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  • 1. Food history NO S P R I N G CHICKEN Humans have been finding ways to make meatless meat for at least a thousand years 【1】One Nozzle moves back and forth piping red goo into a rectangle. Another follows adding white layers of a similar substance. The nozzles are labelled “muscle” and “fat”. A third, marked “blood”, works alongside them. They are part of a machine, developed by Redefine Meat, an Israeli startup, that can print a steak made entirely of plant-based ingredients. 原汁原文
  • 2. 【2】This method may seem like something out of science fiction, but what it produces has a long history. For hundreds of years humans have sought alternatives to animal milks and meats because they were scarce and expensive.
  • 3. 【3】During the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD), cheese was increasingly brought from Europe and India to China. Little dairy milk was available so the Chinese used the same method as Western cheese makers but substituted soya milk for cows’ milk to create their own “bean cheese”: tofu. During the late 19th century this gained, if not popularity, at least a certain acceptance in the West.
  • 4. 【4】But in America the expansion of the railways, commercial refrigeration and intensive farming made meat cheaper and more readily available from the 1880s. One man was convinced this was a mistake. In 1896 John Kellogg, breakfast revolutionary, started to sell “Nuttose”. Around three years later he followed that with “Protose”, concocted from peanuts and wheat gluten. Both were marketed as the “perfect substitute for flesh food”.
  • 5. 【5】Kellogg’s meat substitutes did not catch on, perhaps because canned, room-temperature, nut-flavoured slurries are not terribly appealing. Today others are proving more popular. Over 1,000 different plant-based meat products are available in America according to data from Instacart, a food-delivery company. Almond milk—which records suggest was first used in Europe during Lent in the 13th century—and its newer competitor, oat milk, are both growing in popularity. Between 2019 and 2020 total sales of plant-based food in America increased by 27%, to $7bn.
  • 6. 【6】Plant-based food sales are expected to rise even further in part because of concerns about the environmental impact of the world’s diet. The global food system currently accounts for 21-37% of human emissions. The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, reckons that growing, wealthier populations in developing countries will mean a 14% rise in global meat consumption by 2030.
  • 7. 【7】Some in the rich world are reducing their meat consumption. Nearly one-third of Americans said they had eaten less meat in the past year compared with the year before, according to a recent survey from YouGov, a big cheese in the world of polling, many for environmental reasons. Flexitarianism—eating less meat rather than refraining from it entirely—will probably drive demand for meat-free products more than strict veganism, especially if companies succeed in producing steaks and pork chops in labs, without any involvement from animals. Those who insist on sticking to a meaty diet could end up looking pig ignorant.
  • 8. 段落大意: 【1】&【2】用一款造“肉”机器来引出全文人造肉的探讨 【3】早在唐朝就出现了豆腐和豆浆作为肉和牛奶的替代品 【4】美国的肉制品便宜、量大,一些人认为这不妥 【5】植物制肉类产品在美国很流行 【6】全球肉类产品消费料将增长 【7】出于环保的目的,人们应该少吃肉
  • 9. ①短语: 1.原文:NO S P R I N G CHICKEN 词典: be no spring chicken老大不小,不再年轻 例句:At 85, he is no spring chicken, but Henry Cook is busier than ever. Henry Cook已85岁,不再年轻了,但他比以往更加忙碌。
  • 10. 2.原文:One Nozzle moves back and forth piping red goo into a rectangle 词典: back and forth反复来回 例句:There are ferries sailing back and forth between the islands. 这里有往返于岛屿之间的渡船。
  • 11. 3.原文:and intensive farming made meat cheaper and more readily available from the 1880s 词典: intensive表示(农业方法)集约化的,也能和别的词构成固定搭配,如capital-intensive(企业、行业)资本密集型的;labour-intensive劳动密集型的 例句:Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions. 按传统方式饲养的家畜比集约饲养的长得慢。
  • 12. 4.原文:One man was convinced this was a mistake 词典: convince sb/oneself (of sth), convince sb that...使确信,使信服; convince sb to do sth劝说(某人做某事) be convinced (of sth/that...)坚信,深信 (这里的convinced是形容词) 例句:I’m convinced of her innocence. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。 I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor. 我一直劝他去看病。
  • 13. 5.原文: concocted from peanuts and wheat gluten. Both were marketed as the “perfect substitute for flesh food” 词典:concoct (v.) +n. 1.调制,调配(食物或饮料); 2. 虚构,杜撰,编造(故事、借口) 例句:She concocted some elaborate stories to explain her absence. 她精心编造了解释她不在场的一些谎言。
  • 14. 6.原文:Kellogg’s meat substitutes did not catch on 词典: catch on受欢迎,流行起来 catch on (to sth)理解 例句:He invented a new game, but it never really caught on. 他发明了一种新游戏,但从未真正流行起来。 He is very quick to catch on to things 他领悟能力很强。
  • 15. 7.原文:perhaps because canned, room-temperature, nut-flavoured slurries are not terribly appealing 词典: 虽然terrible的含义通常是不好的,但是它的副词terribly是个中性词,类似very。 例句:It’s terribly important for parents to be consistent. 父母要做到始终如一,这是极为重要的。
  • 16. 8.原文:The global food system currently accounts for 21-37% of human emissions 词典: account for sth 1.是……的原因/说明 2.解释,说明 3.(数量上、比例上)占 例句:The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue. 日本市场占该公司收入的35%。
  • 17. 9.原文:The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, reckons that growing, wealthier populations 词典:reckon (v.) 1.想,认为 2.be reckoned被看作是 3.reckon to do sth 料想,预计 4.估计 reckon on sth指望,依赖 reckon with sb/sth 1.重视,认真处理 2.把……考虑到 reckon without sb/sth没考虑到 例句:The sale has been held up because the price is reckoned to be too high. 销售陷入停滞,因为大家认为价格太高了。
  • 18. 10.原文:according to a recent survey from YouGov, a big cheese in the world of polling 词典: a big cheese大人物,要员,大亨 be like chalk and cheese/be as different as chalk and cheese截然不同,天壤之别 例句:He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad. 他是反艺术诈骗专案组的重要人物。
  • 19. 11.原文:eating less meat rather than refraining from it entirely 词典: refrain from (doing) sth克制,节制,避免 例句:He has refrained from criticizing the government in public. 他克制住了自己,没有在公开场合批评政府。
  • 20. 12.原文:will probably drive demand for meat-free products 词典: drive作动词在这里是熟词僻义,意为:激励、促进、推进。因此drive作名词时也可表示“冲劲、干劲” 例句:This is the main factor driving investment in the area. 这是推动在这个地区投资的主要因素。 He has tremendous drive. 他干劲十足。
  • 21. 13.原文:especially if companies succeed in producing steaks and pork chops in labs 词典: chop (n.)1.猪排、羊排 2.砍、劈、剁 (v.)1.~ sth (up) (into sth)切碎,剁碎,砍,劈;2.(大幅度地)削减、降低,取消 chop sth↔down/off砍掉,砍倒,砍断 chop and change变化无常(v.) get/be given the chop 1.(人)被解雇 2.(计划、工程、项目等)被砍掉 be for the chop 1.(人)可能被解雇 2.(计划、工程、项目等)可能被砍掉 例句:Don’t ask me why they have chopped and changed so much. 别问我为什么他们一会儿一个主意。
  • 22. 14.原文:Those who insist on sticking to a meaty diet could end up looking pig ignorant 词典: stick to sth坚持(做某事)=stick at sth、固守、坚持保留 stick together(人)团结在一起 stick by sb不离弃(某人) stick by sth信守,贯彻 stick up for sb/sth支持,捍卫 stick out for sth 坚持要求,不得到……不罢休 例句:He promised to help us and he stuck to his word. 他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。
  • 23. ②长难句 1.原文:Flexitarianism—eating less meat rather than refraining from it entirely—will probably drive demand for meat-free products more than strict veganism, especially if companies succeed in producing steaks and pork chops in labs, without any involvement from animals.  
  • 24. 2.分析:主句是Flexitarianism will probably drive demand for meat-free products,破折号中的内容子是Flexitarianism的定义,属于动名词作Flexitarianism的同位语。More than作比较结构,把Flexitarianism和strict veganism进行比较。If引导条件句,作状语。介词without后面接名词,可以看成是后置定语,即“没有任何动物参与的”实验室。
  • 25. 3.译文:特别是公司在实验室里能不靠任何动物就成功研发肉排的情况下,相较于严格的素食主义,弹性素食主义(选择摄入较少的肉类,而非完全不碰肉)可能更能推动人们对无肉产品的需求。
  • 26. ③写作技巧: During the late 19th century this gained, if not popularity, at least a certain acceptance in the West. 19世纪末,豆腐对欧洲人来说也不再陌生,尽管豆腐在欧洲餐桌上谈不上广受欢迎,但至少得到了一定程度的认可。
  • 27. 表达:gain作动词时有很多表达可以替代be+adj.的形式,以此来丰富表达方式。如文中的gain popularity替换become more popular, gain acceptance替换be accepted, 还有gain access to sth=be accessible to sth; gain ground逐渐为人接受、有进步、取得进展 例句:Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. 她非凡的才能举世公认。
  • 28. ④背景知识: 弹性素食主义(Flexitarianism) “弹性素食”最初由众多热衷瑜伽的素食者而来,因为他们发现适度的、有“弹性”地食用动物性饮食,比纯素食对健康、瘦身、塑形等更为有益,因而推崇这一饮食方式。和传统素食者不同,弹性素食除了食用新鲜蔬菜以外,偶尔选择吃一些清淡的鱼和肉,主要补充蔬菜中比较缺少的营养物质。 一般说来,弹性素食有三大特点:一、在大量食用植物性食物的基础上,根据个人情况适度食用动物性食物,一般一周一次,最多不超过三次。二、动物性食物主要以鱼类为主,而尽量避免肉类。鱼类富含蛋白质及不饱和脂肪酸,因而更有益健康。三、尽量保持健康的烹饪方式,同时注意食物品种多样化,以实现营养均衡。
  • 29. Food history 食物历史Food history Nospring chicken Humans have been finding ways to make meatless meat for at least a thousand years食物历史 芳华已逝 至少在一千年以前人类就在想办法制作“无肉”肉制品
  • 30. Food history 食物历史【1】One Nozzle moves back and forth piping red goo into a rectangle. Another follows adding white layers of a similar substance. The nozzles are labelled “muscle” and “fat”.先是一个标有“肌肉”字样的喷嘴来回把红色粘稠物灌入三角模具中,接着另一个标有“脂肪”字样的喷嘴把类似的白色物质灌入其中,随后便用到标有“血液”字样的第三个喷嘴。
  • 31. Food history 食物历史A third, marked “blood”, works alongside them. They are part of a machine, developed by Redefine Meat, an Israeli startup, that can print a steak made entirely of plant-based ingredients.这三个喷嘴都是一种机器的组成部分,由一家名为 Redefine Meat(重新定义肉类)的以色列新兴公司研发。该机器能够把植物成分印压成“肉”排。
  • 32. Food history 食物历史【2】This method may seem like something out of science fiction, but what it produces has a long history. For hundreds of years humans have sought alternatives to animal milks and meats because they were scarce and expensive.这个方法看似出现在科幻作品中,但其实由来已久。因为动物奶类和肉质稀缺且昂贵,数百年来,人们一直在找寻替代品。(文章由公众号:考研英语外刊学习提供)
  • 33. Food history 食物历史【3】During the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD), cheese was increasingly brought from Europe and India to China. Little dairy milk was available so the Chinese used the same method as Western cheese makers but substituted soya milk for cows’ milk to create their own “bean cheese”: tofu. During the late 19th century this gained, if not popularity, at least a certain acceptance in the West.唐朝时,奶酪逐渐从欧洲和印度传入中国。但奶类品比较稀缺,所以中国人就运用类似欧洲人制作奶酪的方法,只不过是用豆浆代替牛奶,以此制成了中国人自己的“豆制奶酪”:豆腐。19世纪末,豆腐对欧洲人来说也不再陌生,尽管豆腐在欧洲餐桌上谈不上广受欢迎,但至少得到了一定程度的认可。
  • 34. Food history 食物历史【4】But in America the expansion of the railways, commercial refrigeration and intensive farming made meat cheaper and more readily available from the 1880s. One man was convinced this was a mistake. In 1896 John Kellogg, breakfast revolutionary, started to sell “Nuttose”. Around three years later he followed that with “Protose”, concocted from peanuts and wheat gluten. Both were marketed as the “perfect substitute for flesh food”.不过在美国从19世纪80年代以来肉类更加便宜且易得,这得益于铁路不断扩张、商业化冷冻肉品的利用以及集约化生产。但有一个人认为这是一个错误——1896年早餐革命家John Kellogg开始售卖“Nuttose”,3年后又开始卖“Protose”。 “Protose”由花生和小麦谷蛋白调配而成,和“Nuttose”一起作为“新鲜肉类的完美替代品”在市场上推广。
  • 35. Food history 食物历史【5】Kellogg’s meat substitutes did not catch on, perhaps because canned, room-temperature, nut-flavoured slurries are not terribly appealing. Today others are proving more popular. Over 1,000 different plant-based meat products are available in America according to data from Instacart, a food-delivery company.Kellogg的肉类替代品并未流行,或许是因为灌装、室温、尝起来像坚果的黏质品并不具有吸引力。现如今出现了其他广受欢迎的肉类替代品,据外卖公司Instacart统计,全美目前有1000多种各式各样的植物制肉品。
  • 36. Food history 食物历史Almond milk—which records suggest was first used in Europe during Lent in the 13th century—and its newer competitor, oat milk, are both growingin popularity. Between 2019 and 2020 total sales of plant-based food in America increased by 27%, to $7bn.杏仁奶(有记录表明欧洲人在13世纪的大斋节(Lent)第一次制成)和其新的竞争对手燕麦奶都越发受到追捧。从2019年到2020年,全美植物制食品的总销量上升了27%,达到70亿美元。
  • 37. Food history 食物历史【6】Plant-based food sales are expected to rise even further in part because of concerns about the environmental impact of the world’s diet. The global food system currently accounts for 21-37% of human emissions. The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, reckons that growing, wealthier populations in developing countries will mean a 14% rise in global meat consumption by 2030.植物制食品销量料将更高,部分原因是越来越多的人担忧世界的饮食习惯对环境造成的影响。目前全球食品体系占据人类排放的21%—37%。经合组织(其成员大部分是发达国家)认为发展中国家的人口不断增长,生活更加富裕,会让全球肉类消费在2030年上涨14%。
  • 38. Food history 食物历史【7】Some in the rich world are reducing their meat consumption. Nearly one-third of Americans said they had eaten less meat in the past year compared with the year before, according to a recent survey from YouGov, a big cheese in the world of polling, many for environmental reasons.一些生活在发达国家的人正减少自己的肉类消费。全球民意调查机构巨头YouGov近期的研究表明,近1/3的美国人表示去年吃的肉比前年少,其中很多人出于保护环境的原因。
  • 39. Food history 食物历史Flexitarianism—eating less meat rather than refraining from it entirely—will probably drive demand for meat-free products more than strict veganism, especially if companies succeed in producing steaks and pork chops in labs, without any involvement from animals. Those who insist on sticking to a meaty diet could end up looking pig ignorant.特别是公司在实验室里能不靠任何动物就成功研发肉排的情况下,相较于严格的素食主义,弹性素食主义(选择摄入较少的肉类,而非完全不碰肉)可能更能推动人们对无肉产品的需求。那些仍旧遵循以肉为主饮食的人到头来只会显得像猪一样无知。