body language by mistake and end up making a fool of themselves Body language means keeping eye contact and using hand gestures only wherever required Remember there is no need to speak every word with a gesture or facial expression This will make your talk more of a stage performance and defeat its purpose

Listen and concentrate

Communication is an exchange of ideas Once you are done with your part listen carefully to what other people plan to say Gather your thoughts Get rid of all distractions such as a phone before you begin communication A distraction not only disturbs your focus but it also causes your audience’s attention to wander




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第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Diana, do you eat apple every day?-_______________.A.No, sometimes I’d have a boiled egg.B.I always eat it because it’s spicy.C.Porridge is Andy’s favorite.2.-I’m much obliged to you for your help.-_______________.A.It’s quite serious.B.It serves you right!C.It’s my pleasure.3.-I’m afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do.

h***s 2个月前 上传144   0


1.-What can we do for the case?-_______________.A.We could consult our lawyer.B.The case is difficult.C.I don’t care about it.

h***s 1个月前 上传98   0


1.-What’s the weather like in that area?-________________.A.Very well.B.It’s rainy.C.Yes, it’s fine.

h***s 1个月前 上传223   0


1.―I think things have been a bit difficult for us in the last couple of months.―___________We’ve been working hard,but still getting behind.A.You’re right.B.I’m afraid.C.I don’t think so.

h***s 1个月前 上传164   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Did you enjoy your college life?-_______________A.Yes,it was rich and colorful.B.No,it is interesting.C.I like my college very much.2.-I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep.-________The point is....A.Yes,it’s understandable.B.What’s troubling you exactly?C.What do you think of the topic?

h***s 1个月前 上传199   0


1.—How did your meeting go yesterday?— ____________________actually, it was really frustrating.A.Not so goodB.Very goodC.Nothing special

h***s 1个月前 上传169   0


1.—Could I borrow your iPad for a few hours?—________.Enjoy your time.A.No, I am sorryB.Sure, here you areC.It doesn’t matter

h***s 1个月前 上传197   0


1.—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. —_________,I never go traveling without a book. A.You are joking B.That’s true C.It sounds like fun

h***s 1个月前 上传178   0


1.—If you can’t say what you’ve come to say at the meeting, what’s the point?—________,but I think you might need to change your approach somewhat.A.I am not sureB.I can see thatC.I know that

h***s 1个月前 上传174   0


1.―You’d better not push yourself too hard.You can ask the team and listen.―___________________.A.You are rightB.No, we can’t do thatC.I think it will kill our time

h***s 1个月前 上传177   0


1.―The trip ought not to take more than an hour.―_________.It is at least two hours.A.I guess soB.You must be jokingC.It depends

h***s 1个月前 上传166   0


1.—Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow.—_________________.A.Yes, but I’ll have English classesB.Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. BrownC.I’m afraid I have no idea

h***s 1个月前 上传185   0


1.—Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?—_________________.A.Yes, I’ll do that.B.Yes, I think so.C.Yes, I’d love to.

h***s 1个月前 上传174   0


1.—How did your meeting go yesterday?—_________________. It was really frustrating actually.A.Not so goodB.Very goodC.Nothing special

h***s 1个月前 上传152   0


1.—Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.―_________________ A.I hope so.B.I’m afraid not.C.Sorry,I won’t.

h***s 1个月前 上传156   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Over-the-top? You mean...—_________________.A.Well,sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loudB.No.I don’tC.Thanks a lot2.—This project is too big for me to finish on time.—_________________.A.Please do me a favor B.That is a daydreamC.I’ll give you a hand3.—Scott,I’d like to have your opinions about my written report.—________.But I have one suggestion.A.That’s a good ideaB.You are too modestC.It looks fine to me

h***s 1个月前 上传246   0


1.―Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant? ―___________________. A.Yes, please B.Not at all. Go ahead C.No, thank you

h***s 1个月前 上传177   0


1.―I have at least half an hour exercise in speaking English every day.―Terrific___________________!A.Good luckB.Keep it upC.Cheer up

h***s 1个月前 上传132   0


1.-Her father is very rich.-________.She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered.A.What for?B.So what?C.No doubt.

h***s 1个月前 上传121   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Aunt Cindy,do you shop online often?—__________A.No,I don’t think so.B.That’s a good idea.C.Yes.It’s very convenient.2.—Hello,is this the Sail Moving Company?—__________A.Thanks,I’m here.B.Yes,thanks for calling.C.Hello,what did he say?

h***s 1个月前 上传119   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you?-_______________.A.It’s very nice of you.B.I can do it by myself.C.I’m looking for a present.2.-Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?-_______________ .A.No,a portable 3D printer is more useful.B.I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.C.Yes,I would not have a clumsy one.3.-This apple pie is too sweet,don’t you think so?- _______________ I think it’s just right,actually.A.Not really.B.I hope so.C.Sounds good.

h***s 2个月前 上传147   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table-_______________A.I don’t careB.It doesn’t matterC.Don’t be sorry2.-Hello, I’m Harry Potter!Hello, my name is Charles Green, but_______________A.call my CharlesB.call me CharlesC.call me at Charles3.-So sorry to trouble you.-_______________A.It’s a pleasure.B.It’s your faultC.I don’t think so

h***s 1个月前 上传187   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A.B.C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Doctor, I’ve got a sore throat and fever.I’m afraid I’ve got a flu.-Let me have a look._______.A.Many persons have died of it.B.Take it easy, you just got a cold.C.Flu is a serious disease.2.-I’m leaving for Tibet on business tomorrow.-_______________.A.Bring me a present.B.Let’s check outC.Have a pleasant trip!

h***s 2个月前 上传167   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you?-_______________.A.It’s very nice of you.B.I can do it by myself.C.I’m looking for a present.2.-This apple pie is too sweet,don’t you think so?- _______________I think it’s just right,actually.A.Not really.B.I hope so.C.Sounds good.

h***s 2个月前 上传137   0


1.-Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women?-_______________.A.Yes,women are more popular than men.B.Yes,absolutely. Women pay more attention to beautyC.No,men are popular than women.

h***s 1个月前 上传108   0