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Teaching Plan for English Pronunciation Practice

Unit 1 Basic Concepts Syllables Stress & Rhythm
Unit 2 Consonants Stops
Unit 3 Consonants Fricatives and Affricates
Unit 4 Consonants Nasals Approximants & Literal(s)
Unit 5 Vowels Front Vowels & Central Vowels
Unit 6 Vowels Back Vowels
Unit 7 Vowels Diphthongs
Unit8 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables
Unit 9 Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence
Unit 10 Strong Forms and Weak Forms
Unit 11 Linking
Unit 12 Rhythm of English Speech
Unit 13 Types of Intonation in English
Unit 14 Intonation Units of English
Unit 15 Functions & Uses of English Intonation

English Phonemes Study  英语音素学
1 Some concepts about phonology 语音学概念
  1)letters words spelling symbols  字母:词语拼写符号
  2) phonetic elements (phoneme1) voice elements in  speaking 音素:语音素
 3) phonetic symbols pronunciation symbols   音标拼读符号  
 4)phonetic site (phoneme2) the area a phonetic element is uttered in the mouth  
 5)phonetic site variety (allophones) different forms of the same phonetic element at different stages of  the same phonetic site area  
2.Classification of English vowels 英语元音分类: 
[ i ]
[ i ]
[ә ]
[ u ]
[ u ]
[ e ]
[  ]
[ æ ]
Moving vowels运动音 变化音(双元音):
[ai]   sky die
[au]    now loud
[iə] dear hear
[ei]    make say
[əu]    low go
[εә] care there
[]  boy oil
[uә] sure poor
发音特点:[ai]例[a]开始发音音位前移动中间干音位终点[i]处收拢整程连贯紧凑浑然体音位普通话爱字韵母ai 更前开口稍
       3Single vowels (cardinal vowels) uttering practice 单元音发音练            
4Moving vowels (gliding vowels or diphtongs) uttering practice 运动音发音练  
5Similar vowels comparation  似音发音区练   
6the vocal organs (发音器官):
 vocal cords 声带     uvula 舌  palate 腭tongue 舌头 tongue blade 舌边   lips 唇     teeth 牙齿  alveolar 齿龈    the nasal cavity 鼻腔  the oral cavity 口腔pharynx 咽 larynx 喉 
The consonants elements study  辅音音素学          
Ithe constructure of the English consonants  英语辅音构成     
2 爆破音plosive consonants    [p]  [t]  [k]
                                                  [b]  [d]  [g]
   摩擦音fricative consonants  [s]   [f]   [θ]   [∫]
                                                          [z]   [v]   [ð]   []  [h]  [r]
   鼻音nasal consonants [m]  [n]  [ŋ] 
   舌边音(旁流音)lateral consonants [ l ]
   半元音 semivowels  [ j ]  [w]
   破擦音affricate consonants  [ts]   [t∫]   
                                                [dz]   [d]  [ tr ] [ dr ]
II phonetic practice 发音练                               
III.hard points explaination  难点解说:                    
 [∫]:shy show sharp汉语拼音 sh ( 施)→ x (西):先定发施翘舌动作齿部发出西音然xi韵母
 [ ]:pleasureusual  汉语拼音r(日) →y(衣)
[t∫]:change teach    汉语拼音ch( 吃)→q(七)
 [d ]:charge danger  汉语拼音zh(智)→j(机)
IV English tongue twister practice 英语绕口令练:             
1 She sells the shells at the seashore
and the shells she sells are seashells I’m sure
’Cause she sells the shells on the seashore
the shells she sells are seashells for sure
2 Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers
    If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers
    how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick
VI interesting numbers recilting practice                   
π31415926      535897932    834626433      38297502884 
        19716939    9375105         8209749          445923078 
        1640628      6208998         6280348          253421170679…
方法插入字符word 中字体字符容量Microsoft Rererance Sans Serif等字体包含非拉丁字母国际音标符号输入方法:插入→符号 →字体选择:
1Microsoft Rererance Sans Serif [ˊ ‚ ∶ æ ε ə ʌ ɔ ϑ ð ∫ ʒ ŋ α ʧ dʒ]
2Ms Gothic:                [ʹ ͵ æ ɛ ә ʌ ɔ Ө ð ʃ ӡ ŋ ɑ ʧ ʤ]
3Ms Mincho:               [´͵ ӕ ɛ ə ʌ ɔ Ѳ ð ʃ ӡ ŋ ɑ ʧ ʤ]
4Lucida Sans Unicode:[`  ͵  ː  æ  ɛ  ǝ  ʌ  ɔ   θ  ð  ʃ  ʒ  ŋ  ɑ  ʧ  ʤ]
Giga Media Taiwan 线英汉词典 :httpcdictgiganettw
韦氏字典网络版  MerriamWebster Online Dictionary httpwwwmwcomnetdicthtm
剑桥线辞典 Cambridge Dictionaries Online    httpwwwmwcomnetdicthtm
[æ]  [ә ] [Λ ] [ ] [ɑ ] [εә ]                       [θ] [ð] [∫] [] ] [ŋ]  
 音位标记(中括号):[  ]  长音符号:[ː]  重音符号:[ˊ]  次重音符号:[ ]
元音:[æ]  [ə]   [ʌ]   [εə]   [ɔ]   [αː]
辅音:[ϑ]   [ð]   [∫]   [ʒ]   [ŋ ]
说明 网页出现方框ʒ   表明该网页显示字体库中没相应字符 法正常显示

Unit 1
Lesson Plan
Basic Concepts Syllables Stress & Rhythm

Date Sept1620
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn some basic concepts in English pronunciation We are going to learn something about syllables stress and rhythm in English At the same time they will learn to say greetings and farewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for syllable and stressed syllable then a definition for rhythm and rhythmic pattern
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare the degrees of stress and different rhythmic patterns
3 Practice – imitate the typical stress patterns and rhythmic patterns in English

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about stress patterns and rhythmic patters in English make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical stress patters and rhythmic patterns in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to mark out the stressed syllables in words
4 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to mark out the stressed words in sentences
5 Have the students imitate the stress patterns and rhythmic patterns to experience the rhythm in speech
6 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
7 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the rhythmic patterns in their speech
8 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress the rhythm in speech
9 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
10 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
11 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
12 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 1
Basic Concepts Syllables Stress & Rhythm

In this unit we are going to learn some basic concepts in English pronunciation We are going to learn something about syllables stress and rhythm in English At the same time we are going to learn to say greetings and farewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English

First of all let’s look at the syllable in English
Please listen to the following word driveway
Now tell me how many syllables there are in this word Right There are two
Please listen to the following sentence Drive him away
Tell me how many syllables there are in this sentence Right There are four

So What is a syllable
A syllable is a word part and the basic unit of English rhythm English words can have one two three or even more syllables In the word driveway’ there are two syllables In the sentence Drive him away’ there are four

What is a stressed syllable
In English words with more than one syllable one of them will receive more stress than the others Stressed syllables are those that are marked in the dictionary as stressed For example in the word driveway’ the first syllable is a stressed syllable while the second syllable is not
Stressed syllables in English are usually longer louder and higher in pitch
Listen to the following example
ba NAAAA na
Syllable 1 Syllable 2 Syllable 3
(short) (long) (short)
The word banana has 3 syllables Syllable 1 is not stressed and so is short Syllable 2 is stressed and so is long with a clear vowel sound B Syllable 3 is not stressed and so is also short
Here is a short summary about the stressed and unstressed syllables
Stressed syllables are strong syllables Unstressed syllables are weak syllables
Stressed syllables
are long
have a pitch change
have full vowel sounds
Unstressed syllables
are short
often have a reduced vowel sound

Now let’s look at the rhythm in English
We all know that correct pronunciation of the individual English sounds is important in communication The way the sounds are organized however is often more crucial for understanding The rhythm of English for example is one of the two major organizing structures that native speakers rely on to process speech
What is rhythm
Rhythm can be found everywhere in life the sound of a clock the beating of the heart the strokes of a swimmer and of course in poetry and music But rhythm in language is less familiar because it is less obvious The rhythm of a language is characterized by the timing pattern of successive syllables In some languages every syllable is given about the same length while in others syllables vary in length In English strong beats are called stress the heart of the rhythmic pattern

第1单元 基概念:音节重音节奏

单元家介绍英语语音语调基概念 介绍英语语音音节重音节奏规律
单词driveway两音节句子Drive him away四音节
音节言语单位常常语音长单词短英语单词两三更音节刚单词driveway两音节 句子Drive him away四音节时音节英语发音节奏基单位
重读音节 ⒈声音响亮 ⒉延续时间较长 ⒊音调较高
非重读音节 1延续时间较短 2元音发音弱化
节奏日常生活中:滴答转动钟表声砰砰停心脏跳动游泳划水节拍优美诗句音乐韵律节奏体现话语节奏前面提日常生活中显易见节奏处:语言中话语节奏明显绝语言中节奏特征连串音节长短体现语言话语特点:音节音长呈致相趋势种音节彼距离致相等现象称音节定时节奏汉语话语节奏样倾例说:面包加牛奶里含5音节需时间暂定5时段果说:片面包加杯牛奶里含9音节需时间9时段英语话语节奏显趋势例bread and milk短语中音节数三中breadmilk重读音节some bread and some milk短语中音节数5中重读breadmilk然两短语音节数话语中需时间致相点:重读音节数相种重读音节彼距离相等现象重音定时节奏掌握英语话语节奏规律提高英语口语流利程度然程度英语听力理解快速解码力关重
Unit 2
Lesson Plan
Consonants Stops

Date Sept2327
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the stop consonants in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for stops
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare stops and other consonants
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 2
Consonants Stops

In this unit we will learn the stop consonants in English
The stop consonants are made by completely stopping the airflow at some point in the mouth and then for most productions releasing it into the sound that follows There are six stops in English p and b are formed by the lips t and d are made on the gum ridge behind the upper teeth and k and g occur at the back of the mouth where the tongue makes a weal with the soft palate p t k are voiceless stops as they are not accompanied by vibration from the larynx while b d g are the voiced stops These stops are among the most frequent sounds in English and have fairly consistent spellings

p and b

You pronounce the p and b by stopping the airstream with you lips building up pressure and suddenly releasing the air They can be used at the beginning middle and end of words The following are some of the allophonic variations of p and b

Allophonic variations of p

Allophone Occurrence Example

[pH] Aspirated release in initial word and stressed positions poke
[p] Unreleased in word final position top ten
[p ] Unaspirated release in clusters esp after s spot
[p] Lengthening when an arresting p is followed
by a releasing p Stop Pete
[p(] Nasal release before a syllabic nasal Stop him

Allophonic variations of b

Allophone Occurrence Example

[b] Unreleased in word final position rob
[b] lengthened when an arresting b is followed
by a releasing b Rob Bob
[b(] Nasal resonance before a syllabic nasal Rob him

t and d

The t sound is one of the most frequent in English and occur in all three positions at the word level It has many variations and is a very interesting and productive sound in the language d is not as frequent in English nor does it have the number of varieties that t has You pronounce them by blocking the airstream with the tongue and upper gum ridge building up air pressure and suddenly releasing it The following are some of the allophonic variations of t and d

Allophonic variations of t

Allophone Occurrence Example

[tH] Aspirated release in word initial and stressed positions tape
[t] Unreleased in word final position coat
[t ] Unaspirated release in consonant cluster esp with s stop
[t0] Dentalized before P eighth
[t(] Nasal release before a syllabic nasal button
[R] Flapped intervocalically letter
[] Glottal stop before syllabic [n] or [l] button
[t] Lengthening when an arresting t is followed
by a releasing t let Tim
[tSr8] Affrication of initial position tr train

Allophonic variations of d

Allophone Occurrence Example

[d9] Dentalized before an interdental width
[d] Unreleased in word final position dad
[ dél ] Bilateral release with l padlock
[d(] Nasal release before a syllabic nasal bread'n butter
[R ] Flapped intervocalically ladder
[d] Lengthening when an arresting d is followed
by a releasing d sad Dave
[d3r] Affrication of initial position dr drain

k and g

You produce k and g by blocking the breathstream with the back of the tongue and soft palate building up the pressure and suddenly releasing it The hardc as in cat and the letter k account for most of the spellings of k but there is also a silentk in words such as know and knight The spelling of g is consistent in English although there is a silent version in words such as gnash and gnat Both k and g can occur at the beginning middle and end of words in English The following are some of the allophonic variations of k and g

Allophonic variations of k

Allophone Occurrence Example

[kH] Aspirated release in word initial and stressed positions keep
[k] Unreleased in word final position take
[k] Unaspirated release in consonant cluster esp with s sky
[k] Lengthening when an arresting k is followed
by a releasing k take Kim
[k(] Nasal release before a syllabic nasal beacon
[ kél ] Bilateral release with l clock
[c] or [k] Assimilated to a front sound keen
[] Glottal stop before syllabic [n] bacon
[k¤¤¤¤¤] Rounded before a rounded sound quarter

Allophonic variations of g

Allophone Occurrence Example

[g] Unreleased in word final position and some clusters flag
[g] Lengthening when an arresting g is followed
by a releasing g big grapes
[gél ] Bilateral release before l glad
[g(] Nasal release before a syllabic nasal pig and goat
[ï] or [g] Assimilated to a fronted sound geese
[g¤¤¤¤¤] Rounded before a rounded sound goose

Pronunciation difficulties

The English stops do not generally cause an intelligibility problem among the Chinese EFL learners but some learners may devoice final position voiced stops so that tab may be pronounced as tap code as coat and lig as lik Lengthening the vowel before the voiced stops will aid in the perception of a voiced final stop i in need for example is usually a little bit longer than i in neat when they are in similar phonetic contexts Another difficulty with the Chinese EFL learners is the pronunciation of the stops in consonant clusters Drill the sounds in all positions paying close attention to the strength of production and the degree of voicing

第2单元  辅音  塞音
②处词尾时失爆破top tea
④两p相邻时需产生两次爆破延长发音时间stop Pete
⑤p紧着鼻音时时爆破口腔鼻腔通常说鼻腔爆破Stop him
①处词尾时完全爆破rob the man
②两[b]相邻时需产生爆破延长发音时间rob Bob
③b鼻音前时爆破口腔鼻腔rob him
td齿龈爆破音 发两音时舌尖抵齿龈成阻气流爆发出
②处词尾时失爆破sit still
④处 前时呈齿音化发音eighth
⑧两t相邻时需产生两次爆破延长发音时间let Tim
①处齿间音(W T)前时呈齿音化发音width
②处词尾时完全爆破Dad said so
④d鼻音前时爆破口腔鼻腔bread’n butter
⑤两b相邻时需产生爆破延长发音时间sad Dave
②处词尾时失爆破take three
④两k相邻时需产生两次爆破延长发音时间take Kim
①处词尾时完全爆破lag behind
②两g相邻时需产生爆破延长发音时间big grapes
④g鼻音前时爆破口腔鼻腔pig and goat
二学中注意问题三爆破音音位变体音位变体形式已接触例什时侯爆破音会失爆破:take them鼻腔爆破音应发:garden旁流爆破音应发:people辅音连缀中p t k出现s送气会减弱speak sky star
掌握发音方法正确发英语爆破音Unit 3
Lesson Plan
Consonants Fricatives and Affricates

Date Sept 30
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the consonants fricatives and affricates in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for fricatives and affricates
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare them with other consonants
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
6 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
7 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
8 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
9 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 3
Consonants Fricatives and Affricates

This is Unit 3 In this unit we are going to learn two groups of consonants fricatives and affricates At the same time we are going to learn how to describe an object and to learn how to talk about one’s job with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in English

What do you know about fricatives and affricates in English
Well if the stops completely block the airstream for a time in the pronunciation the fricatives only partially block it thus causing the frictionlike noise characteristic of these sounds There are nine fricative consonants forming the largest set of consonants in English
tF and dV are affricate sounds which you produce by blocking off the breathstream between the tongue and gum ridge for a stop and a fricative The term affricate means blend in this case consisting of a stop and a fricative tF and dVare the two English affricates and they differ primarily in terms of voicing

f and v
f and v are labiodental sounds f is voiceless and v is voiced They are fricative sounds that you produce by forcing the breathstream between you upper teeth and lower lip They can be used at the beginning middle and end of words
f is not a problem sound for most of the students but v may sometimes cause problems It may substitute for another bilabial such as w or a bilabial b may be substituted for v There is also a tendency to devoice v especially at the ends of words

W and T
W and T are interdental sounds They are fricatives that you produce by squeezing the breathstream between your tongue and teeth W is voiceless and T is voiced These sounds tend to appear relatively late in the speech of children and cause considerable stress for both native and nonnative speakers of English Although the spelling seems to be highly consistent in English the fact is that the th combination is used for both W and T They can be used at the beginning middle and end of words
The problem with W are many and varied A dentalized [t] occurs when there is insufficient breath support With a f or s substitution the problem is not with airflow but with placement This sound will require considerable effort to stabilize in all contexts The problem with T is quite similar With insufficient airflow a dentalized [d] will occur Placement difficulties result in a v or z substitution Devoicing may also be a common problem since English orthography uses the letters th for both W and T The following steps are useful in the pronunciation drill for these two consonants
1 Look in a mirror and say the [W] sound
2 Make sure you can see the edge of your tongue protruding between your teeth Say [W] again
3 Say the [W] sound over and over again Don't move your tongue between sounds
Try the following
[W] … [W] … [W] … [W] … thin
[W] … [W] … [W] … [W] … thanks
[W] … [W] … [W] … [W] … thought
The same method can be applied to the practice of [T] sound

s and z
s and z are alveolar sounds They are fricatives that you produce by forcing air between your tongue and the upper or lower front teeth s is voiceless and z is voiced s is one of the most useful sounds in English because it has an important grammatical function in forming possessives (Kate's) third person singular present tense verbs (sits) and plurals (seats) Although z is not as frequent in English speech as s it performs similar grammatical functions in marking possessive (Susan's) third person singular present tense verbs (runs) and plurals (dogs) Both s and z have been ranked as the most troublesome sounds in English but it is rarely a serious problem for the Chinese EFL learners once their grammatical roles are mastered They can be used at the beginning middle and end of words
With s and z the main problem comes from the omissions which may result from grammatical deficiencies (plural possessive and so on) or from a failure to pronounce the ends of words The devoicing of final position z may be helped by lengthening the preceding vowel In the word prize for example many speakers of English devoice the final z but lengthen the diphthong

F and V
F and V are linguapalatal fricatives You produce them very much like the s and z except the tongue is farther back and the lips are rounded F is voiceless and V is voiced F is not a particularly common sound in English or the languages of the world but can be learned quite easily V is the least frequent of the consonants in English and is not common in the world's language F can be used in initial medial and final positions in words but V is not found in wordinitial position in English words
With F and V lip rounding is very important For example you can get F by making s first then move the tongue body a little backward then say it again with rounded lips

h is a voiceless glottal fricative It is simply a stream of air from the larynx directed through the open mouth It is not found in wordfinal position in English words
h is not generally a problem sound but some learners may use a voiceless velar fricative [x] as a substitution which sounds more like a Chinese (h) in the pronunciation of 喝 (h) meaning to drink

tF and dV
tF and dV are affricate sounds which you produce by blocking off the breathstream between the tongue and gum ridge for a stop and a fricative The term affricate means blend in this case consisting of a stop and a fricative The tF is a blend combined of [t] and [F] it starts out as a [t] stop and then the tongue moves into the position for [F] The dV is a blend of [d] and [V] it starts out as a [d] and then the tongue moves into the usual position for [V] Both tF and dV can occur in initial medial and final positions in words
tF and dV are fairly easy to perceive at normal conversational levels The overall strength of production is important for tF because weakening leads to a [F] substitution dV is less tense than tF but it is still made with considerable strength Weakening may lead to a [V] substitution Lip rounding will help to stabilize the sound

第3单元  辅音  摩擦音破擦音
摩擦音英语辅音中数量类音包括f v W T s z F V h tF dV
t∫dV破擦音发音时舌尖抵住齿龈部产生音含td爆破含∫V摩擦破擦音词身暗含混合意爆破音摩擦音组成t∫清辅音 dV浊辅音
f v
f v 唇齿音前者清辅音者浊辅音发音时齿紧挨唇然气流外挤出
数中国学生说发 f 成问题 v 然 v 发成双唇音 w b 外发音中出现 v 清音化趋势 f 代 v 特 v 词尾时候
W T齿间音发音时舌尖抵齿侧置齿间舌身放口中气流舌尖齿间形成缝隙中挤出摩擦生音W清辅音T浊辅音
发P时常常出现问题例气流足便导致齿化音 t 出现发音部位出错便导致 f s出现T面着样问题气流足便发出齿化音 d 发音部位误便发成 v z字母组合th发成W发成T常常W代T发音练时采取步骤:
W … W … W … thin
W … W … W … thanks
W … W … W … thought
s z
sz齿龈音发音时舌尖抵齿龈气流舌前端齿龈间挤出产生磨擦s清辅音z浊辅音s英语中出现频率高帮助构成格(Kate s) 语第三称单数动词现时(takes)名词复数(seats)z率远s构成格(Susan’s)语第三称单数动词现时(runs)名词复数(dogs)时发挥样重语法功普遍认sz英语中令头痛音然国学生说旦掌握语法作问题迎刃解
发 h 音时摩擦发生口腔中部位发音时口张开声门略收缩气流通声门时轻微摩擦长出口气样声门摩擦音学时注意勿 h 发成汉语普通话中(h)音(h)发音时舌根接软腭产生气流带明显摩擦请注意两音区:害(hai) high
t∫ d3
Unit 4
Lesson Plan
Nasals Approximants & Lateral(s)

Date Oct 811
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the consonants Nasals Approximants & Lateral(s) in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Nasals Approximants & Lateral(s)
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare them with other consonants
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 4
Nasals Approximants & Lateral(s)
In this unit we will learn Nasals approximants and lateral(s) in English
Like the stops the nasals are all made by closing the vocal tract at some point in the mouth Unlike the stops or any other sounds in the language there is an opening into the nasal cavity in the pronunciation so that the sound can be resonated through the nose The nasal consonants are m n and N
w r and j are called approximants because it is an articulation in which the articulators approach each other but do not get sufficiently close to each other to produce a complete consonant such as a stop nasal or fricative
l is called a lateral because during its pronunciation the passage of air through the mouth does not go in the usual way along the centre of the tongue
m n & N
m and n are simple straightforward consonants the m occurs at the front of the mouth and is grouped with the labials the n is produced on the upper gum ridge and is alveolar The place of articulation of N is the same as that of k and g It is made with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate If we compare nasals with stops fricatives and affricates we will find that the nasals present quite a different picture in that they have some vowellike qualities they can be syllabic Both m and n can occur in initial medial and final position in words N however never occurs in wordinitial position
Most Chinese EFL learners have no problems with m and N For n however it is necessary to check for a l substitution because in some Chinese dialects [n] and [l] serve as free variants
Allophonic variations of m
Syllabic something
Lengthened when an arresting m is followed by a releasing m some more
The labiodnetal nasal when followed by f comfort
Allophonic variations of n
Dentalized before a labiodental f or vinvite
Velarized before k or g think
Syllabic button
Lengthening when n arrests and releases adjoining syllables ten names
Allophonic variations of N
The alveolar [n] when followed by an alveolar taking ten
Syllabic lock and key
w and j
w and j are similar in several ways First they are closely related to a vowel sound j is similar to the vowel i and w is very much like the vowel u Because of this they are also called semivowels Secondly neither j or w will ever occur in wordfinal position in English Thirdly they are both voiced consonants In pronunciation for j the lips are relaxed and the tongue is in the high front space for w the lips are rounded and the tongue is in the high back space Then there is a movement away from these positions to whatever sound which follows The more modern term for j and w is approximant which is an articulation in which the articulators approach each other but do not get sufficiently close to each other to produce a complete consonant such as a plosive nasal or fricative
j and w are not problem sounds for most Chinese EFL learners except it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the pronunciation of w requires considerable lip rounding
r is the other approximant besides j and w in English The important thing about the articulation of r is that the tip of the tongue approaches the alveolar area in approximately the way it would for a t or d but never actually makes contact with any part of the roof of the mouth During the pronunciation the tongue is in fact usually slightly curled backwards with the tip raised
r is a difficult sound for many Chinese EFL learners The difficulties mainly come in two ways Some use the (r) sound in Chinese Putonghua such as (rì) 日 as a substitution which sounds more like a fricative than an approximant The substitution of a flapr which sounds more like a l than r is also common among the learners Experience show that it is helpful to stress the necessity of the slight liprounding in the pronunciation of the sound
Now try to make a long r sound and feel that no part of the tongue is in contact with the roof of the mouth at any time
Allophonic variations of r
Devoiced as in voiceless clusters treat
The onetap flap r very
The retroflexed r right
The back r before or after k or g crate grey
The fact that the l phoneme is typically produced with potential air flow around one or both sides of the tongue makes it unique among English speech sounds It is also highly variable in terms of its articulation Several important variations exist In pronunciation you produce it by dropping the sides of the tongue and allowing air to escape around the sides
l is also one of the English speech sounds that often causes trouble for Chinese learners Check for the typical substitution of r or n Another important fact about l is the difference between the two distinctive allophones clearl and darkl
Allophonic variations of l
Syllabic bottle
Clearl made with the tongue in the classical fronted position lease
Darkl (the tongue tip and blade in the post alveolar position) call
Devoiced in consonant clusters with voiceless stops play
The postpalatal or velar l milk

第4单元  辅音  鼻腔音延续音旁流音
单元学英语中鼻腔音延续音旁流音鼻腔音爆破音相处发音时气流口腔某处成阻鼻腔音爆破音音发鼻音时口腔通道完全阻塞气流通鼻腔产生鸣英语鼻腔音包括 mnN
w r j 延续音发延续音时发音器官彼接接触摩擦 产生爆破
l 旁流音发音时口腔中部形成阻碍气流侧两侧逸出
m n N
m n 发音简单直接 m 双唇紧闭发出音发音时唇紧闭舌身放软腭垂气流鼻腔泄出 n 齿音发音时舌头抵住齿龈 N 发音部位爆破音 k g 相舌部触软腭堵塞口腔通道双唇开气流鼻腔泄出鼻音爆破音摩擦音破擦音具某类似元音性质:成音节
部分中国英语学者发 m n 没问题国某方言中[ n ][ l ]变异体方言区学学中会困难分清 n l 问题鼻腔音 n 口腔音 l 混淆严格两种发音方法处理问题难解决 m n N 受语音环境影响产生变体
m音位变体:成音节 something 位前面单词 m 音结束紧着单词 m 首时延长发音时间 some more 接 f 时发成唇齿鼻音 comfort
n 音位变体 唇齿音 f v 前齿化 invite k g音前软腭化 think 成音节 button 位前面单词n音结束紧着单词 n 音首时延长发音时间 ten names
N 音位变体 齿龈音时受化成齿龈音 taking ten 成音节 lock and key
w j
w j 三方面相似第发音分元音 u i 相似发音时气流通道基受阻碍稍摩擦称作半元音第二 w j 出现英语单词词尾第三浊辅音发 j 时双唇呈扁状舌硬腭抬起略高元音 i 中间留缝隙形成完全阻碍气流缝隙泄出时引起舌前硬腭间摩擦成音发 w 时呈发 u 姿势舌软腭抬起双唇收圆稍前突出气流通双唇时发生轻微摩擦成音现代语音学家两音称作延续音延续音发音器官彼接谓完全辅音爆破音鼻音摩擦音兼具元音辅音特点
部分中国学生说 发 w j 困难需强调发 w 时双唇需收圆
延续音 r 发音时舌尖齿龈部卷起舌前部陷略成凹形舌身两侧弯曲双唇略突出成圆形气流舌尖齿龈部间缝隙泄出成音注意舌尖接触齿龈否发成 t d 音
部分中国学生说发 r 时会出现两种问题学生汉语普通话中(r)音(发日)代r汉语中(r)听起更摩擦音 试较row 肉学生发成闪音r听起发英语 l r row说成low记住发 r 时略圆唇
r 音位变体 位词首 r right 清辅音群中清音化treat 闪音 r very k g r 舌位稍移crate grey
l 英语语音中特殊发音时舌尖抵齿龈气流侧两侧逸出l英语辅音处:众音位变体中两显特突出需加注意:清晰[l]:位词首元音前模糊[l]位词尾元音清晰[l]发音时舌前部着硬腭略抬起模糊[l]发音时舌前部稍压低舌部软腭稍抬高
清晰[l]汉语(1)基相需重点练模糊[l]:call full tall fill
外学 l 音时注意 r n 区light night right
l 音位变体 舌伸口腔前部形成清晰[l] lease 舌尖舌叶位齿龈处形成模糊[l] call 成音节 bottle 清爆破音形成辅音群时清音化 play 软腭音前舌位稍移 milk

Unit 5
Lesson Plan
Front Vowels & Central Vowels

Date Oct 1418
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the consonants Front Vowels & Central Vowels in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Front Vowels & Central Vowels
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare them with other vowels
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 5
Front Vowels & Central Vowels
In this unit we will learn the front vowels and central vowels in English
Vowels are sounds in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips There are 20 vowels in English among which 12 are pure vowels and 8 are diphthongs The English pure vowels can be classified according to
1) the height of the raised part of the tongue
2) the part of the tongue raised and
3) the position of the lips ie whether they are rounded or unrounded
There are four front vowels in English i I e and A The reason these are called front vowels is that the tongue body is shifted forward causing the vowels to be produced in the front of the mouth In addition the front vowels may be subdivided into those that are high (or close) like i and I mid like e and low (or open) like A For the two vowels in the high front space i and I the tongue is close to the hard palate Likewise for the low vowel A the tongue is nearly flat and the lower jaw more open than for the other front vowels
There are two central vowels in English з and E They are called central vowels because they tend to be produced at a point midway between the front and back vowels and between the high and low vowels
It has become traditional to locate vowels on a foursided figure The following is a description of the four English front vowels and two central vowels



i & I
i is a very common sound in the world's languages It is made by raising the body of the tongue from its rest position and shifting it forward The I sound is made by lowering the tongue slightly from the highfront position for i Besides i is a much more tense sound than I The fact that English has these two high front vowels differentiated by muscle tension in the root of the tongue sets it apart from Chinese and many languages of the world Both i and I can occur in initial medial and final position in words
Very little difficulty should be encountered by the Chinese learners in the pronunciation of i but I is a problem sound It is easy for the learners to detect the difference in length What counts here however is the difference in quality It is therefore important to point out the fact that to pronounce a correct I you need to
1) lower you tongue a little bit from the position for i and
2) make it a lax sound instead of a tense sound like i
The importance of correct pronunciation of I lies in the fact that it is the second most frequent vowel in English
e & A
e is also an English vowel with high frequency of occurrence The tongue body is shifted forward in the midplane A is produced by shifting the body of the tongue forward from its relaxed state and lowering it from the position for e It is the lowest of the front vowels e and A do not occur in final position in English words
e and A are not really problem sounds for the Chinese learners but many of them fail to make a clear distinction between the two in their speech The difficulty is that they have to make the clear distinction consistent
з & E
з and « are central vowels з is made with the tongue in the approximate middle of the mouth It occurs only in stressed syllables E is also called a schwa It is made similarly to з but with less tension E is the most frequently used vowel in English Both з and E may occur in all three word positions
Most learners do not have problems in the pronunciation of з and E still we need to give special attention to the schwa The problem with the schwa may not generally be in production but in knowing when to use the sound No other vowel with the exception of the other reduced vowel I is as important to an understanding of the English sound system and the way it functions in unstressed syllables

第5单元 元音 前元音中元音
先英语前元音中元音舌位图(见课p50)图左方口腔前部右方部竖线舌头分成前中三部分横线表示牙床开合程度图中框框圆形表示元音音素发音时舌头抬高部分口腔中位置时框框中元音非圆唇音 圆形中元音圆唇音
图中iæ前元音发i时牙床全合发æ时牙床全开见发音时调节口开张程度产生前元音试发元音i I e æ
i I
e æ
舌位图:e æ 前元音e发音时口开张度居半合半开间 æ发音时口张全开
中国学生学两音时常见错误[Z]——半开元音——代e æ 说发音时应该发e时候口张太应该发æ时口开张度嫌太合e æ 时发作[Z]学生说掌握口开张度发两音关键
з E
学两音时需注意:з出现重读音节中E出现非重读音节里称作非重读央元音二з发音E完全相 з E单纯延长 发з时口形E舌位略高发E时 时发з 时双唇偏肌肉紧张发E时双唇中常肌肉松弛三E英语元音中出现频率高英语音素中出现频率高音素学中难点掌握什时候应该发音

Unit 6
Lesson Plan
Back Vowels

Date Oct 2125
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Back Vowels in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Back Vowels
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare them with other vowels
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 6
Back Vowels
In this unit we will learn the back vowels in English
There are six back vowels in English The back vowels are produced by shifting the body of the tongue back from its central position The tip of the tongue remains at the level of the lower teeth The front and back vowels have several features in common as well as some differences Unlike the front vowels that are made with a fairly neutral lip posture four of the back vowels are rounded The back vowels may also be subdivided into those that are high (u and J) mid (R and ɒ) and low (B and Q) The following is the description of the six English back vowels




u and J
u and J are both high back rounded vowels The u marks the highest boundary for the back vowels as i does for the front vowels Therefore the tongue is retracted from its rest position and raised toward the soft palate This vowel is quite common in the languages of the world and appears without problem in most Chinese learners Along with u J completes the vowels in the high back space on the vowels chart Its corresponding front vowel is I When making the sound the tongue is retracted as for u but not elevated to the same extent In addition the J vowel is not made with as much tension in the root of the tongue as u The same tenselax contrast is also seen for i and I This sound is not found very frequently as a phoneme in the languages of the world certainly not in Chinese Putonghua In English it is not very common despite the fact that it appears in some frequently used words such as should good and book u occurs at all the three positions of a word while J occurs only in the middle position of a word like book and hook To ensure correct pronunciation it is important to make the following distinction between u and J
1 u is the highest back vowel so the raised part of the tongue for u is higher than that for J
2 the part of the tongue raised for J is not as back as that for u
3 u has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for J

R & ɒ
R is a midback vowel For its production the tongue is retracted and almost flat in the mouth The vowel is almost fully back and has quite strong liprounding ɒ is a low vowel The lips are slightly rounded ɒ is a difficult vowel for the Chinese learners Many of them use a shortened version of R as its substitution To ensure correct pronunciation it is important to make the following distinction between these two vowels
1 ɒ is a low vowel while R is a mid vowel so the mouth is more open for ɒ
2 R has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for ɒ

B & Q
The B is made by lowering and flattening the tongue in the oral cavity It is a low vowel but not as back as other back vowels in English Q is quite different from other vowels in this group in that it is more like a central vowel than a back vowel (see the vowel chart) Q is made with the tongue in the approximate middle of the mouth perhaps shifted back slightly It is lower than the other central vowels з and Q The lip position is neutral It is important for the learners to make a clear distinction between B and Q in their pronunciation

第6单元 元音 元音
单元里学英语元音英语六元音发元音时舌身中间位置移动舌尖齿保持水英语前元音发音时唇形扁元音中四圆唇音根口开张程度全合全开逐步张开舌位次降低发出元音:u J C ɒ
元音舌位图英语元音中四圆唇音两非圆唇音发音时口开张程度 u 全合 J 属半合 C 发音时牙床半开 ɒ 发音时牙床张开 ɒ 全开B全开 ɒ B口开张度相似 ɒ 圆唇音 B非圆唇音 B舌位 ɒ 稍前
u J
u J高元音元音圆唇元音 u 英语元音中舌位高 i 前元音中舌位高样发音时舌头缩软腭隆起音世界许语言中常见数中国学者说发音没问题J发音时u样舌头缩度u舌面隆起程度u外发J音时肌肉紧张程度u
学 u J发音时特注意点:
1 u 舌位高元音舌头隆J音高
2发 u 音时舌头隆起部位J更接舌根
3发 u 音时双唇呈滚圆形发J音时双唇呈微圆形
4发 u 音时肌肉紧张度高发J时肌肉轻松驰
C ɒ
C 发音时舌头缩牙床半开双唇呈滚圆形 ɒ 发音时舌面量压低牙床全开呈微圆形 ɒ 中国学生说较难发音许 C 短音代确保发音准确掌握两元音区尤重:
1 ɒ 发音时口开张度 C 牙床全开
2发 C 音时双唇呈滚圆形发 ɒ 音时双唇呈微圆形
发 B 音时口量张牙床全开双唇中常舌尖离开齿舌位放低点时缩度 ɒ Q元音说元音说中元音发Q音时舌头口腔里放着舌面中部略抬起牙床半开舌位中元音з 低双唇中常肌肉松驰
练两音时候特注意间:1 B 舌位Q2 B 音口开张度Q练 B 音时注意区分 B ɒ 两音牙床开张程度相似属全开: ɒ 舌位更二 ɒ 圆唇音 B 非圆唇音三般说相语音环境中B音长 ɒ
Unit 7
Lesson Plan
Vowels Diphthongs

Date Oct 2831
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Vowels Diphthongs in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Vowels Diphthongs
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare them with other vowels
3 Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of the phonemes in focus
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus
4 Have the students imitate the sound in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the sounds in focus in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点

Unit 7
Vowels Diphthongs

In this unit we will learn the diphthongs in English
There are eight diphthongs in English Diphthongs are sounds which consist of a movement of glide from one vowel to another Perhaps the most important thing to remember about all the diphthongs is that the first part is much longer and stronger than the second part Take aI as an example Most of this diphthong consists of the [a] vowel and only in about the last quarter of the diphthong does the glide to [I] begin As the glide to [I] happens the loudness of the sound decreases As a result the [I] part is shorter and quieter The English diphthongs can be shown in the following diagram (P69)


centring closing

ending in E ending in I ending in J


The following is a description of the eight English diphthongs (70)


IE eE JE are called centring diphthongs because they all glide towards the [E] (schwa) vowel as the symbols indicate The starting point for IE is a little closer than [I] in bit bin eE begins with the similar vowel sound as the [e] of get men JE has a starting point slightly closer than [J] in put pull

eI aI RI
eI aI and RI the three diphthongs that glide towards [I] eI begins with the same vowel sound as the [e] of get men aI begins with an open vowel which is between front and back it is quite similar to the [Q] in words like cut bun The starting point of RI is a little more open than [R] in ought born The closing diphthongs have the characteristic that they all end with a glide towards a closer vowel Because the second part of the diphthong is weak they often do not reach a position that could be called close The important thing is that a glide from a relatively more open towards a relatively more close vowel is produced

EJ aJ are the two diphthongs that end with a glide towards [J] So as the tongue moves closer to the roof of the mouth there is at the same time a rounding movement of the lips This movement is not a large one again because the second part of the diphthong is weak The vowel position for the beginning of EJ is the same as for the schwa vowel [E] The lips may be slightly rounded in anticipation of the glide towards [J] for which there is quite a noticeable liprounding aJ begins with a vowel similar to [B] but a little more front There is slight liprounding during the glide towards [J]

Pronunciation difficulties with the diphthongs
Most Chinese EFL learners have little problem with most of the diphthongs but the following two are particularly important to ensure correct pronunciation
1 Make sure that you have a correct starting point For example I« start with an [I] which is neither [i] nor [I] It is a sound which is a little bit closer than I in big
2 Make sure that the diphthongs end with a glide One of the problems with some of the learners is the production of pure vowels where a diphthong should be pronounced For example some learners find it difficult to make a clear distinction between e and eI

第7单元 元音 双元音
单元介绍英语双元音双元音单元音处:单元音发音时发音器官始终保持某固定位置e e发音时牙床开张度居半合半开间发音程中舌位唇型直保持样位置变直发音结束双元音称滑音发音程中发音器官位置形状变化单元音滑单元音eI 发eI双元音发e开始I方滑动构成eI
发双元音时注意两问题:双元音必须口气完成果中断会形成两音素双元音 eI发成e I二注意英语双元音两成分中位前面音发音通常清晰响亮位面较轻甚点模糊英语双元音发音样第成分开始然滑第二成分 eI

中双元音 合口双元音

E结尾 I结尾 J结尾

IE eE JE发音时起点着中元音方移动称中双元音 eI aI CI EJ aJ五音发音程中口形开合 称作合口双元音
IE eE JE中双元音 IE发音时舌位[I]滑[E] 双唇扁牙床半合半开注意双元音第成分[I][i] IE e第成分半开前元音发音时双唇保持扁:eE JE发音起点[J] 舌头位置高圆唇 发音程中舌头[E]方移动双唇两边拉开 JE
eI aI CI EJ aJ合口双元音 中eI aI CI着[I]方移动EJ aJ着[J]方移动eI发音时舌头位置[e]起点着[I]方移动注意:着[I]方移动非达[I] 牙床开始时半开逐渐收拢aI发音起点前元音[a] 舌位低牙床全开双唇中常发音时着[I]方移动牙床逐渐收拢双唇两边拉开:CI发音起点元音[C]牙床全开双唇稍圆然舌头着[I]方移动 牙床逐渐闭合双唇圆扁:CI
EJ aJ着[J]方移动合口双元音 EJ发音中元音作起点元音[J]方移动唇形中常略圆牙床渐合总说EJ音发音时滑动幅度 EJ aJ发音[a]作起点元音[J]方移动处[a]音稍aI起点准确说位aI起点[B]间发音时牙床全开双唇中常舌位[J]方滑动牙床逐渐收拢双唇呈圆状[a][J]滑动幅度较牙床开合 aJ
1 确保发双元音起点准确误 IE例 该音起点更接[I]非[i] 发音时勿发太长太紧 IE JE 该音起点[J]非[u] JE
2 确保发音程中滑动缺滑动成双元音eI例果缺少发音程滑动 eI成e painpen没什区

Unit 8
Lesson Plan
Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables

Date Nov48
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables It is a revision and therefore easy for most of the students
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare stressed and unstressed syllables in words and sentences
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the stress in focus
4 Have the students imitate the stress patterns in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the stress correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 8
Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables

In this unit we will learn more about stressed syllables & unstressed syllables
We now have a general view of the sounds in English We know how important correct pronunciation is to successful communication We also learned a little about the fact that we need to master other important aspects of the spoken English in order to achieve successful communication Stress and rhythm are two essential elements
Every time you dance sing or clap your hands you emphasize or stress particular beats or sounds In speech stress may be defined as the degree of intensity of loudness placed on a sound that is the amount of force one puts on a syllable or word to give it importance Stress is such an important feature of spoke English that it determines not only the rhythmic flow of words but also the quality of the vowels Correct word and sentence stress in spoken English can mean the difference between good communication and no communication at all
Three types of stress can be found in English primary secondary and zero The term primary stress refers to the strong emphasis a speaker puts on the most important syllable of a particular word Secondary stress refers to a less strong emphasis on the next most important syllable Zero stress refers to any syllable that receives no stress and it is also called unstressed syllable In other words an unstressed syllable receives no intensity or loudness at all The frequent occurrence of unstressed syllable is one of the fundamental characteristics of spoken English and the one that most distinguishes English from Chinese
A stressed syllable may contain any one of the vowel sounds except the schwa but any vowel except the diphthongs aJ and RI can be reduced to E or I In spoken English there are many more unstressed syllables than there are stressed syllables This explains why the two vowels E and I are the most frequently used vowel sounds in spoken English

第8单元 重读音节非重读音节

前面单元中学英语44音素非常清楚正确发音口头交际成功重素时非常清楚认识仅正确发音够音素相连形成音节进形成单词语句时候需英语特重音模式节奏规律音素音节说出表达出语句含义单元学英语重音 英语单词句子中重读音节非重读音节
听英语语句时候单词音节听起周围单词音节响亮通常说重读换句话说重音指词音节发音周围词音节发音费劲般说重读单词音节般音调较高延续时间较长然指元音较长总音节音节间区根重读非重读间区重音英语口语重特点单词固定重音模式外重音具两语义功通重音区两相似单词:`import (名词)im`port (动词)The car is a foreign import部车进口货 We import all our coffee 咖啡进口 二通重音强调音节单词I said in the desk not on the desk 说书桌里面桌面掌握英语重音规律语言表达准确位时语句重音模式话语节奏基础
英语重音分三级:重音次重音零重音重音通常说重音零重音通常指非重读音节次重音然指居两者间重读音节非重读音节举例子:音节单词中常常听次重音满足(动词)`satisfy (名词) satis`faction
句子中存次重音果I was 'working 'hard (yesterday 句话读成:
I was 'working (hard yesterday 句中单词yesterday失句子重音该单词含三音节中第音节然显两音节重称次重音
学英语重音规律时 清楚连串音节中重读音节非重读音节单词重音错位造成词义误解完全听懂说什二注意非重读音节读成真正零重读 非重读音节听起轻 弱 注意然流利英语口语中非重读音节数目通常重读音节数掌握英语重音提高口语流利程度帮助外重音转移元音读音发生变化应该注意样事实:重读音节中含元音央元音E外元音 EJ aJ外元音失重音弱化IE 正两元音成英语音素中出现频率高音素

Unit 9
Lesson Plan
Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence

Date Nov 1115
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence It is a revision and therefore easy for most of the students
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare stressed and unstressed syllables in words and sentences
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the stress in focus
4 Have the students imitate the stress patterns in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the stress correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点

Unit 9
Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence

In this unit we will learn how to pronounce stressed and unstressed syllables together in sentences
We have made some general observations regarding the location of stress in isolated words But since speech is made up of words strung together we must also look at these words in groups in phrases or in sentences in order to observe what happens to the stress pattern Sentence stress refers to the word or words in sentence that receive a strong accent In most sentences you will find a series of both stressed and unstressed words
In a sentence English speakers joint stressed and unstressed syllables together smoothly Stressed syllables are long have a pitch change and have full vowel sounds while unstressed syllables are short and often have a reduced vowel sound A reduced vowel sound is a short unclear vowel sound The short vowel sound in unstressed syllable is very often the sound E which is the most common of all sounds in English
Now say the following words
These words all contain the schwa E in the second syllable Try to pronounce it as a relaxed and easy sound And since it is in the weak syllable E is much shorter than the vowel in the stressed syllable
Any English vowel letter can be pronounced with the schwa E
allow a
firemen e
possible i E
command o
support u

What to stress in a sentence
In an English utterance stressed words give information to the listener and unstressed words join the information words together Correct pronunciation of stressed and unstressed words is thus extremely important for effective communication in English
Information words and function words
Information words are usually nouns verbs adjectives and adverbs They give information about who what when where why and how They express the main idea or content of the phrase or sentence They carry the message and therefore usually stressed Unstressed words are usually function words like articles pronouns possessives prepositions auxiliary verbs and conjunctions These words connect the information words to form grammatical sentences
If you stress all the words in an utterance you may sound unpleasant or even cause misunderstanding because
1 You are giving too much information and
2 English speakers usually stress all words only when they are impatient or angry

第9单元 句子重音

句子中音节间衔接应该然流畅句中重读音节通常显长元音清晰完整语句语调变化通常落重读音节非重读音节通常显较轻快音节中元音较含糊正非重读音节中元音E英语音素中出现频率高音素 英语元音字母非重读音节中均读作E
allow a
firemen e
possible i E
command o
support u
知道重音中语义功通重音进行强调 说具语句重音词通常说话想强调词换句话说单词重读说话表达特定信息需正确选择重读音节重读音节非重读音节然流畅连接起实现语言交际需英语重音般规律:实义词通常重读虚词通常重读
说英语单词分两类:实义词虚词谓实义词指名词动词形容词副词数词等表示谁什 时什样等信息词做信息词词担负着表达信息重务通常句中重读单词虚词称功词含冠词代词介词助动词连词等词信息词连接起形成符合语法句子
英语重音般规律成变表达需通常接受句子重音词失句子重音通常接受句子重音词获句子重音实义词例 实义词通常句中重读单词果句前面句已出现含重信息时般重读 The truck was hit by aÍnother truck – How many times have you seen the film – ÍThree times 功词功词通常句中非重读单词信息表达需完全重读形式出现 Did you say bread Here you are – I said bread Íand butter and 句中通常重读处重读明显强调见信息表达需句中单词句子重音

Unit 10
Lesson Plan
Strong Forms and Weak Forms

Date Nov 1822
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Strong Forms and Weak Forms in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Strong Forms and Weak Forms in a Sentence It is a revision and therefore easy for most of the students
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare strong forms and weak forms in syllables in words and sentences
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the stress in focus
4 Have the students imitate the stress patterns in focus
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the stress correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 10
Strong Forms and Weak Forms

In this unit we will learn strong forms & weak forms two different ways of pronouncing the word
In unstressed syllables we often come across the short unclear vowel « which is the most common of all sounds in English This same sound also occurs in many of the function words when they are unstressed
Strong forms and weak forms
As we all know many function words in English have two pronunciations a stressed form (or strong form) and an unstressed form (or reduced form weak form) The unstressed form is thus an alternate pronunciation of a word which is so reduced in its articulation that it consists of a different set of phonemes E is the most frequently used vowel in the unstressed form and next comes I
The importance of learning unstressed forms
Two reasons are said to be most important in learning to use the unstressed forms in English Firstly most native speakers of English find an allstrong form pronunciation very unpleasant Secondly learners who are not familiar with the use of weak forms are likely to have difficulty understanding native speakers

第10单元 强读式弱读式

单词and例and发音种性:1)And 2)End 3)En 4)n 中3)常见短语in and out通常读作'in En `aut 短语horse and cart通常读作'hCs EnkBt1)2)常句首果句中and读作And话话语听起扭时固定搭配中错强读式会产生误会作早餐食物bread and butter`bred n `bQtE超级市场买bread and butter`bred And `bQtE意成条面包成包奶油假饭桌点早餐时bread and butter中and读作重读说话强调点奶油者批评奶油放太少误会产生
Unit 11
Lesson Plan

Date Nov 2529
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Linking in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Linking in a Sentence It is a revision and therefore easy for most of the students
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare different types of linking in connected speech
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of linking in connected speech
4 Have the students imitate the linking in utterances
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the linking correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 11

In this unit we will learn the various types of linking in English speech
Linking is such a common phenomena that if you pronounce each English word separately when you speak without linking English speakers may not understand you You may also have problems in comprehension of the native speech
What is linking
When speakers of English are speaking they arrange words into groups and join together the stressed and unstressed words within the group They move smoothly from one word to the next without making any sudden stops So when we listen to their speech we hear the end of one word flow straight into the beginning of the next This phenomena of joining words together is called linking
How to link words in English speech
Speakers of English join words together by blending or joining the last sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word Following are the various ways to help you achieve the linking so that your speech will become fluent and natural
1 To blend or join the final consonant of one word with the initial word of the following word as in post office
2 To link the final vowels з and E to a following vowel by adding the r sound which is called linkingr as in her own or intrusiver as in the idea of
3 To make smooth transitions when words are separated by more than two consonants ie treat them as consonant sequences as in next topic
4 To make smooth transitions when the preceding word ends with a vowel and the following word begins also with a vowel sound by adding a slight j or w as in my arm
5 To change the pronunciation of some final and initial consonants as in Did you …
Linking is natural in English speech To make natural linking it is important to say groups of words in one breath and keep your voice going from one word to the next

第11单元 连读
说话时语音连串发出便产生语流连读指谈话尤然语流中句中短语中相接邻词间连接换句话说英语话语规律意群中重读非重读单词连起说 词词间渡然存停顿听英语话语时听词结尾直接连词开头种语音现象称连读
简单说连读时位前面单词音单词第音然混体 话语听起流利然种连读方法帮达目
1 词辅音结尾面词元音开头时 前单词结尾辅音单词开头元音连起读 postÈoffice
2 单词元音\[结尾面单词元音开头时中间加r音做r音连读herÈ own(称r音连读) the ideaÈof(称外加音r连读)
3 两词间存两两辅音时连接两词办法作辅音组合处理nextÈtopic
4 前单词元音结尾紧接着单词元音开头时两元音应量连起念 必时两单词中间加轻柔jw作转折myÈarm
5 时音受邻接音影响发生读音变化通常称化语音现象DidÈyou …

Unit 12
Lesson Plan
Rhythm of English Speech

Date Dec 26
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Linking in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for Rhythm of English Speech It is a revision and therefore easy for most of the students
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare different types of speech rhythm in connected speech
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of rhythmic patterns in connected speech
4 Have the students imitate the speech rhythm in utterances
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the rhythm correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 12
Rhythm of English Speech

In this unit we will learn the rhythm of English speech
Every language in the world has its own rhythmic patterns English is very different from Chinese in its rhythmic patterns From what we learned in the previous units we know that English depends on the correct pronunciation of stressed and unstressed or weakened syllables recurring in the same phrase or sentence in the expression of ideas In another word variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weaker or reduced stress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English When English speakers are speaking therefore they usually
◎ make some parts of words stronger and clearer than other parts
◎ join parts of the words together
◎ arrange words into groups and join them together
◎ make some words stronger and clearer than other words
If a Chinese EFL learner fails to follow the rules and say all English words in a sentence in a strong way English speakers may
◎ not understand what he says or
◎ think that he is impolite or angry
Misunderstanding may arise or communication may break down because of that
So for more effective communication we need to master the rhythm of English
In conclusion rhythm in English speech is based on stress A rhythm unit is formed by a stressed syllable together with unstressed syllables which may come before that stress andor after it Here are some examples
Tom John Steve Sam
Thomson Johnson Steven Samson
Thomson and Johnson and Steven and Samson
Thomson and then Johnson and then Steven and then Samson
Letters in bold here represent stressed syllables The beat is marked with a You can hear a beat on the stressed syllable When you are practising you can even tap your hands to keep the rhythm of the above phrases It is therefore the rhythm pattern of an English sentence that the stressed syllables follow each other at roughly equal intervals of time
Let’s look at the pairs of word phrases and sentences on page 130 in your textbook
Black or white It was black and it was white
soft and light It's soft and it's light
Dan and Sue It was Danny and it was Susie
bread and milk Some bread and some milk
Get a purse Get us her purse
a dark room It was dark in the room
cold winter It was cold in the winter
On the left hand side column we see sentences or phrases with three syllables among which two are stressed On the right hand side column there are four to nine syllables in each of the sentences We notice however it takes about the same length of time to say each pair of these phrases and sentences because the number of syllables may vary but the number of stressed syllables are the same
To achieve this similar length of time we have to adjust the length of words according to the context The stressed information words are usually long specially when there are few or no function words between them When there are function words between the strong stresses English speakers make them very short so they fit between the stresses by
1 reducing the vowels (using the weak vowel or schwa for example)
2 linking words together and
3 squeezing the words together and say them quickly
Look at some more examples Each of the following sentences is made up of four stressed content words The content words are underlined and the stressed syllable of these words are in bold The number of unstressed syllables between the stressed syllables is different from two to four In normal speech however the stressed syllables follow each other at roughly equal intervals of time So each phrase in the following sentences takes about the same length of time to say
1 Do you think you would be able to finish it in a month
2 She said that she would like us to take it away
3 He turned to the left at the end of the street
4 I shouldn't have thought that she could appreciate the approach

第12单元 话语节奏
言语节奏指说话时胸部肌肉收缩放松产生节奏 指感知响亮高峰音节拍重音形成模式语言学家言语节奏分音节定时节奏重音定时节奏两类:音节出现时间间隔相等音节定时节奏重读音节等时重复出现重音定时节奏法语通常认属音节定时节奏语言汉语普通话具音节定时趋势英语通常称重音定时
英语话语重读规律 重读非重读音节相间出现重读音节紧非重读音节起组成重音组受迟疑(说话速度放慢)激动(说话速度加快)等素影响情况 话语中重音间间隔时间致相等说根英语节奏规律话语说起需时间决定少词少音节决定少句子重音假句子重音间非重读音节数结果必然说起快含糊时求种致相等话语中单词发音受语言环境影响产生程度变化例句子中重读音节四重读音节间含非重读音节数分:两三四话语中感觉:重读音节出现间隔致相等
Do you think you would be able to finish it in a month
方列句子音节数含重读音节数相 说话速度相情况完成句子需时间致相等:
John is here now
John will be at home tonight
The professor is in London this evening
句中重读音节相继出现方通常语速会慢 音节听起然清楚
二 重读音节间拥挤着出现非重读音节听起轻快含糊
三 句话说起需时间长短取决句中单词数音节数 取决句中少重读音节

Unit 13
Lesson Plan
Types of Intonation in English

Date Dec913
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Types of Intonation in English in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for intonation
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare different types of intonation in speech
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and intonation and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of rhythmic patterns in connected speech
4 Have the students imitate the speech rhythm in utterances
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the rhythm correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点
Unit 13
Types of Intonation in English
In this unit we will learn types of intonation in English
We call the melody of language intonation Intonation refers to the total pattern of pitch changes ie the rising and falling of the voice when a person is speaking within an utterance Intonation is another important element of spoken English It is the English intonation which makes English sound really English
Intonation makes speech meaningful English intonation adds the meaning of an utterance in two ways
A It shows the relationship of words within and between sentences
B It tells something about the feeling of the speaker
In other words different pitches may indicate different meanings for the same utterance Different pitches help us express our feelings happiness sadness surprise annoyance anger and so on In listening to the meaning of an utterance therefore we listen to how speakers talk as well as to what they say The HOW and WHAT together give us the meaning of an English utterance
We now see the importance to use the appropriate intonation patterns when we speak Otherwise we may be sending messages using intonations that contradict what we want words to say Intonation patterns that disagree with the content of the utterance may indicate doubt sarcasm or confusion
Basic intonation patterns
English has two basic intonation patterns rising and falling When they go together they can make a fallingrising tone
Look at the following Example
a) Is &John in
No John's (not in
b) Is &John in
No (John's ¬ in
Is John is has rising intonation The pitch of the voice goes up at the end of the utterance The speaker is asking a question No John's not in in a) has falling intonation The pitch of the voice goes down at the end of the utterance The speaker is answering a question No John's not in in b) has fallingrising intonation The pitch of the voice goes down first and then goes up at the end of the utterance The speaker is answering a question with implication such as John's not in but his wifesisterbrother is

Types of intonation patterns we have to learn
English can very well be spoken correctly and naturally with the three intonation patterns falling rising and fallingrising

第13单元 英语语调种类

话语中声调高低变化语调英语语调特表现形式学英语语音重组成部分语调话语含义完整明确英语语调作表现:表示句中单词句子间语法关系二表示说话态度想表达隐含意思换句话说样句话语调说出 表达完全含义语调帮助表达喜悦忧伤惊奇懊恼愤怒等情感听说话时候听仅仅说话容包括说话方式语调语气容(说什)表达方式(说)加起形成话语完整含义语调表达种种含义态度解方面听出说话话里隐含意思说话态度方面错语调方产生误会莫名妙
连贯讲话里语调听起变化端 话语切分成语调单位外降调升调说降调升调英语基语调降升调作联合起成降升调
英语降升调降升调英语常语调降升调降调升调作联合起表示某件事肯定握时附加保留步暗含说白话里话通语调表示言外意 见降升调较复杂降升调表示言外意相反意见甚警告等等常情况:含陈述句含保留意见陈述句含警告口吻祈句等
英语语调然止三种作外语学生 掌握三种语调基表达需说明信息
Unit 14
Lesson Plan
Intonation Units of English

Date Dec 1620
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Intonation Units of English in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for intonation units
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare different units of intonation in speech
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and intonation and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of rhythmic patterns in connected speech
4 Have the students imitate the speech rhythm in utterances
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the rhythm correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点

Unit 14
Intonation Units of English
In this unit we will learn something about intonation units of English
Intonation units are also called intonationgroups tone groups or toneunits An intonation unit usually corresponds to a sense group (or word group) An intonation unit may contain several syllables some of them stressed and some unstressed The last stressed syllable is usually a marker of the highest importance and has the focus stress On this syllable there takes place a change of pitch either an upward or downward movement or a combination of the two
Nucleus of an intonation unit
A nucleus refers to the syllable in an intonation unit which carries maximal prominence For example this is the normal way of saying the following sentence
I am WRIting a LETter to him NOW
There are ten syllables in this sentence among which three are stressed syllables The last stressed syllable is NOW So we say that NOW has the focus stress and is the tonic syllable and therefore is the nucleus of the intonation unit The nucleus is the essential part of the intonation unit It is still present even if the unit consists of a single syllable as is the case with many sentence words like yes no why etc
Tail Head & Prehead of an intonation unit
Any syllable or syllables that may follow the nucleus in an intonation unit are called the tail In the sentence I am WRIting a LETter to him the nucleus of this intonation unit is on the tonic syllable LET There are three unstressed syllables after the nucleus These syllables are called the tail of this intonation unit
The part of an intonation unit that extends from the first stressed syllable up to the nucleus ia called the head of the intonation unit In the sentence I am WRIting a LETter to him the head of this intonation unit is made up of three syllables writing a
Any unstressed syllable or syllables that may precede the head or the nucleus if there is no head are called the prehead In the sentence I am WRIting a LETter to him I am comprises the prehead of this intonation unit
So if you analyze the following sentence we will come up with the structure of an intonation unit like this

I am WRIting a LET ter to him
P Prehead
H Head
N Nucleus
T Tail

Following are the possible structures of an intonation unit

Structures of an intonation unit

P H N T We are learning a foreign language
P H N I am afraid we can't go
P N T We hope so
P N It was at night
H N T When are they coming
H N Peter has arrived
N T Look at him
N Help

In conclusion a nucleus
◎ is the last fully stressed word in an intonation unit
◎ has the biggest pitch change in the unit
◎ can be longer and louder than the other stresses in the unit
◎ carries a lot of weight in conveying the message
◎ can be on any word or phrase in the unit
The following same short sentence can have the nucleus on different words conveying different message
They flew to London
They flew to London
They flew to London
They flew to London
They flew to London The nucleus is on the last stressed syllable of the intonation unit which is the normal way of the sentence spoken as in English the last information word is usually the last stressed word which has the nucleus
They flew to London The nucleus is on the preposition to which is not usually stressed The speaker wants to highlight direction They flew to London not from London
They flew to London The nucleus is on the verb flew The speaker wants to highlight how they travelled They flew to London instead of driving to London
They flew to London The nucleus is on the personal pronoun they which is not stressed normally The speaker wants to highlight who did this They not you or we flew to London
Nucleus placing is important as English speakers use nucleus to
◎ focus listener's attention
◎ make meaning clear
◎ contrast information

第14单元 英语语调单位

语调单位称作语调群 语言中语调基单位语调单位通常相意群重读音节干非重读音节组成语调单位中少响亮音响亮高峰音称语调单位核心(nucleus)语调开始起变化音节语调单位通常词组成然含重读音节完整语调单位四部分组成:调冠调头调核调尾
I am WRIting a LETter to him NOW
句子10音节中3重读音节重读音节NOW语调单位调核调核语调单位核心部分语调单位含音节单字句Yes No Why等调核然缺部分
语调单位中出现调核音节称调尾句子I am WRIting a LETter to him中语调单位调核音节LET调核3非重读音节音节语调单位调尾
语调单位中第重读音节调核前部分语调单位调头句子I am WRIting a LETter to him中调头3音节组成:writing a
调头调头调核前非重读音节称作调冠句子 I am WRIting a LETter to him中I am组成语调单位调冠
句子I am writing a letter to him语调结构分析:

I am WRIting a LET ter to him


P H N T We are learning a foreign language
P H N I am afraid we can’t go
P N T We hope so
P N It was at night
H N T When are they coming
H N Peter has arrived
N T Look at him
N Help
l 语调单位中重读音节
l 出现语调变化音节
l 通常语调单位中重音更响亮
l 信息传达中起着举足轻重作
l 出现语调单位词短语中
They flew to London句例调核传递信息:
They flew to London 调核语调单位中重读音节英语句子通常说法 调核通常出现信息词
They flew to London 调核介词toto通常非重读音节说话者时想强调方:飞机(to)伦敦(from)伦敦
They flew to London 调核动词flew说话者想强调样旅行:飞机(flew)伦敦开车(driving)伦敦
They flew to London 调核称they通常重读单词说话想强调谁(who)飞伦敦:(They)(you)(we)飞机伦敦
调核位置重 说话调核 
l 吸引听者注意力
l 清楚阐明句子含义
l 信息加
l Unit 15
Lesson Plan
Use of English Intonation

Date Dec 2327
Class Classes 1 2 & 3 Grade 2002
Subject English Pronunciation Practice

The students will learn the Use of English Intonation in English

Objectives Students will be able to
1 Define in their own words a definition for intonation units
2 Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept compare different functions and use of intonation in speech
3 Practice – imitate the stress patterns and intonation and do practice

1 Textbook Wang Guizhen An English Pronunciation Course Higher Education Press Beijing 2000
2 Handouts illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern
3 Recordings of native speakers

Activities and Procedures
1 Stimulating Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about what they are required to learn Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves
2 Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in English
3 Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of rhythmic patterns in connected speech
4 Have the students imitate the speech rhythm in utterances
5 Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs
6 Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and try to get the rhythm correct in their pronunciation
7 Have the students practice the guided conversation Ask them to pay special attention to the stress in speech
8 Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice
9 Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class
10 Comment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students and the efforts they need for the improvement
11 Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the next session

附 点重点难点

Unit 15
Use of English Intonation
In this unit we will learn more about English intonation its functions and uses
Intonation and stress work together to express meaning Intonation makes it easier for a listener to understand what a speaker is trying to convey Following are often cited as important functions of English intonation
The attitudinal function
Intonation is used to convey our feelings and attitudes For instance the same sentence can be said in different ways which might be labeled happy grateful angry bored and so on Usually intonation units with high heads sound more lively interesting than those with low heads A few generalisations are often made here the falling intonation is said to be more often associated with completeness and definiteness the rising intonation is more often associated with incompleteness and uncertainty or questioning The fallingrising is said to have feelings of hesitation contrast reservation or doubt
The accentual function
The location of the tonic syllable is of considerable linguistic importance The most common position for this is on the last information word of the intonation unit For contrastive purpose however any word may bear the tonic syllable
The grammatical function
Some sentence may be ambiguous when written but this can be removed by the use of intonation An often cited example is the sentence Those who sold quickly made a profit This sentence can be said in at least two different ways
a Those who sold (&quickly made a (profit
b Those who (&sold quickly made a (profit
English speakers hear two different paraphrases of the sentences because of the different placement of the toneunit boundary as in
a A profit was made by those who sold quickly
b A profit was quickly made by those who sold
Another example is the use of rising tone in statements The sentence They're going to have a picnic is usually said as a statement like this
a They 're going to have a (picnic
In informal speech however we may hear
b They're going to have a &picnic (But it's raining outside)
The sentence serves as a question here
The intonation used in questiontags can have a rising tone or a falling tone
a They're coming to(morrow &aren't they
b They're coming to(morrow (aren't they
When it has a falling tone as in (a) the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct and simply asking for conformation while the rising tone in (b) is said to indicate a lesser degree of certainty so the speaker is asking for information
The discourse function of intonation
In speech people often use intonation to focus the listener's attention on aspects of the message that are most important So the placement of nucleus or tonic stress depends on the information content the more predictable a word's occurrence is in a given context the lower its information content is For example people would say
The (telephone's ringing
The (kettle's boiling
In speech people often use the falling tone to indicate new information and rising tone (including fallingrising) to indicate shared of given information
People also use intonation to indicate to others that they have finished speaking and that another person is expected to speak

第15单元 英语语调功
Did you say a lighter shade
No a (brighter shade
Those who sold quickly made a profit
Those who (&sold quickly made a (profit
Those who sold (&quickly made a (profit
They 're going to have a (picnic
They're going to have a &picnic
They 're going to have a (picnic
They're going to have a &picnic But it's raining outside
c They're coming to(morrow (aren't they (说话握较通常需证实时候)
d They're coming to(morrow &aren't they (说话握通常需解情况时候)
语段功常见作语调引起听者重信息注意力语调中功强调功 语段功根文信息分布决定:通常说文中果某单词出现预料中话该词信息含量较低信息含量越高单词获调核性越高例
a) I’ve got to take the (dog for a walk
b) I’ve got to take the dog to the (vet
a)句中调核dogb)句调核位vet 里调核选择强调 根信息含量vet 词信息量明显高walk (遛狗天做事带狗病属日常工作)





需要 5 香币 [ 分享文档获得香币 ]





p***0 6年前 上传2832   0



x***s 11年前 上传779   0


七颗钻石   教学目标 一、理解“爱心“的神奇力量,学会关爱他人,成为能献出爱心的人。 二、了解童话作品夸张、想象的特点。 三、培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习方法。 四、培养学生的朗读能力,培养对文学作品的兴趣爱好。 教学重点 一、爱心的神奇力量。 二、丰富的想象。 课时: 一节 教学流程 讨论----朗读----想象----感悟----当堂练习---

y***e 9年前 上传6962   0



一***2 6天前 上传63   0



y***x 9年前 上传6602   0


第9课  民族政权并立的时代【教学目标】:1.掌握辽、宋、夏的建立者和民族,澶州之战和澶渊之盟,岳飞抗金,宋金和议等基本史实和概念。2.帮助学生具体分析历史事件(如澶渊之盟)和历史人物(如岳飞),培养学生正评价史实和历史人物的能力,能够初步运用正确观点,分析问题的能力。3、认识各少数民族对我国西北、西南、东北边疆的开发,作出了重大贡献。中华民族的历史是各民族共同缔造的。【教学方法】:

新***居 4年前 上传754   0


春晓教案中班教案7篇 春晓教案中班教案第1篇   活动过程:   (一)请全体幼儿朗诵复习之前已学的古诗《清明》。   (二)谈话活动,引出话题。   1.小朋友有没有记得《清明》这首诗中所描写的是什么季节啊?   (春天)   2.对了,春天到了,那你们有没有和爸爸妈妈出去游玩的时候,发现春天带来的变化呢?(幼儿自由回答)

北漂的远方 1年前 上传320   0


春节教案大班语言教案 春节是个欢乐祥和的节日,是合家团圆的日子,也是人们抒发对幸福和自由向往的狂欢节和永远的精神支柱。下面是我为大家整理的春节教案大班语言教案,供大家参考! 春节教案大班语言教案1 春节喜洋洋 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿感受节日的喜庆气氛,体验节日的快乐。 2、发展幼儿的语言表达能力,激发幼儿的想象力。 3、让幼儿知道“春节”是农历新年,了解

xiaochuichui 2年前 上传956   0


  1、出示例字 1、让学生观察,让他们说一说例字的特点,是什么结构,哪个笔画长,哪个短。 2、根据学生说的,你补充的内容,你来示范写 3、先让学生书空一个,再让学生在本子上写一个。 4、写完后,对照字帖看看像不像,在写2—3个 5、再看看像不像吗,再写,写了7个字就行了。剩下3个字,留着评价以后,对照字帖再写3个,这个字就算写好了了 评价: 可以使你评,也可以让学生们评 2、出

m***m 9年前 上传7896   0



梦***7 3年前 上传483   0



开***7 3年前 上传614   0


中班教案第一篇:中班教案中班半日活动计划(下午)一、生活活动1、 观察幼儿起床的情况,提醒幼儿穿衣要迅速。2、提醒幼儿要多喝水,安静的吃点心,把不要的东西放入盘子里。二、集体教育活动:模拟建构——《转转椅》(一)活动目标:1、了解转转椅的构造,学会搭建转转椅。2、体验建构的喜悦。(二)活动准备:转转椅图片、搭建好转转椅范例、花片(三)活动过程:

j***g 9年前 上传678   0


Multisim教案课题一 Multisim简介目的:了解Multisim的背景与功能。重点:了解Multisim的功能。难点:无Multisim是美国国家仪器(NI)有限公司推出的以Windows为基础的仿真工具,适用于板级的模拟/数字电路板的设计工作。它包含了电路原理图的图形输入、电路硬件描述语言输入方式,具有丰富的仿真分析能力。    1、Multisim发展简介加拿大EW

知***享 4年前 上传694   0


《猫》教案《猫》教案1   教案示例   第一课时   教学目的:   1、熟悉18个生字,学会其中13个;正确读写“任凭、无忧无虑、闭息注视、温顺可亲、丰富多腔、改变多端、枝折花落、生气勃勃”等词语。   2、初读课文,初步了解课文主要内容。   教学重难点:   把握课文生字新词,初步了解课文主要内容。   教学过程:   (一)导入

xiaochuichui 2年前 上传486   0


痛风 1、如何早期发现痛风? 早期发现痛风最简单而有效的方法,就是检测血尿酸浓度。对人群进行大规模的血尿酸普查可及时发现高尿酸血症,这对早期发现及早期防治痛风有十分重要的意义。 在目前尚无条件进行大规模血尿酸检测的情况下,至少应对下列人员进行血尿酸的常规检测:(1)60岁以上的老年人,无论男、女及是否肥胖。(2)肥胖的中年男性及绝经期后的女性。(3)高血压、动脉硬化、冠心病、脑血管病(如脑

q***w 9年前 上传6769   0


1 桃花源记 教学内容:<<桃花源记>> 教学目标: 1 了解古文语言特点,增强语感,感悟祖国语言魅力. 2 熟读古文,了解<<桃花源记>>大意,激发对世外桃源的向往 第一课时 一、引入课题 1、红树林被称为海上世外桃源,那你想象中的世外桃源是什么样子? 2、抽生用自己的话说一说。 二、出示课题,齐读,解题。 1、出示《桃花源记》 2、学生自由读,解决生字,读通课文。 3

薰***果 9年前 上传8694   0


                  课题 漏课型讲读课文 授课时间2课时 教学目标知识与技能:1.会认本课“婆、脊”等8个字,会写“漏、喂”等13个字,理解相应的词语。2.分角色朗读课文,体会故事的趣味。过程与方法: 1.学生反复诵读,通过品读,抓住重点词句,用多种方法来理解句子,体验情感。2.默读课文,借助示意图复述故事。情

文***7 4年前 上传1426   0


导入: 同学们,你们见过最奇特的生物是什么呢? 生物种类繁多,从幼嫩的小草到参天大树,从水中的游鱼到天上的飞鸟,从肉眼看不见的细菌到海洋中庞大的蓝鲸,从栽培作物、驯养动物到人类自身,都是生物。生物与其周围环境共同构成了生机勃勃的自然界。 教学: 1,猜猜看,自然界生物的种类到底有多少种?    已知的有175万种,并且每年都有新的物种被科学家发现。 2,看资料分析    (1).我

饭***法 5年前 上传1316   0


[授课班级] 20XX级微机班、20XX园林班[授课时间] 20XX年3月8日 第一周 星期四 1-2节 20XX级微机 20XX年3月9日 第一周 星期五 7-8节 20XX园林[题 目] 第一讲 Photoshop基础(一)[教学目标要求]1、了解Photoshop的操作界面2、掌握Photoshop图形显示控制的基本

文***品 4年前 上传794   0


党课教案  各位老师,各位同学,下午好,首先非常的感谢各位党员老师能在百忙当中来听我的党课,同时也欢迎业余党校的学员来学习,今天我给大家讲的题目是党的性质和历史使命这个话题。  党的性质,是指一个政党本身具有的质的规定性,是一个政党区别于其他政治团体的本质特征。  中国共产党党章中明确党的性质:“中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,是中国特色社会主义事

c***n 9年前 上传686   0



沐***1 4年前 上传1078   0



敏**** 4年前 上传700   0

《漏》 教案


沐***0 4年前 上传2519   0



奋斗不止500年 3年前 上传492   0


实数教案第一篇:实数教案复习实数学习目标:1、2、 理解实数的意义,能用数轴上的点表示数。 能借助数轴理解相反数和绝对值得意义,会求一个数的相反数与绝对值。3、 了解平方根算数平方根、立方根的概念。 重点:实数的分类。难点:绝对值的意义和运用。过程:一、复习回顾实数的分类,方式:师生共同回顾后,师展示二、自学:(一)知识类:1、相反数。a的相反数是

张***菊 10年前 上传561   0